modeling lessons well affect on the development of fine motor skills. This is known to all parents. Therefore, the clay is in every house, where there are kids. The complexity of the molding is determined by the child's age, if your baby has mastered the simple molding details, you can proceed to the creation of figures, for example, a blind elephant along with him on this master class.

necessary material
For the modeling of the elephant we have prepared:
- plasticine gray, pink, white and black;
- stack.

process of manufacturing
Gray clay in our set was not originally, so we made it on their own. For this white clay mixed with black. After thorough mixing, got gray clay. That it will be a staple in our hand-made article. First therefrom execute the blank for the head, it will have the following form.

After the loan manufacture torso. To do this, roll up a thick "sausage" and connect it with the head of the future elephant.

Blanks for the feet will also be "sausages", do 4 of the workpiece.

We attach the legs to the trunk of our elephant. In this case, the hind legs are laid out horizontally, so our elephant will sit.

Let us further manufacturing ears. For this, first we rolled from gray clay pair of identical beads after Let us give it a flat shape, and then using a bit cut off the stacks with one end. Such blanks for the ears we have.

Supplement these ears pink details. From the corresponding Kata clay such as beads, only smaller, and further create similar components and connect them with gray.

Attach the resulting ears to the head of our elephant.

Let us design the muzzle. Eyes are made from small balls of black clay, and additionally they will arrange tiny pieces of white clay. Stack execute notches on the trunk, which will mimic the folds.

Pink color, we decided to add to our elephant legs. To do this, prepare a small "cakes" made of pink clay and attach them to the lower legs. Our elephant, cobbled together from plasticine is ready.