For residents of the private sector, new suburban settlements problems with the choice of home heating system is not necessary. In most cities and towns of our country have enough extensive supply of domestic gas network. Central heating in apartments, gas heating in new buildings and in private households have become commonplace for us. Another thing, when your house is far from the major utilities and energy supply systems. In this case it is necessary to consider other, alternative ways of heating a residential building, looking for a way to organize the heating of private homes without gas and electricity.
Equip the country house in accordance with the necessary level of comfort, with no near sources of energy, a phenomenon today as usual. The massive private construction, which is now underway across the country, provided the impetus for the development of alternative energy sources, the use of which privately appropriate and sufficient effectively. Experienced builders in energy-saving technology specialists will help not only to organize heating his home in the absence of gas and without electricity, but also to make this an efficient and economical heating.
What type of fuel is preferable? What to choose?
We have to go back to the old and trusted heating methods, which were used until recently by our ancestors. The most effective option to heat your home, using for this purpose the wood. Still remain in the memory of a time when rural residents stoked its furnaces with wood, good tree can almost always be found in the neighborhood. Wood for heating is sufficient to equip the house to buy a conventional oven or a solid fuel boiler.

Russian oven copes with heating single-storey dwellings. Especially the furnace can be used successfully as a central element of the interior, as the main object of design. The boiler is in this respect less aesthetic, but the practical side is much more efficient and practical. In a private house to install the boiler, which will be possible to heat with wood, the task is quite capable to everyone, given the fact that today the market is saturated with similar equipment a wide variety of models. If you compare the boiler furnace, consider domestic issues. The oven can be used not only for heating a residential building, but also to use as a tool for cooking. The boiler is in this respect limited and is functionally capable of providing only supplying heat and hot water.
The furnace has a central place in the house and the boiler should be equipped with a special room - the boiler room, lay a pipe system through which heat transfer fluid will flow into the radiators. Among the solid fuel boilers increasingly popular gas-generating boilers, traditional models and pyrolysis boilers. The main distinguishing feature of heating systems for solid fuels - the reasonable price of boilers and relative ease of installation. The stoke the boiler, wood, coal or peat, the choice of each, depending on the availability of certain types of fuel in the region.
For reference: modern solid fuel boilers can run on different kinds of solid fuels. Coal, firewood, wood pellets, peat pellets and combustion intensity may vary. Each kind has its specific fuel calorific value, which determines the fuel consumption and the efficiency of the boiler.
Availability of automation, control instruments provide the necessary operating system security level. The furnace is in this respect a particular security is no different. Open fire is a serious obstacle for the furnace equipment in wooden buildings, poses a threat to the property, life and health of the inhabitants of an apartment house. Typical solid fuel boiler can be seen in the figure. The models presented in the sale may be different technological characteristics, size and functionality.

The main advantages of solid-fuel boilers are:
- relative affordability fuel;
- low cost of heat power (1 kW of heat received by the boiler during operation of the solid 4 times cheaper 1 kW of heat generated by the gas boiler 17 times cheaper than similar performance when using electrical boilers);
- complete independence of solid fuel boilers from centralized energy systems.
Disadvantages of such equipment is not so obvious, however, take place, what would they pay attention to. Manual fuel supply, constant visual control of the operation of the boiler, the need for cleaning and preventive maintenance of the device.
Boiler long warming, then providing sufficient temperature in the system for a long time. This quality is also a significant disadvantage. After switching off the boiler and the system cool down not so fast as we would like.
In parallel with the operation of solid fuel boilers as an energy source for the heating system, in some cases, apply oil boilers. Used as fuel oil, diesel fuel or kerosene. Sometimes there are model units running on vegetable oil. However, such systems for private households are ineffective, their operation is associated with significant technological and domestic difficulties. Fuel oil boilers are mainly used for heating large buildings with large internal spaces.
Sunlight, wind and nature itself, is ready to provide us with heat
Heating without gas decided today is quite simple. New technologies allow the use of alternative energy sources, among which recently took sunlight, wind generators, geothermal.
Relatively acceptable climatic conditions in your area will help to equip in their own farm its autonomous solar power. If you are over your head for a long time, the sun shines brightly in the year, even in winter, it's time to pay attention to solar batteries or collectors is still called.
The main function, which is typical for solar generators, is the conversion of solar energy into heat. Heat the house without gas by means of solar collectors may be in the presence of two conditions. First - your home should not be a large size, and the second, the number of sunny days in a year should be the maximum allowed.

Successful planning of a country house, a vast area of the roof will install on it a large area solar cells. Scheme mounting and connection equipment in the building is similar to the laying of electrical heating. Solar collectors are suitable as an energy source to those categories of citizens who live in the southern areas of the country, at the disposal of which there are houses, cottages and other buildings designed for reception vacationers.
The main advantages of such a system include:
- energy efficiency;
- quickest way to install and easy connection installation;
- the basic rules of operation;
- modern design.
From all the above, you can make a simple and clear conclusion. To date, the organization of the heating in their own home due to lack of gas and electricity, it is solvable. The availability of funds, technical equipment and competent, qualified approach will allow you to choose a holiday home, using other sources of heat.
In the domestic market currently presents a variety of models of boilers for autonomous heating for solid fuel, liquid fuel boilers, wind turbines and solar collectors. In each case, the homeowner chooses, what kind of heating to give preference to, what to save and what should be the effect.