Make Lizunov yourself in several ways. This mass, which is not sticky and it is easy to pull and knead. She freely accepts any form. Slyme is also called this amazing toy suitable for children and adults. Toddlers substance develops fine motor skills and the older generation helps to cope with stress.

- manufacturing processes
- friendly recipes
- simple ingredients
- edible toys
- original Slyme
- Secrets and Features
- Error correction
- right care
manufacturing processes
Initially, the toy is manufactured by Matte of borax and guar gum. Over time, the formula has changed many times. Yet should carefully study the text on the packaging of finished products, to know exactly what they are made. Not all are aware of what to do with their hands Lizunov not so difficult. Preparation of a jelly-like mass - the process of creative and interesting. In this addictive action can involve the children, and this will give them a lot of impressions.
Today, there are many recipes, how to make Lizunov at home. Some of them are quite simple, while others are a bit more complicated.
friendly recipes
Since the toy is made especially for children, then you need to think about their safety. Therefore it is necessary to use the most natural ingredients. Most harmless Slyme is made from only three ingredients:

- flour;
- Cold and hot water;
- food coloring of your choice.
Flour correlated with proportions Lizunov. For small enough to 200 g of the product, and the need for a huge 500 g The container with the dry ingredient necessary to pour the cold water and hot very little. The main thing - do not use hot water. Everything should be mixed to a uniform consistency to avoid lumps, then add the dye of a selected color. Then you need to remove the mass in the fridge for three hours to get through the mixture and mix thoroughly.
Such a toy from the test can be created very quickly and easily. Besides, it is obtained not as slick as with other methods of manufacture. More bonus is that this recipe does not require any financial costs. For complete naturalness can be replaced for organic food dyes. For example, the use of beet juice or carrot to get purple or orange shades.
You can make Lizunov of water and salt. It is the most common way to make this lizunchika at home. Stages of work to create a small Slyme:

- Pour into a hot water tank 0.5.
- Add 3 teaspoons of salt.
- Stir the resulting liquid.
- Optionally, you can instill a dye or paint.
- Harvesting should cool completely.
- Then pour 1.5 tablespoons paper glue.
- Do not touch the mixture for 20 minutes.
- Through this period begin to slowly stirring the masses, during which the glue should begin to curl. This substance is a new Lizun.
To make a larger toy, simply use other number of components.
To properly create Lizunov own hands at home for another recipe, you will need liquid starch and PVA glue. The toy should be very plastic, and this method allows you to do just this Slyme. Step-by-step instruction:

- In a tight plastic bag need to pour 70 ml of liquid starch. If not, then we can take a dry and dilute it with water.
- Then add a few drops of the dye of choice.
- Pour 25 ml of glue.
- Close the bag and mix thoroughly.
- It should form a thick mass. If there is excess liquid, then it must be emptied.
Ready Slyme should be stored in closed containers.
simple ingredients
Soda and dishwashing liquid - these are the ingredients that are in every home. Create Lizunov of these ingredients are pretty easy, but it is worth remembering that the use of such toys the child can only under adult supervision. Depending on the density of detergent Slyme get different sizes.

In a bowl add the need to soap, and then fill up the soda. If the mixture has turned out too thick, you want to add a little water and bring the weight up to the desired consistency. Also optional is possible to drip slightly dye to impart color.
It's easy to do the stretching and weight of gelatin. Although, unfortunately, this toy will not be long lasting. Gelatin is required to dissolve in the water and let stand for about an hour. Then simmered boil. More need to clay, which must be carefully knead, then pour a little water and stir. The last step is the mixing of two masses. Ready Lizunov need to put a few hours in the refrigerator.
edible toys
Original way please children will Slyme of edible ingredients. So delicious and conventional Handmaiden can first play, and then - to eat it.

Chewing marshmallow (about 100 grams) needed to heat on a steam bath until a homogeneous mass. Then it should be gradually (about spoon) adding "Nutella" and mix well. Mash for about five minutes, the elastic substance in his hands - and the toy is ready.
You can use the chewy sweets such as Mamba. They need to be melted in a water bath to obtain a uniform mass. After complete cooling of the mixture should be thoroughly mash, sprinkle with powdered sugar and knead again. So it should be repeated, until the mixture no longer stick.
Before the production of edible toys should be thoroughly wash their hands or use gloves.
original Slyme
If a child is sick of the usual Lizunov, it is possible to "pokreativit" and create something new. Of course, if the manufacturing process is more complicated, but the result is worth it.
need for transparent Slyme:
- 100 g of polyvinyl alcohol;
- 25 g of burrs;
- plastic dishes and spoons.

The alcohol pour forest and begin to rapidly stir for 10 minutes. It is worth noting that with such toys for children should be used under adult supervision.
You can create Lizunov who will be attracted to a magnet. Follow the recipe should be:

- A cup of water mixed with half a teaspoon of forests, to avoid lumps.
- In another container combine 30 g of PVAc and water glass.
- Optionally add food coloring or phosphoric ink to glow in the dark toys.
- The mass of the first cup slowly pour in the second, stirring occasionally.
- When the density Lizunov satisfied, stop adding the first mixture.
- Take the weight of the mask and roll.
- In the middle of adding iron oxide.
- Mix until uniform.
Magnetic Slyme ready. Upon contact with the mass of the magnet will be attracted to it. This toy can surprise a child, but in the hands of better not to give.
Secrets and Features
To Lizun turned out, it is important to maintain certain factors. It should be used only high-quality materials as well as the right proportions of ingredients. And be sure to follow all the stages of cooking.
Error correction
Weight right Slyme must be uniform and easy to get out of the tank where it is stored. If Lizun not, then it is easy to fix:

- That the mass is not stuck to the hands, it is necessary to add water or liquid starch.
- When non-uniform consistency we need to continue to actively kneading, until the desired viscosity is displayed.
- When Lizunov too much excess liquid, then it slips from the hands. It wants to add a little glue, flour or burs, which will act as a binder.
right care
Extremely necessary from time to time "feed" Lizunov. Once a day, you need to add a little salt and water. Keep Slyme should be tightly closed jar. If the mass of small bubbles appear, then it must be put into the tank for four days. After this time Lizunov should see a small spot, which should be separated from the main mass.

And do not get too often to play with Slyme, as it tends to collect dirt and dust, which reduces its volume. It is often rinse it with water in a jar and carefully clean the container for storage.
Lizunov can be done in completely different ways. And they are different from each other and have their own characteristics and properties. Optionally add aromatic oil, glitter and pearl.