Modeling for the kids is not only exciting, but also useful. Almost all parents are aware of the fine motor skills and how to develop it. This is very conducive classes modeling clay. Therefore, we propose to make this material easy crafts - yellow chicken in our master class.
necessary material
For the modeling of our chicken, we have prepared:
- plasticine yellow and orange;
- black beads.
process of manufacturing
First make the basic template for our chicken. This will be a ball, rolled yellow clay.
Of orange clay fulfill our chicken legs. Making two identical preform following form.
We attach the legs to the yellow balls.
Let us further details of yellow plasticine blindly wings. It will be two slabs teardrop shape.
Yellow wings attach to the sides of the ball.
Sculpt a small crest. This requires the roll 3 small flagellum and connect them together.
After that fasten the top of the crest of the ball.
Add the beak of our chicken. We do it from the orange clay, rolling up a small cone, and then attach.
It remains to add to our eyes the chicken. It will be black beads. Our yellow chick, cobbled together from plasticine is ready.