Even before construction of your own home should determine the type of heating system, because it will depend on it comfortable in the winter. heating device in the two-story building should work without failures and to perform their functions in the required amount, so you need to carefully approach to the creation of the project, the choice of materials and installation of all elements. A serious approach to each stage guarantees you long life heating circuits without the need for repair and replacement of its separate elements. The most suitable one for heating the house with two floors is a device with a water circulation.

Types of water heating
Most often in two-storey buildings realized natural or forced heating system. Choice towards natural circulation is very convenient, because the heat flow is independent of the supply of electricity, and even in the event of unforeseen situations in the house will always be warm. The flow of water at the expense of large diameter pipes arranged at a slant. In high-rise buildings forced circulation is more popular. Its main elements are:
- boiler;
- radiators;
- collector;
- expansion tank;
- Pipeline System.
The heating circuit with forced circulation House, movement of heated water is carried out by means of a special pump. Depending on the species of the boiler can be used gas, kerosene, coal or wood heating. alternative energy sources or electricity can be used for this purpose.
Pipes for heating two-storey buildings
If the project foresees the use of steel pipes, it must be borne in mind that they have a significant drawback - low resistance to corrosive changes. If the installation or use galvanized pipes, stainless steel products, then this problem can be avoided. Provide a strong connection thread at the ends of the circular elements. However, metallic materials are used rarely for wiring heating appliances.

One of the most reliable options when installing the heating of two-storey houses - copper pipes. They are insensitive to moisture and corrosion, easily withstand the high temperatures and pressures. Compound elements is performed by soldering at high temperatures, srebrosoderzhaschie materials are used as the solder. The small diameter allows to place the tube directly into the walls, which is not only convenient, but also very aesthetically pleasing. The main disadvantage of such elements is the high cost, however, due to their reliability and durability of the price factor becomes less significant. With proper installation of the heating system will serve faithfully, not only you, but also several generations of your children and grandchildren.
Pipes made of polymeric materials is very convenient to use during installation. Mounting such an arrangement may even carry a person with no special skills and education that saves budget. Lightweight and durable pipes have totally smooth inner surface, so they are not deposited sediment. Plastic does not rust, so it is widely used in the installation of water supply systems. Mounted using thread or forging, welding is not necessary. The disadvantage is a relatively low resistance to temperature, a strong heating can lead to leakage.
When designing the heating private house for the project is important to make the right choice of the type of plumbing fixture, take into account the availability of emergency or alternative heating.
Of course, in most cases, the choice determines not only the necessity but also the material factor, but heating - the segment of construction, on which is not worth saving, because it is the quality of the heating system depends on how you will spend the winter: freezing or live in warmth and comfort.
The layout of the heating installation
The two-storey buildings following wiring schemes are implemented:
- single pipe;
- two-pipe;
- collector.
Heating Scheme storey house with forced circulation type single pipe does not allow the temperature adjustment within a wide range. This problem arises from the lack of overlapping radiator valves at work all other heating appliances. That is why the transition from one radiator to another, more water is cooled.
Scheme double pipe type more relevant to the implementation in two-storey buildings. Here, each heating unit equipped with two circulating elements, one of which passes hot water, and on the other - ostyvshaya. Unlike two-pipe system from one pipe is in a fundamentally different manner wiring heaters. It is recommended to install radiators regulation tanks.
To ensure proper circulation necessary to observe the distance between an upper layer flow highway and the center of the boiler, with the expansion tank can be located on the second floor, not in the attic. Elements of supply it is advisable to mount the weatherstrip in space or under the ceiling.
If the two-pipe supply system used for natural heating, in order to achieve the optimum temperature in the rooms need a long warm-up. To accelerate the process it is recommended to install an additional bypass circulation pump and besides saving time for heating such modernization will contribute to a more uniform distribution of warm air in the areas.

The two-storey building equipped with a pump and a heating boiler, radiators can be connected in addition the device "warm floor", towel warmers and other heat-generating appliances simultaneously on all floors.
Radiation can be used in the process of mounting or collector system. Thus each heating element is equipped with a supply and return pipe, which allows to heat the two floors and regulate the temperature in each room. Collectors should be placed on two floors, it is advisable to use the special cabinet, which will be all the shut-off valve.
The collector system in a two-story house
This type of heating is the most optimal for the realization of private two-storey houses. Heating scheme allows the pipe immediately inside the walls. In this case, the installation is done fairly easy, guided tutorial or instructions to install it can be even a person who does not have special skills.
Radiators for the collector circuit can be placed simultaneously on two floors, but the boiler recommended for mounting on the ground floor, the second is suitable for the installation of the expansion tank. Hot water pipe is best done in areas where leakage is most likely to cold air ceiling sills. Each radiator compulsorily equipped with regulating valve.
When choosing a heating system for your own home, you must carefully weigh the opportunities and needs, because of This as well as the life of all heats dependent comfortable accommodation for all family members during the cold season, elements. The desire to save or wrong choice of accessories can lead to frequent breakdowns, leaks in the system, and even the need to replace equipment - and this is an additional cost.
Pay attention to the quality radiators, pipe, so you pay once and you will live in the warmth for many years.