Secondary, from a technical point of view, but the important point is the aesthetic design matching the selected sample of the general design of the kitchen. Today, you can choose:
To this list we can add the T-shaped, telescopic, island and corner variation.
According to the principle of the manufacturers produce exhaust type ventilation and working on the recycling scheme. The first requires a constant flow of air. They are cheaper, but less effective at cleaning the air. The second independent from the external atmosphere, effectively remove dirt, but require regular updating of carbon filters, which increases their maintenance costs.
Performance Calculation of normal drawing is performed taking into account the diameter of the exhaust hole. ventilation channels in apartment buildings have a maximum cross section of 125 mm. Throughput in them for an hour is about 400 cubic meters of air. With such limited equipment with greater capacity may be useless. For recirculation model area is of greater importance.
According to the formula, you can calculate the figure for optimum operating conditions when working electric, close all windows and doors, and strictly rectangular layout.
In the standard dimensions of the room, when you know the area and the height of the ceiling, and the conditions of use of the equipment are the same - the level of performance can be found on the table with the data ready:

By the obtained results is better to add another 15-20% allowance for a possible increase in the load on the device.
Accounting for additional factors
To select the hood for the kitchen, except for performance and capacity, you need to take into account the number of family members, cooking frequency, layout, type of cooking surface, and other factors.
family size
The capacity of the installation is in the range of from 200 to 600 m³ / h. For two people will be enough device with a minimum of parameters. A family of 3-4 people need to take the model with the index up to 400 m³ / h. Large families is better to choose maximum performance.
There are also models with enhanced settings up to 1000 m³ / h, but the price is very high.
cooking frequency
Similarly calculated volumes daily cooking. Monotonous diet and infrequent visits to the kitchen does not require a particularly powerful installations. An increase to the average required at a varied menu and regular cooking. And for those who love to cook and spends a lot of time at the stove is better to choose a model with higher parameters.
The longer food is cooked, the faster air exchange must occur. For maximum acceleration of the process with the equipment necessary limit values from 600 to 1000 m³ / h.
planning Features
The degree of insulation and layout - is another important factor. It's one thing when the kitchen is separated from the rest room door and has a geometrically correct layout. Another situation is an open plan, where the abundance of the wrong lines. The latter option is more expensive power. In this case, the calculations must take into account the dimensions of the adjoining premises.
Installing the appliance can be successfully combined with the low power drawing dream. If equipped with a gas cooker, a predetermined air increase rate to 20. This would allow the accumulation of air in the combustion waste gas.
The level of air pollution
Selection of technical parameters must take into account the likelihood of burning food and of smoke. Overly large supply of power equipment flow will lead to increased noise. Norm is the noise of 30 to 45 dB at the maximum permissible modes its increase up to 55. Anything above - causes discomfort.

Accounting performance parameters
power level calculation for diverting and recycling models will be different. The design features affect the installation of equipment, operating procedures, and therefore the requirements for technical parameters.
Vents or flow device
This type is equipped with built-in fan duct. The connection is made directly to the vent through which the terminals on the outside of the house or apartment. When selecting the technical characteristics model must take into account:
- the total length of the suction channel, for each meter which is bandwidth loss is about 10%;
- the number of bends, each of them takes the same percentage of power;
- bending angle - with one right angle of 90 ° loss will be more than two angles of 45 °.
Before installation, check the state of the ventilation shaft, which is planned to connect. If it has blockages have to spend time on cleaning. Otherwise, even the observance of standards of performance do not give the expected result. In an apartment building it can lead to overflow of polluted air into the adjoining apartment.
Also, the exhaust installation of equipment in compliance with all requirements often violate natural ventilation and provokes the same effect. Therefore, high-rise buildings in the flow pattern is recommended to connect to a single conclusion with the relevant calculations. Ideally - to the duct with circular section, louvered air inlet and outlet check valve.
recirculation model
Units with the principle of action is not connected to the ventilation and operate autonomously. Cleaning system involves two filtration levels. In the first coarse step from the atmosphere are eliminated and large particles of fat burning. On the second comes from the fine purification of odors. Thereafter, the air is returned into the room. filter resistance specifications reduces by 30-40%.
But experts say that modern filter elements thin enough to flow freely pass through. The predetermined bandwidth stored until replaced. Fat clogged not the filter itself and the outer grille which must be periodically washed.
The easiest way to calculate the suction power for the kitchen - use the calculator: