Many parents think, what to do with the child, in the days when for some reason you can not go outside.
Scientists have shown that a class modeling to develop children perseverance, imagination, creative thinking, positive impact on the development of fine motor skills of kids hands. According to statistics, children are actively engaged in modeling, before peers began to talk, so as it is an exciting experience also positively affects the development of the speech center in the brain person.

process of manufacturing
There are several kinds of material, suitable for children's modeling. All of them are selected based on the age of the child. But if the hand was not clay or special masses for modeling, come to the aid of their budget alternative - color, salt dough. This dough can be made at home for 30 minutes.

required for the manufacture of:
1) flour - 100 g;
2) fine salt - 100g;
3) Water - 40 ml;
4) the dye (water-color or gouache);
5) vegetable oil - 1 tbsp .;

6) in a container with a deep bottom pour flour, salt. Add oil. Mix. Slowly add water vymeshivaya elastic dough. It should not stick to the hands;

7) divide the dough into several pieces, arrange the pieces in different bowls. In each bowl add a certain color paint. Then knead the dough piece to paint is evenly distributed. In the role of the dye can act as watercolor and gouache paints;

salt dough ready packed in polyethylene and put into refrigerator for 20 minutes. Then you can begin to mold.

The finished color dough should be stored in a plastic bag. So it will last longer young sculptors. By the way, if the child wants to permanently preserve their crafts, it can be put on a baking sheet, the laid parchment paper. Bake in a preheated oven at 100 degrees. Based on the volume of products, the time ranges from 20 minutes to 1 hour.