In some cases, the owners of gas stoves there is a need to shortening supplied to them pipes. At its planning should take into account the technical and organizational considerations.
Why do I need to cut off the gas pipe
The need for cutting the gas pipe occurs for the following reasons:
- kitchen replanning with change plates position.
- In the case of a serious interference pipe accomplishment.
- Overhaul of the kitchen facilities, combined with a shortening of the pipe liner.
- Personal desires for convenience plate service.
Shorten the gas pipe in the kitchen counting the inhabitants of the first and last floor of an apartment building the most, where a significant number of different communications focused. This complexity arises in Soviet times, when the convenience of planning paid not much attention.
Certain problems with nuisance normal tubes arise from the owners of small apartments with kitchens for minuscule area.

Also, do not exclude the option when gas pipes interfere with the installation of new kitchen equipment (heating boilers, for example, or a dishwashing machine).
existing restrictions
The main condition that must be unconditionally observed before starting work - is the performance that can be reduced to the following limitations SNIP 2.04.08-87 year:
- Gas wiring in residential buildings is carried out exclusively by welding metal pipes;
- threaded connections are allowed only in the places of articulation with the accounting device (counter) and in the points interfacing with existing fittings for kitchen consumers;
- after trim (shorten) the segment of the pipeline should be provided free access, required for maintenance of the gas line;
- SNP according 2.04.08-87 year must remain open and valves, flow of gas to the overlying cooking consumers (hiding them in furniture niches not allowed);
- distance from the pipe to the cooking of different types of chimney must be at least 2 meters horizontally and 80 centimeters - a vertical line;
- stipulated in the regulations, and the distance must be maintained with respect to the tubular heating backbones.
Note! In accordance with the requirements of SNIP 2.04.08-87, in the room, be sure the ventilation system, which provides an effective outflow of air from it.

Upon completion, all the connections are checked for leaks using a special control device, called a gas analyzer.
What you need
Before cutting pipes are being prepared, including the organizational and technical measures. Only after their completion will be go directly to the cutting. Consider each of the preparatory procedures in more detail.
organizational measures
At the preparatory stage are solved organizational issues, ie:
- Obtaining permission to carry out works on the city gas service.
- Their coordination with local community services.
- Making an application for carrying out of installation works related to the shutdown of the gas riser at a certain time.
Before their implementation need to contact the gas company having a license.
Important! Cut as the gas pipe without obtaining permission in advance and receive formalized admission is strictly prohibited!
Next selected tool suitable for cutting pipes in the kitchen. typically using the following equipment for this purpose:
- hacksaw;

- cutter brand;
- Bulgarian;
- gas welding.
Let us consider them in more detail.
Hacksaw or pipe cutter
Quite laborious method hacksaw cutting is used only as a last resort when other means of working tools to do it did not succeed.
The most convenient way to take advantage of the brand cutter designed specifically for this purpose. The advantages of working with them include:
- accurate machining faces;
- strict perpendicularity of the cut relative to the tube axis;
- smooth circumferential end faces;
- no metal shavings.
However, this option is not ideal.

Additional Information! Gas pipe according to current standards must be run very close to the wall.
That's why they cut the cutter is not always convenient. The only way out - a little bend the pipe segment can be shortened to one side.
Bulgarian or gas welding
An optimal approach to pruning of supply gas pipes - for this use of grinders or gas welding. Its advantages - high cutting speed and a minimum of effort. But this raises the following issues:
- The operator must be able to work with a grinder or welder.
- For Bulgarians need to stock up on the best-cut drive.
- When using gas welding must have special access from services responsible for fire safety issues.
- In both cases, require special protection, the walls and floor of a large amount of sparks.
Therefore, this option - not the best.

Trim gas pipe (the order of operations)
Once permit removal of the interfering part of the pipeline in the kitchen is received, and the time off gas riser accord - can proceed to the cutting of pipes selected method. The order of operations in each of the cases described below.
work hacksaw
When using this technique, the most important thing - to stock up on a good canvas, metal, 50 percent will ensure the success of the operation. Just before it is recommended that a file to make a shallow mark, allowing to set the direction of the cut.
When strong heating is desired periodically to cool the blade with a damp cloth, which guarantees its safety at the time of cutting the pipe
Using a pipe cutter and grinder
Use a pipe cutter is allowed in cases where the pipe is shortened unable to bend slightly away from the wall. This will permit rotation of its clamping plates 360 degree (entire circumference).
After placing workers at the place of processing cutters should carefully squeeze them through a special lamb, and then start to rotate the tool available for a pen on it. At the final stage of the work pipe section is processed file or rasp. Working with the grinder is quite simple and does not require special description.

Trim gas welding
Cutting and welding of metal pipes must be carried out by experts, well-mastered techniques for working with welding equipment. Their feature is the use of cylinders with gas mixtures, which complicates all operating procedures.
Important! Work is carried out only when the kitchen has a well-established and effective ventilation system.
With all these factors trimming pipes gas welding relates to methods requiring the artist of high professional skills.
Recommendation of experienced craftsmen
Installed and connected to the gas stove pipe trimmed much more convenient when the processing of flat and made a vertical cut. When selecting a tool preference for pipe cutters.
According to the method for forming cut these products are telescopic, or roller-type clamp. Each of the models selected on the basis of convenience in the kitchen. Very often, the best option - it's a mini cutter.

Possible mistakes
When Works accounted for mistakes in the future should be excluded. These include violations of the requirements of existing standards, such as:
- Lack of coordination with local utilities.
- Neighbors warned not to disconnect the gas riser.
- Improperly selected tools for cutting pipes.
- Violated the safety regulations regarding fire protection.
After shortening the pipe and its connections to the gas stove to open the gas valve is not immediately needed. From this point requires the reinforced pipe system status monitoring. This will require to do the following:
- Organize its purge carried out in order to remove excess air from the pipework.
- Believe using suds tightness of all the existing compounds (as threaded or welded).
leak check - Matches not be used at all.
Upon completion of testing operations can proceed to the operation of the upgraded wiring (gate open).
Safety measures when cutting pipes
A typical set of requirements for the safe conduct of work boils down to the following restrictions:
- It is not allowed to carry out work on their own without consulting them previously with the neighbors and all concerned authorities.
- When working with gas welding and grinder in the kitchen should be organized effective ventilation.
- It needs to protect the walls and the flooring from hot waste.
- During cutting tubes mechanically (hacksaw) to periodically cool the blade with cold water.
Compliance with these requirements ensures the successful completion of the works and no problems with the operation of the pipeline.