Flowers - the perfect decoration of any interior, which adds a touch of romance. Indoor varieties require constant care, bouquets of fresh options to quickly fade, so the rescue comes a cold porcelain. Daisies, roses and hyacinths, made of this material, look like living. Learn the art of modeling from a cold porcelain can be yourself, if you make a little effort.

- plastic brew
- basic tools
- elementary product
plastic brew
The material for molding is sold in stores crafts, but there are home remedies that consist of simple and affordable components. Need PVA glue (1 cup), starch, corn better take (1 glass), glycerol, and liquid fat cream (compulsory) - tablespoon, lemon juice or acid - 1 hr. l., if desired weight add essential oils to make it pleasant to smell.
The components are combined in a saucepan, and sent to the low heat, stirring constantly, so that the dough is not burnt. When the mass becomes sticky, it is necessary to lubricate the glass board layer of fat cream and put it on the cold porcelain. Hands-treated vegetable oil or other fat means to knead the dough for about 5 minutes to make it pliable and elastic, then wrap in plastic wrap.

It is not necessary to keep the mass in the refrigerator, not to spoil. Not recommended to be diluted with water, otherwise the product in the drying process will be covered with small cracks. Inject color clay in two ways: either during cooking pour in a lot of food coloring, or use oil paints, which have already processed the dried product.
basic tools
In the manufacture of colors in addition to the patience necessary to be reserved by wire, which will serve as a scaffold, glue to attach parts to the rolling stacks of porcelain, sharp scissors, a piece of thick plastic. The latter will perform the role of the working table so as not to stain the paint and clay furniture.
Drying flowers can be on a sponge, putting it into the cup or pot. Additionally useful oil paints and brushes, which cause pattern on finished products.

Masters modeling of cold porcelain advised before work is required to wash their hands, the material does not absorb dirt, and going gray. If desired is to have a separate bead, which is purified by fingers and palm before contact with the bulk.
elementary product
The training begins with simple colors, such as roses or pansies. For the first two require porcelain shades of red or pink for petals and green - for legs and leaves. Balls pea-sized finely rolled and shaped droplets.
At one end of the wire with scissors or pliers to make a loop, which is smeared with white glue. The first tab you need to twist in the bud, it is secured on top of the second and third sheet, while the product does not acquire the form of roses.
The wire can take the green plastic trim or decorate with cold porcelain, smeared with a thin layer of material basis. When the bud is ready, stick a wire into the sponge and allowed to cool. Ball green porcelain scissors cut into five pieces, and carefully unroll each stack to get the star. In the center of bore holes and put "the hat" on the wire, fixing it at the bud.
It remains to create a porcelain leaves, paint streaks on them, as these colors, details attached to the base, and wait until the product has dried.

For pansies run in a loop in the yellow clay, white color ball is divided into three parts, and is converted into a bud with leaves, drops. Create a green hat, for Rose, and after drying paint the colors.