- Unpleasant odor in the multivark - where does it come from?
- How to remove the unpleasant odor from the multivark?- 10 effective ways of
- And a few more odor removal ideas:
- Proper maintenance of the device:
- How to properly clean the lid and the multivark itself?
- How to choose the multivarker correctly so that there is no smell?
At the moment no hostess can imagine her own kitchen without such a unique device as a multivarker. With such a compact and unusually functional kitchen "device" you can greatly simplify the process of making tasty and healthy food. A modern helper has one significant drawback, consisting in the specific smell that is present in brand-new devices. In this article we will try to figure out how to remove the smell from the multi-brand "Redmond".
to the contents ↑Unpleasant odor in the multivark - where does it come from?
Multivarka refers to a very "smart" saucepans, which greatly facilitates the process of cooking and helps to save time housewives. Such a miracle technique in the kitchen frees the hostess from the need for constant control over the preparation of food, while not stirring it. In addition, the amount of dirty dishes is much reduced, since many operations are performed directly in the bowl of the multivark.
Important! This device is an ideal assistant in the process of preparing various first and many second courses. Also in the multivarker you can bake bread and cook many kinds of baking. Such a unique device is an excellent option for both a bachelor and a large family.
However, very often this kitchen appliance exudes a specific smell. And so for many housewives, the question arises as to how to get rid of not very pleasant aromas that arise during the operation of a household appliance.
Cause 1
Sometimes a new purchased multivark has an unpleasant characteristic smell of plastic or rubber. Moreover, it is so strong that it completely permeates the cooked food, respectively - destroys the pleasant aroma and taste of food.
Important! Many people suggest waiting for some time, and after several cooking processes, an unpleasant smell will evaporate by itself. But today there are many ways that will shorten the waiting time.
Reason 2
Sometimes there is a situation where, after making a rather aromatic dish, seasoned with a mass of various spices, the bowl of the multivarka is saturated with these flavors. Accordingly - the next cooked food exudes these smells. Even a carefully washed cup multivarka can not help.
to the contents ↑How to remove the unpleasant odor from the multivark?- 10 effective ways of
Each mistress has her own ways of quickly eliminating various odors. There are a lot of them, so everyone can find the most suitable option.
Method number 1 - wait time
Almost all instructions contain a warning, in which the producers of multivoranges report that when cooking for the first time, the kitchen appliance will have a subtle smell of new plastic or heated plastic.
Important! This is not a reason for fears that the purchased household appliances for some reason proved to be faulty. In fact, this phenomenon is typical for all household appliances, and the functional purpose does not play any role.
After purchasing the multivark, you need to wait a while. After 3-4 days of operation of the kitchen appliance, an unpleasant odor disappears, and the multivarker ceases to exude the smell of heated plastic.
Method No. 2 - boiling
If you do not like the smell coming from the kitchen unit you bought, you can boil ordinary water in a bowl for a multivark. If, during the first boiling, the smell of heated plastic does not disappear, then this procedure is suggested to be repeated several times. As a rule, such a method irrevocably and permanently eliminates the unpleasant aroma of the acquired "device".
Method No. 3 - lemon
After preparing culinary delights, the ceramic bowl of the multivarka, even after a thorough and conscientious washing procedure, slightly gives off the aromas of spicy oriental spices and spices that were previously used by the hostess. In this case, you can use the help of a ripe lemon.
How to remove the odor in the multivarquet with a lemon:
- Fill the multi-bowl with a liter of water.
- Add the ripe citrus fruit cut into several pieces.
- Start the cooking appliance in the steamer mode, set the temperature interval for 30 minutes.
- After such a procedure, the ceramic bowl needs to be washed with ordinary water, and the unpleasant odor will no longer annoy.
Method number 4 - citric acid
If for some reason you did not have a ripe lemon at hand, then you can use ordinary citric acid, which is successfully used in the preparation of various delicacies:
- In a liter of water, you must dissolve a half-teaspoon of citric acid.
- Pour this solution into the multivach bowl.
- After the 30-minute steamer has been switched on, the ceramic bowl needs to be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
As in the previous case, the unpleasant smell of rubber and plastic, as well as the dishes cooked earlier, is weathered.
Method No. 5 - wiping the bowl with vinegar
The use of vinegar can also help eliminate various unpleasant odors. Specific odor after the procedure is eliminated.
For this:
- You need to moisten the napkin with an ordinary 9% table vinegar and wipe the inner surface of the multivach bowl.
- In addition to the bowl, it is necessary to wipe the silicone sealant, which covers the cover. In most cases it is he who is the source of a specific unpleasant odor, as it becomes a trap for extraneous aromas.
Important! When processing multivarks with table vinegar or other additional means, it is strictly forbidden to touch the heating elements.
Method number 6 - coffee
If in the near future the hostess does not provide the process of preparing culinary delights, then to handle the multivariate cup from settled odors, you can use a quite affordable recipe.
For a whole night a saucer is placed in the bowl of a multivariate with freshly ground natural coffee. Coffee perfectly absorbs extraneous odors, and by morning there is no trace of unpleasant odors.
Method № 7 - boiling with table vinegar
You can use one more proven method to combat unpleasant odors in a multivark based on the use of acetic essence. How to remove the unpleasant smell from the Redmond multivarka with vinegar:
- One tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added to a liter of water and poured into a multi-bowl.
- After that, for 30 minutes we operate the kitchen appliance in the steamer mode.
- Then carefully wash and dry the multivach bowl.
Important! Usual vinegar can be replaced with apple.
Method No. 8 - celery roots
From the elimination of an unpleasant odor in a multi-bowl, a natural method can be applied:
- Celery roots finely chop, pour one liter of water.
Important! To increase the effectiveness of this method, you can add bits of citrus fruit.
- After a 40-minute boiling process in the steamer mode, the multi-cooking bowl should be washed and wiped with a dry towel.
Method No. 9 - ginger
The specific smell of the multivarker will help to eliminate the ground ginger root:
- For 30 minutes in the steamer mode, you need to boil water with added ginger.
Important! To enhance the effectiveness of the application, you can add black ground pepper.
- Bowl of multivark thoroughly rinse and dry.
Important! Ginger absorbs all extraneous odors.
Method No. 10 - baking soda
During the operation of the multivark, all odors from the food being cooked spread onto the lid with a silicone sealant. Eliminate the remaining odor by thoroughly washing with baking soda.
to the contents ↑And a few odor removal ideas:
- After finishing the cooking process, you can process the multi-bowl with used brewing, and then rinse thoroughly.
Important! If the saucepan has a ceramic coating, then this method is not suitable, because the multivarker can darken.
- Salt or soda solution that needs to be rinsed several times will help to remove the unpleasant odor in the multivark. To do this, in one liter of water, dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda or salt, and boil for half an hour in the steamer mode.
- An effective result can be obtained by applying a large sea salt. With a small amount of this substance, fill the bottom of the multivach bowl and heat for 10 minutes. After this, close the lid and allow the cooking cup to cool for a whole night. In the morning, rinse and dry the multivach bowl.
- You can also apply all the tools together, then for sure the unpleasant specific smell will disappear forever. To do this, boil the finely chopped celery root in a multi-bowl bowl, then add a pinch of black ground pepper and chopped ripe lemon. After this procedure, wipe the cooking cup with dry napkins.
- As an option - after each cooking process, boil water with a slice of lemon. Then preparing another dish will not be present smell of the previous food.
Proper maintenance of the device:
- It is very important to properly care for a unique saucepan. After the completion of the preparation of any dishes, it is necessary to clean the inner and outer surfaces of the multivarka from grease and food residues. Next, you need to thoroughly wash it and dry it.
- It is necessary to constantly open the lid of the kitchen unit and do not forget to flush the valve from the liquid that accumulates during cooking.
- Do not store the saucepan near chemicals that have pronounced odors.
- After cooking in a multivarche, it is advisable to immediately shift the dish into another dish.
- It is necessary to store the multivark with a slightly open lid.
- If food is not prepared, then it is necessary to remove the steam release valve for a while.
- It is strictly forbidden to store the multivark near heating appliances. The ideal option is a ventilated room. For this multivarker, you need to allocate space on the shelf in an open cabinet.
Important! You can not use a multi-cooked bowl for other purposes. So, it is inadmissible to marinate meat on a shish kebab, knead the dough for baking, and also to put a bowl with the loaded products in the refrigerator.
to the contents ↑How to properly clean the lid and the multivark itself?
- First of all, it is necessary to remove the remnants of cooked food from the multi-bowl bowl.
- After this, pour warm water with detergent, leave for 10-15 minutes to soak.
- Remove the silicone sealant and the valve that collects the liquid from the multivark cover. Remove the elements removed in water with detergent added.
- The outer surface of the multivarker should not be washed from the stains. You can wipe with a damp cloth multivarku.
- After a while, the bowl of the multivark, sealing rubber and valve should be rinsed with a soft sponge and rinsed under a tap with cold water.
- After this, wipe dry with a dry towel, dry well and put in place.
Important! Very often mistresses buy several cups for multivark. In one, soup or borsch is cooked, in the second meat or fish is cooked, and the third is used for baking bread or cupcakes. With this method, the food does not absorb the smells of the previous dishes that have been cooked.
to the contents ↑How to choose the multivarker correctly so that there is no smell?
- When purchasing a kitchen "assistant", you need to pay close attention to the specific odor that may be present when opening the cover of the multivark.
- It is necessary to inspect the selected model carefully, since the silicone seal of the cover must have a quality material. Mostly smell cheap models. In this case, it is better to refuse to buy, because when cooking a specific flavor will permeate all the food.
- It is necessary scrupulously and carefully to conduct a comparative analysis of all liked models of multivarieties, in addition, you can find reviews of people on the Internet who use this unique device.
Important! Sometimes there are situations when buying the unit, when a specific smell of plastic begins to manifest itself during the cooking process. This indicates that you have purchased a defective saucepan. When heated, the melting procedure of the plastic body occurs, resulting in an unpleasant smell of burning.
- It is necessary to stop the choice only on the checked up models, avoiding thus cheap Chinese fakes of unknown firm.
- It is more preferable to purchase a multivark with a removable cover. It is much better to wash and treat with disinfectants from the smell.
All collected information helps to make the right decision and choose a quality multivark that brings pleasure from the process of cooking. And if the smell still appears, then you will quickly understand it, because now you know how to do it.