If you plan to perform the work in sub-zero temperature, plasticizer concrete It helps to avoid negative consequences. This additive improves the performance of the formed structure and its service life. We offer to meet with the main species, their distinctive features and the application procedure.
PHOTO: i.ytimg.com Introduction plasticizer improves the quality of the mixture
Read article
1 Plasticizers for concrete: what it is, the main purpose of
2 Varieties of concrete plasticisers
2.1 Chemically
2.2 function
3 issuance
4 Advantages and disadvantages of using concrete plasticizer
5 Leading manufacturers: plasticizer should be qualitative
6 Popular brands
6.1 Sika Sikament BV-3M: Rating 5/5
6.2 The addition of plasticizer Cemmix CemPlast 5 L: Rating 4/5
6.3 The addition of antifreeze Plitonit Antimoroz 10 L: Rating 4/5
6.4 The addition of plasticizer Isomat Plastiproof 5kg: Rating 4/5
6.5 Plasticizer C-3, 24 kg: rate 4.5 / 5
7 How to make a plasticiser for concrete with their hands: general guidelines
8 Dosage and use: general guidelines
Plasticizers for concrete: what it is, the main purpose of
The plasticizer is a special polymer additive for concrete. introduced into concrete mix to improve its performance. It is introduced into the concrete to achieve the following objectives:
improving mobility and strength. This has a positive effect on the characteristics of the formed monolithic structure. Possible to avoid the formation of voids;
improving adhesion to the concrete mixture and concrete components reinforcing elements;
reducing the size of pores formed in the concrete after curing solution;
increasing the freezing threshold of water present in a concrete solution;
reducing the time to casting. Increased frost solution. Manages to adjust the speed of its freezing.
PHOTO: beton-499.ru Concrete solution becomes more mobile
Varieties of concrete plasticisers
Entered into the concrete plasticizers can vary on a number of parameters. We offer to meet with the main varieties, to make it easier to choose the appropriate composition.
PHOTO: beton-house.com Supplements presented in a large assortment
The chemical composition of different plasticizers for concrete is significantly different. The selection can be made in favor of:
sulfonated melamine synthetic resinsAnd additions made to their constituents;
gidrokondensatsii products of formaldehyde and naphthalene sulfonic acid;
modified lignosulfonates (LAN) and the complex additive thereof.
PHOTO: hoodpkg.com Chemical composition of the additives may vary
The operating principle of such plasticizers can be:
hydrophilic. Help to improve wettability of the solution components, acceleration of the formation of colloidal particles;
water-repellent. contribute to saturation grout small air bubbles. This solution leads to an increase ductility, reduce the surface tension of water.
Depending on the functional purpose, concrete plasticizer can be divided into:
antifreezeThat increases resistance to frost mixture. Introduction of this additive makes it possible to perform operations at -25 ° C without loss of performance characteristics of the finished concrete. The plasticizer provides evaporation at low temperature during ripening solution;
air entraining. Such concrete plasticizer increases resistance to low temperature. Called them a chemical reaction helps release air bubbles are evenly distributed throughout the volume, thereby compensating occurring when water freezes load. This prevents cracking of the masonry. The amount of such a plasticizer should be strictly metered to avoid reducing the strength characteristics. It is introduced by using as a filler gravel or crushed stone;
additives influencing the setting process. They can either accelerate it or slow down;
retardants. Are introduced into the pre-mixes to reduce the curing time, during long distance transport or long-fabrication process;
boosters. After their introduction in the concrete hardening takes less time. This avoids downtime.
PHOTO: 3.bp.blogspot.com Characteristics depend on the kind and amount of the entered plasticizer
Manufacturers offer a plasticizer in the form of:
a powder mixture;
liquid concentrate;
solution ready for use.
PHOTO: arhbud.com.ua Product form may differ
Powder is thus available for this. A solution formulation was prepared independently by dilution with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer.
PHOTO: plitpro.ru Powdered plasticizers most affordable
Advantages and disadvantages of using concrete plasticizer
The advantages of using concrete plasticizer should include:
decrease of 15-20% of cement flow;
improving the finished concrete strength by 25%;
the possibility of increasing or reducing the rate of hardening and setting;
increasing the density of concrete and waterproofing;
increase frost;
ensure homogeneity of the solution. Possible to avoid separation during long distance transport or installation;
increase adhesion of the reinforcing elements is 1.5 times;
exclusion of occurrence of cracks on the concrete surface;
opportunity to improve the quality of cement stale. Possible to increase the duration of use of the prepared solution;
reduction of shrinkage during hardening solution;
the possibility of the construction of complex monolithic structures: high rise buildings, bridges, towers, and other structures, for whose formation requires a complex formwork.
PHOTO: rich-cg.ru You can use stale cement
The disadvantage is the cost of raising a concrete solution and the need for accurate dosing of components.
PHOTO: i.simpalsmedia.com W and the additive have to pay
Leading manufacturers: plasticizer should be qualitative
In order not to doubt the quality of the acquired products for concrete, should give preference to producers of products that have gained a strong position in the market. These include:
Barwa Sam. The Polish company has for half a century, offers plasticizers for concrete. You can find the composition for various purposes;
Mapei. Italian manufacturer produces a quality softener for concrete, implemented in containers of different volume;
Monomakh. For the manufacture of Russian superplasticizer imported ingredients are used for concrete. The company offers two series;
Hermes. Company of Ukraine proposes plasticizers produced by organic synthesis;
ArmMiks. Russian manufacturer produces a series of environmentally friendly additives for concrete.
PHOTO: www.img.edilportale.com Known manufacturers you can trust
Popular brands
The performance characteristics of specific plasticizers for concrete may differ materially. We offer to meet with a rating of popular brands, compiled by the reviews of real customers. This will allow you to make a choice in favor of a particular composition.
Sika Sikament BV-3M: Rating 5/5
The liquid formulation. Improves water resistance, durability, concrete plasticity. It helps to reduce the flow of the base material. Can used at positive temperature. Depending on the desired result, the finished solution is added 0.4-1% plasticizer for concrete.
PHOTO: images.ua.prom.st Sika Sikament BV-3M - composition with ample opportunities
Review about the brand Sika Sikament BV-3M:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_1113540.html
The addition of the plasticizer Sika BV-3M
The addition of plasticizer Cemmix CemPlast 5 L: Rating 4/5
Liquid plasticizer which can be introduced into the concrete, intended to form various structures. Allows to optimize the characteristics of the solution for producing a masonry tilesforming screed.
It can be applied at a temperature above zero. Depending on the aim pursued, for every 100 kg of cement should fall 0.6-1.2 l plasticizer.
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_5583439.html
Addition of plasticizer Cemmix CemPlast 5 l
The addition of antifreeze Plitonit Antimoroz 10 L: Rating 4/5
Antifreeze additive. Available in cans in a liquid state. Increases the plasticity of the mixture. Pour the solution increases speed. It can be used over a wide temperature range from -20 to + 20 ° C. Consumption of the composition is directly related to the temperature at which it is planned to use a prepared mixture. If the air is warmed up above zero, sufficient 0.8 liters per 100 kg. At -15 ° C - 6-8 l by the same amount.
PHOTO: static.orgtorg.org Plitonit Antimoroz - increase the frost resistance of concrete is not difficult
Feedback on brand Plitonit Antimoroz:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_948724.html
Antifreeze additive Plitonit Antimoroz 10 l
The addition of plasticizer Isomat Plastiproof 5kg: Rating 4/5
Qualitative plasticizer, which increases the performance of concrete mortar. It can be applied at a positive temperature. It improves the water resistance of the manufactured structure. Consumption selected individually from the calculation of 0.2-0.5 kg per 100 kg of cement.
The addition of plasticizer Isomat Plastiproof 5kg
PHOTO: osnovi.com Isomat Plastiproof
Plasticizer C-3, 24 kg: rate 4.5 / 5
Is introduced into the concrete mix, intended for manufacturing various structures to which strength characteristics are increased requirements. Improves the uniformity of concrete, its workability. Through water-reducing effect, the amount of water used is reduced to a quarter. The composition retains the mobility of 1.5 hours longer. When this strength is increased by 15%. Increases corrosion resistance. If present adhesion reinforcing elements increased 1.6 times. Is introduced to the concrete mix as an aqueous suspension. The required properties are achieved at the expense of providing the desired concentration. Effect achieved depends on the constituents of the solution has.
Plasticizer C-3, 24 kg
PHOTO: stroy-gid.su Plasticizer C-3 of broad-spectrum
How to make a plasticiser for concrete with their hands: general guidelines
If you buy ready-made solution does not work, it can be made with your own hands. In can be used as the element:
PVA glue.
Of the detergents used may detergent, dishwashing gel, shampoo, liquid soap. Before adding to the concrete mix them first dissolved in water. Per sack of cement should add 200-250 mL of liquid soap or 100-150 grams. After introduction of the additive solution is mixed thoroughly.
PHOTO: clipart-library.com Detergent - one of the available plasticizers
Attention! Should choose detergents with minimal foaming.
When using hydrated lime it replaces 15-20% of the cement. Lime is first dissolved in water and then mixed in the dry mixture. Introduction of this additive allows to add a solution of ductility.
Mikhail Starostin
Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"
Ask a Question
«Due to the high causticity of lime should observe certain safety precautions when using it as a plasticizer. "
If the choice fell on PVA glue, should prepare a solution, stir in a bucket of water 200 g of means. For the preparation of the concrete should be added 2-10% depending on the desired curing rate. The solution was then mixed thoroughly.
PHOTO: images.ru.prom.st PVA glue affect the solidification rate
Independently prepared plasticizers can compete with ready solutions, but it should be borne in mind that after solidification of the solution there is a risk of efflorescence. Also, the addition of the soap slurry into the concrete intended for casting structures that will be used in an unventilated room, becomes the cause of mold and mildew.
Tip! Use home agent when preparing concrete mortar intended for the formation of non-critical construction.
PHOTO: diesel.elcat.kg Slaked lime - one of the available funds
Dosage and use: general guidelines
To get a high-quality concrete solution, to be followed by the manufacture's instructions. recommended:
plasticizer administered in solution form by adding a sufficient amount of water;
comply with the dosage recommended by the manufacturer of the finished composition. It can be selected from the corresponding table or calculated independently translated into each kilogram of dry matter;
preparing a solution at a positive temperature;
Only use clean containers, which can not get deposits;
use of personal protective equipment;
to protect the composition from the fire.
PHOTO: wizard-beton.ru Dosage affect the strength
Attention! In the preparation of the solution can not smoke.
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