Many experts agree with that the best option for heating country cottage - the use of gas fuel. Unfortunately, not always possible to obtain the necessary permission to connect to the backbone, to organize regular supply of cylinders. How can equip independent heating homes without gas? We should pay attention to technology, widely used in the past as well as on the most modern techniques.
short review
So, without gas heating home is equipped with a number of ways:
- Wood - the most simple, inexpensive and very efficient method. For the countryside and the private sector, it is extremely economical, as there are no problems with fuel search. We must remember that for the storage of firewood needed quite a large area. Heat generator and serves classic stove and solid fuel boiler.
- Electricity. The main advantages - high efficiency, durability, ease of recovery and a great reliability. Less - high operating costs, the price of electricity in Russia varies from region to region, heating a large building may be associated with huge investments.
- Innovative technologies. The use of natural renewable sources of thermal energy. A typical example - the heat pump, which is based on the fact that in the deeper soil layers are always saved stable positive temperature. Other similar ways - battery solar, geothermal, wind generators. In Russia, such an approach is still considered non-standard and not very common, but in Europe, more and more people choose it.
Now, consider these alternatives in more detail.
Classical stoveheating

Alternative furnace heating private homes without gas demand on a fairly simple reason: there is no dependence on stable power supply, do not need to organize a regular supply of liquid fuel from the main branch pave pipeline. Rural residents have no problem to buy enough for the whole winter season, the volume of wood (alternative - coal acquisition), enough space in the yard for arranging the woodpile. In the traditional form of his furnace provides the opportunity to work not only on heating homes, but also in cooking.
Operation of the furnace is simple and safe, must be periodically cleaned flue and ash pan (using firewood - once a month, coal - once a season). However, the coal grade significantly adjust this interval. Anthracite - durum high in calories, soot from him very little. Smoky coal - the complete opposite.
Of course, the stove a lot of disadvantages:
- Firebox with wood requires regular addition of fuel, the new party tab is made every 4-5 hours. This angle increases the interval 2 times;
- Regular cleaning of the ash;
- Fire hazard;
- Larger dimensions than those of the same capacity of the boiler.
Solid fuel boiler

Heater housing which is made of special steel or cast iron can use the following fuels:
- Coal;
- Peat;
- Wood;
- Special briquettes produced in the course of processing wood.
The operational cost of the unit is low, due to low cost of fuel. Calculations show that the energy kilowatts produced by such a boiler, approximately 4 times cheaper process gas, 17 - electric. Second weighty advantage - independence from other energy sources, it is not necessary to connect the device to a network or lines, constructive simplicity facilitates maintenance.
Among the shortcomings can be noted the need to manually load the fuel, clean out the tank for collecting ash and chimney, closed to control the tightness of the door to prevent the risk of fire from the fallen spark.
Units on liquid fuel
Diesel oil, kerosene, some types of oils, oil - all of these compounds are widely used when connecting patterns on liquid fuel. Unfortunately, their price is quite high, so do not look for low cost of operation. The second major drawback - the need for a separate boiler room equipment, in which the main unit, equipped with an area for storage of fuel reserves will be established.
However, the advantages of such a choice as is. Efficiency is at high level, the intervals between fuel loads is very large, which simplifies the industrial process.
From a technical standpoint, this option is ideal. The absence of combustion products, the highest level of security, a huge efficiency, durability, availability automation. However, for this convenience comes at a price, the price of electrical operation several times higher analogues. The second unpleasant feature - the device is hardly suitable for rural areas where there are regular power failures, the network is worn out, no different voltage stability.
alternative technologies
The most common are the following methods:
- The heat pump raises the heat, hidden in the deep layers of the soil. The effectiveness of the equipment is easy to quantify - kilowatts of power consumed is converted into useful 5-6 kilowatts;
- Batteries solar heat. A huge plus - full environmental safety, the lack of - dependent on weather conditions in the regions with a large number of cloudy days work efficiency is doubtful enough.

some calculations
Let's try to mathematically determine a standalone method can be considered the most effective and justified:
- Gas. When powered from mains price Gcal of heat will be about 700 rubles. Powered by cylinders significantly increases the amount. First, this is due to an entirely different composition of the fuel mixture, secondly, the considerable expense of transportation.
- Liquid fuel. Diesel from year to year becomes more expensive, with the cost of the current price is close to 4,000 Gcal rubles. Not the most economical option.
- Coal. Buying of anthracite for home heating is not needed, the price of this brand is too high. Practice shows that for their own needs best use of mark RCD or PDK - the cost of Gcal in this case is quite reasonable 1,400 rubles. Approximately the same values will be possible to receive in the calculations with respect to heating or peat briquettes obtained during the processing of wood.
- Electricity. The price varies greatly depending on the region, but the average value is about 2 million per Gcal.
Do not forget read the article about the most economical heating in home!
Thus, in terms of efficiency is the gas remains the best choice. However, when this is not possible, do not be discouraged. The acquisition of a modern coal-fired boiler or electric range of analog, electronically controlled to help solve the problem of heat supply at home, will not cause huge financial expenses.