Filters preliminary water purification (otherwise called backbone, or coarse water purification filter of the first step) are set in the input line domestic plumbing. Housing primary filtration devices made from metallic or polypropylene materials.
Structure supplemented by various types of cleaning elements, the choice of which is determined by the water quality and the technical parameters of the aqueduct.
The apparatus produces mechanical (rough) cleaning without missing harmful slurry and solid particles of specified size (rust, sand and other foreign matter).
- pre-cleaning filter apparatus
- How to choose a pre-filter
- installation
- Exploitation
pre-cleaning filter apparatus
Two types of cleaning elements. The first is based on turbulent water flow passing through the metal mesh. In the second type of filter, the water cleansed in the multilayer cartridge retains the fine particles.
In today's first stage of purification filters are used both types.
- Mesh pre-filter. Filtering in them is due to the passage of water through a fine-mesh metal grid. Cell sizes are 50 - 400 micrometers. These cells retain the main types of solid particles occurring in tap water. Sand, rust from the walls of the pipes are deposited on the filter element. Such devices are known long lifetime without changing the filter element. Clogging the mesh were recovered and washed. Then you can reverse the installation and operation. A variation of the strainer, a direct filter with a magnetic trap. Due to the stopper is pressed into the permanent magnet, it delays the hydroxides of iron (rust) dissolved in water.
- Cartridge pre-filter (Cartridge) filtration system. Such models are fixed on the surface, since the bulb takes a lot of space. Depending on the fabrication material of its walls reflect or not reflect light. Transparent design helps keep track of the level of contamination of the bulb and cleaning items. Inside the set of replaceable cartridge filter material (charcoal, extruded fiber, polyester or polypropylene yarn twisted). From manufacturing material depends cleaning power element, it varies between 20 - 30 microns. Thanks to such characteristics of the starting product (water) is cleared from the very small particles of dust and chlorine (coal cleaning elements). Because of the slow process of clearing, cartridge model not be placed on the high-pressure areas. After the end of life, the cartridge must be disposed of and a new set in the flask.
Housing coarse water filter purification consists of a reservoir (sump) in which the water purification. On the tank two pipes are installed. It flows through the first pipe, and exits from the second treated water.
According to the construction of the body type
- Pre-filter with a direct arrangement of the body. In the space directed downwards perpendicularly to the pipe arrangement. They are large in size, so set on the pipes, which are located at a distance from the floor and walls.
- Pre-filter with an oblique arrangement of the body. Placed at an angle to the lead pipe. They take up less space than straight. Consequently, mounted on tube with a small distance to the floor.
Classification of filters installation method
- Flange pre-filter. Meet at junctions and main pipes in the basements of houses. Are mounted on pipes having an external diameter of two inches. Lots of installation are determined in the design of water supply. Flanges are fixed and tightened with bolts or pins, making it easy to dismantle the device if necessary.
- Muftovyefiltry pretreatment. These filters are installed in the apartments. Purifiers screwed onto the pipe with an outside diameter less than two inches, are fixed on a groove or collar nut (colloquially called "American"). This design makes it easy to replace even unprofessional plumbing device.
The correct choice depends on the quality of water purifiers purified water and operability of connected to the water supply units. Over time, the filtration devices require maintenance. A common cause of failure of filters - a mud slurry water. Therefore, the grid or cartridges purifiers periodically replaced or cleaned.
According to a method for cleaning the filter elements
- Nepromyvnye pre-filter (sumps). This group includes some slanting and straight lines (vertical installation) cleaners with a removable lid. To remove dirt from the sump of such a device is required to open the cover and clean the filter element.
- pre-cleaning filters by washing. In devices of this type is mounted faucet connecting the reservoir to the sewage system. This allows for draining the precipitate and wash the filter by applying a forward or reverse flow of water. The project is not difficult to implement, if there takes place a drainage pipe (as an option - the sink washing machine). Despite some technical "nuances", such decisions are ergonomic, since it does not require manual cleaning.
How to choose a pre-filter
The described coarse cleaning device can be compared on the following parameters:
- Cost. Unlike cartridge filter elements nepromyvnye cleaners metal mesh are cheaper.
- Reliability. Where critical trouble-free operation of a cleaner, preference is given to the CSF with the grid. Rare Device failures are caused by violations of the rules of operation and workmanship.
- Type of shell. On the strength of the housing benefit metal (brass) purifiers.
- Ease of installation. When installed in the home because of the small size are more comfortable strainers with an oblique position of the tank. This design does not require additional equipment, besides the two pipes Summing cut external thread.
- Maintenance. The most comfortable to use brute cleaning device with the mesh member and direct the reservoir connected to the drain and the backwash piping. Second place on the ease of use - the cartridge CSF, for ease of replacement of the cleaning element.
- Filtering ability. Cartridge-type device is filtered even the smallest dirt. However, in older and worn pipelines with a high concentration of harmful slurries are not applied. Not very applicable data purifiers and wells (own water supply sources) as filter elements become clogged by impurities dissolved in water (sand, clay, etc.).
- For the implementation of housing. Preferably, the filter with direct location of the settler. They better clean large volumes, than devices with an oblique arrangement of the body.

The selection depends on the characteristics of the filter water.
- Mount Type. Tube diameters of two inches fastening flange installed on pipes with smaller size - coupling.
- Possible contamination. When heavy soiling is set "monocomponent" filters or combined with several degrees of CSF coarse combining reticulated elements with replaceable cartridges. If the pollution is not great, it is recommended to install a cleaner cartridge.
- Water temperature. All types of filters are suitable for cold water. For hot water pipes and machinery manufactured with special technology (preventing damage to the housing and the filter element at high temperatures).
- Free place. Dimensions space affect purifier design. If there is enough space, set-flow filter. To narrow areas is better to choose the oblique water purifiers.
- Drainage. If equipped with a water drainage pipe are selected in a convenient servicing CSF backwashing.
- Pressure stability in the pipeline. To compensate for pressure drops is recommended to install a check valve device.
CSF are mounted on metal or plastic pipes. Water mounting necessarily overlaps stopcock.
assembly rules:
- It is recommended to set filters to the placement of meters. Since the ingress of particles into the mechanical unit is capable of disabling it.
- Filters with tanks mounted on the execution skew horizontal and vertical pipes. It is important to take into account compliance with the direction marked on the housing wiper installation, the direction of water flow.
- direct execution tank mounted only on horizontal sections of the aqueduct.
- CSF with a direct flushing should complement the reverse cleaning system. To set this valve connects the filter input to its output (pass).
installation flanges
When installing filters with flanged fasteners take into account the factor that due to the weak tightening, inadequate cleaning or skew surfaces may leak through loose connections flanges. Therefore, in the assembly process it is important to reconcile the attachment, put seals and properly tighten the flange bolts or studs.
The mating plane of the gasket. Fixing holes for bolts (pins), it should be symmetrically positioned vertical and horizontal axes, but not coincident with it.
The bolts are installed and tightened staggered heads opposite each other.
Installation of the coupling (threaded) connections
Filters mounted on the portion with the already pre-prepared tubes (tapped). A threaded connection mounted wrench (carob or tube) using a seal (sanitary flax, polymer thread or paste).
The sealing material is applied to the threads. Then the pipe is screwed onto the filter, and the nuts are tightened key.
Contaminates during use filter elements require regular cleaning. Devices that are not available automatic washing, disassembled. Water supply before removing the suspended closing shut-off valves.
When disassembly is recommended to replace the cork seals (on oblique filters are specially made in the form of a hexagon wrench). Tightness is improved compound sanitary flax.
Dirt accumulated in the filter tank skew is drained. The filter element (grid) is cleaned of dirt and purged with a stream of compressed air. If the filter screen is damaged, it is replaced with a new one.
At CSF with vertical tanks required to unscrew the flask and drain pellet. filtering element (grid), as in the previous case, is washed and purged. Old cartridges are replaced with new ones.
If the filter is equipped with a washing device for cleaning periodically open the drain valve and the reservoir to pass through the water stream.
possible faults
- The water from the taps flowing poorly or does not flow - clogged filter element, replace or wash the filter.
- Water is leaking from the seal of the filter - leakproof seal. Replace the gasket or stretch wrapping seal threaded connections.