The reviews juicers are commonly referred to three or four kinds of combining the classification by type of action and purpose. Most often it is centrifugal and screw options and tools for pressing citrus fruits. Meanwhile types of juicers are much more varied, their knowledge will help more thorough approach to the selection of the correct model. juicers types are grouped into:
Most modern centrifuges are equipped with an electric drive. But there are many devices that are actuated manually. Both variants have advantages and are not without drawbacks.
Such devices are operated motor disposed in the housing. human intervention is minimal and limited to:
- laying the product;
- turning on the power;
- if necessary, pushing the products with the pusher;
- service after the operation.
Power gives them a relatively high speed, the possibility of rapid processing of large volumes. But they:
- heated and require frequent work breaks;
- often fail because of problems with the engine;
- consume electricity, and therefore, require a small but additional costs.
It is driven by the physical strength of man. They do not offer high performance, spin drying is slow, especially when dealing with a large number of products. The lack of drive is not working mechanism allows you to leave and to tackle other problems. However:
- owner of such a model will not have to pay an additional fee for electricity consumption;
- cold pressed allows you to keep useful properties of processed fruits and vegetables;
- device does not produce noise;
- It provides higher quality spinning.
Operating principle
This type of classification is based on the method of pomace. Commonly referred to two options: centrifugal and screw. According to the construction first, most often carried out in a vertical embodiment, the second horizontally. But an alternative design can be used.
The second name of these rotary devices. They are equipped with the wire basket with a fixed bottom float. Loading is carried out through the bunker on top of the hole. Located below drive at startup makes rotate the centrifuge with great speed. Loaded fruits or vegetables are divided on the grid and knives grater, releasing the juice, which merges into the outer collecting vessel. In the absence of O outwardly cake remains in the basket, which must be cleaned as waste accumulation. Rotary phones have:
- high speed,
- much noise,
- It does not require the presence of a person in the work,
- relatively inexpensive.
The high revving leads to rapid heating of the device and the content. This leads to loss of nutrients and vitamins, produce juice. During rotation excess foaming occurs. The resultant product is rapidly oxidized, long stored and requires the use of 20 minutes.
The presence of two or three-speed mode for some models, allows you to partially neutralize these problems.
Juicer screw-type may be performed in a manual or electric embodiment with vertical, but more horizontal screw arrangement. Helical screw design combines the functions of shredding and extrusion. It can be equipped with twin screw counter-rotating. The twin-screw models grinding and extraction performed between the screws. In this single screw process occurs as a result of chafing between the screw body and ribbed walls. In comparison with the rotor:
- are slower, which prevents oxidation of the juice retains its useful properties, making it a concentrated;
- Product is suitable to use about 48 hours;
- characterized by low noise level;
- longer work without stopping;
- more versatile in features.
Auger juicers do not cope with large volumes, a key drawback of such models.
Scope of use
Most often in the various surveys mentioned different versions of home appliances for juicing. But to answer the question "what are the juicer", one can not forget the professional and industrial equipment type.
Well represented on the market in a variety of ways. Designed for everyday use in the home. Designed for the average urban family of three or four people. Can be applied for processing the fruits harvested from small suburban area. Available at a cost of normal average buyer. Not suitable for processing of products to the extent necessary for cleaning or industrial production.
It has high power and high speed. Designed for use in cafes, bars and other similar establishments. Different elaborated and aesthetically designed. For the average person the cost prohibitive.
Overall products intended for processing of fruits and vegetables on a commercial scale. Performance and processing speed suitable for the purpose. Different maximum versatility. Undemanding in design, as are installed in industrial premises.
In most cases, household juicers positioned as universal. However, the claimed manufacturer designation is not always supported by the respective specifications. For example, low-power devices will not work well with solid fruit. Within this classification, they are divided into tools for:
- citrus,
- processing of solid fruit,
- stone.
Highly specialized equipment for the processing of oranges, tangerines and grapefruit. Equipped with special knife conical shape with a smooth surface. Softness and ductility citrus core processing does not require high power device.
For hard fruits and vegetables
Maximally adapted for products such models have a number of features. Regardless of the operating principle, they have a higher capacity. Rotary models are fitted with a basket in the shape of a truncated cone. This makes it possible to divide the fruit and then go to the juicing of pulp.
Conventional devices in the processing of such fruit pitting require otherwise would become clogged. For them, the best fit screw machines with increased bushing size. They do not get clogged, better squeeze the downloaded product, do not expose the bones in the juice.
This powerful, multi-speed devices with broad functionality. They can easily cope with any kind of fruit. Depending on the number of nozzles can adjust the volume of the foam and pulp, completely cut them perform grinder features produce sausage or homemade noodles.
They are of high quality spin and increased productivity. But the cost of such expensive devices and do not always correspond to the budgetary capacity of most consumers.
The origin of the juicer and its brand is not relevant to the classification of the grounds. But when you select it is no less important than power or a list of functions. Recognized brand allows to expect high performance and durability of the device. Promises cost savings during operation, without the use of frequent breakdowns and contact a service center. Among the manufacturers of the most popular devices uses products:
- German Bosch
- Dutch Philips,
- French Moulinex,
- British Kenwood,
- Japanese Panasonic.
From the producers of the CIS countries have a good reputation:
- Belarusian MEZ with its Rossoshankoy;
- Russia's "Neptune" with the same name juicer;
- Russian "Spectrum-device".
The list goes on, but these brands is enough to select the desired device, optimally corresponding destination, preferred operating characteristics and capabilities family budget.
The reviews juicers are commonly referred to three or four kinds of combining the classification by type of action and purpose. Most often it is centrifugal and screw options and tools for pressing citrus fruits. Meanwhile types of juicers are much more varied, their knowledge will help more thorough approach to the selection of the correct model. juicers types are grouped into:
- features of the drive,
- the principle of action,
- Areas of use,
- appointment.

Drive unit
Most modern centrifuges are equipped with an electric drive. But there are many devices that are actuated manually. Both variants have advantages and are not without drawbacks.
Such devices are operated motor disposed in the housing. human intervention is minimal and limited to:
- laying the product;
- turning on the power;
- if necessary, pushing the products with the pusher;
- service after the operation.
Power gives them a relatively high speed, the possibility of rapid processing of large volumes. But they:
- heated and require frequent work breaks;
- often fail because of problems with the engine;
- consume electricity, and therefore, require a small but additional costs.
It is driven by the physical strength of man. They do not offer high performance, spin drying is slow, especially when dealing with a large number of products. The lack of drive is not working mechanism allows you to leave and to tackle other problems. However:
- owner of such a model will not have to pay an additional fee for electricity consumption;
- cold pressed allows you to keep useful properties of processed fruits and vegetables;
- device does not produce noise;
- It provides higher quality spinning.
Operating principle
This type of classification is based on the method of pomace. Commonly referred to two options: centrifugal and screw. According to the construction first, most often carried out in a vertical embodiment, the second horizontally. But an alternative design can be used.
The second name of these rotary devices. They are equipped with the wire basket with a fixed bottom float. Loading is carried out through the bunker on top of the hole. Located below drive at startup makes rotate the centrifuge with great speed. Loaded fruits or vegetables are divided on the grid and knives grater, releasing the juice, which merges into the outer collecting vessel. In the absence of O outwardly cake remains in the basket, which must be cleaned as waste accumulation. Rotary phones have:
- high speed,
- much noise,
- It does not require the presence of a person in the work,
- relatively inexpensive.
The high revving leads to rapid heating of the device and the content. This leads to loss of nutrients and vitamins, produce juice. During rotation excess foaming occurs. The resultant product is rapidly oxidized, long stored and requires the use of 20 minutes.
The presence of two or three-speed mode for some models, allows you to partially neutralize these problems.
Juicer screw-type may be performed in a manual or electric embodiment with vertical, but more horizontal screw arrangement. Helical screw design combines the functions of shredding and extrusion. It can be equipped with twin screw counter-rotating. The twin-screw models grinding and extraction performed between the screws. In this single screw process occurs as a result of chafing between the screw body and ribbed walls. In comparison with the rotor:
- are slower, which prevents oxidation of the juice retains its useful properties, making it a concentrated;
- Product is suitable to use about 48 hours;
- characterized by low noise level;
- longer work without stopping;
- more versatile in features.
Auger juicers do not cope with large volumes, a key drawback of such models.
Scope of use
Most often in the various surveys mentioned different versions of home appliances for juicing. But to answer the question "what are the juicer", one can not forget the professional and industrial equipment type.
Well represented on the market in a variety of ways. Designed for everyday use in the home. Designed for the average urban family of three or four people. Can be applied for processing the fruits harvested from small suburban area. Available at a cost of normal average buyer. Not suitable for processing of products to the extent necessary for cleaning or industrial production.
It has high power and high speed. Designed for use in cafes, bars and other similar establishments. Different elaborated and aesthetically designed. For the average person the cost prohibitive.
Overall products intended for processing of fruits and vegetables on a commercial scale. Performance and processing speed suitable for the purpose. Different maximum versatility. Undemanding in design, as are installed in industrial premises.
In most cases, household juicers positioned as universal. However, the claimed manufacturer designation is not always supported by the respective specifications. For example, low-power devices will not work well with solid fruit. Within this classification, they are divided into tools for:
- citrus,
- processing of solid fruit,
- stone.
Highly specialized equipment for the processing of oranges, tangerines and grapefruit. Equipped with special knife conical shape with a smooth surface. Softness and ductility citrus core processing does not require high power device.
For hard fruits and vegetables
Maximally adapted for products such models have a number of features. Regardless of the operating principle, they have a higher capacity. Rotary models are fitted with a basket in the shape of a truncated cone. This makes it possible to divide the fruit and then go to the juicing of pulp.
Conventional devices in the processing of such fruit pitting require otherwise would become clogged. For them, the best fit screw machines with increased bushing size. They do not get clogged, better squeeze the downloaded product, do not expose the bones in the juice.
This powerful, multi-speed devices with broad functionality. They can easily cope with any kind of fruit. Depending on the number of nozzles can adjust the volume of the foam and pulp, completely cut them perform grinder features produce sausage or homemade noodles.
They are of high quality spin and increased productivity. But the cost of such expensive devices and do not always correspond to the budgetary capacity of most consumers.
The origin of the juicer and its brand is not relevant to the classification of the grounds. But when you select it is no less important than power or a list of functions. Recognized brand allows to expect high performance and durability of the device. Promises cost savings during operation, without the use of frequent breakdowns and contact a service center. Among the manufacturers of the most popular devices uses products:
- German Bosch
- Dutch Philips,
- French Moulinex,
- British Kenwood,
- Japanese Panasonic.
From the producers of the CIS countries have a good reputation:
- Belarusian MEZ with its Rossoshankoy;
- Russia's "Neptune" with the same name juicer;
- Russian "Spectrum-device".
The list goes on, but these brands is enough to select the desired device, optimally corresponding destination, preferred operating characteristics and capabilities family budget.