When planning the construction of a private home, each of us is faced with a dilemma - what kind of heating preferred. We are concerned about the issue. How to make a house a warm, cozy and comfortable, managing thus to save their own funds for heating. Types of heating used in the private and block of flats, differ from each other, very diverse. Systems vary, both in effectiveness and cost of expenses spent on installation and subsequent operation. In each case, the choice is up to the owners of the house, which must take into account the existence of various factors. The main criteria to be met by used types of heating private houses, high efficiency and economy.
In the domestic market now represented by different heating equipment, since gas-fired boilers and units running on solid fuel and electricity to alternative technical options heating. The variety of the proposed options can satisfy any consumer, but their use has a number of nuances that must be considered when choosing.
Important! Heating system must provide accommodations, the required amount of heat calories, creating a comfortable climate in a city apartment or in a private home.
Familiar to many of us the option of heating private houses - independent gas water heating It is the most common today. Heating systems with autonomous gas boilers, also the most acceptable option for an apartment house. High technology, compactness and efficiency of the gas heating for an urban apartment is not disputed. Another thing is the private sector or the construction of the house away from the main infrastructure areas. In this situation, the owners of the house have to think than to heat your home, choose a source of energy: gas, coal, wood or electricity.
When designing the heating system of a residential home, guided by the following aspects:
- feasibility of this type of heating under these conditions;
- adaptability of the system, utility maintenance and operation;
- the availability of key system components and assemblies for subsequent repair and maintenance;
- energy costs required for high-quality home heating a certain area and size
- efficiency and effectiveness.
It is necessary to take into account the availability of fuels, connection methods, the climatic conditions in which we live and the very design of a house. Heating only will give the desired effect when the building itself will have low heat losses and fuel used to heat the boiler will be affordable and accessible.
Gas heating - the basic version of any home heating
City apartments, especially in new buildings, now mostly have gas heating. Thing of the past centralized hot water supply and batteries that start to heat only during the heating season. Organization heating of houses with the help of gas is the most practical and manufacturable way to provide heat large living areas, create conditions for individual use of heating devices a large number of consumers.
Other types of heating used in the home, are inappropriate for use in the house with a large number of apartments, and in many cases unsafe in terms of processability and fire security.
The main gas pipeline, as a rule, a phenomenon in cities and towns spread. In this situation, the issue of choice of fuel for heating of apartment buildings is not necessary. All other options in this situation are not even considered. The only possibility, which can be used in such cases, installation of electric heaters as auxiliary options.
Gas heating is ideal for use in urban high-rises, this type of heating is suitable for the private sector. Here important is the fact that domestic gas boiler can always be set to the desired mode, creating in the living room optimum temperature. Exploitation Autonomous gas heating It can be carried out in a mode of daily living, creating a comfortable temperature inside the house. If necessary, you can always reduce the consumption of gas and reduce the temperature in the apartment when you are away or leave their homes for a long time.
For a country house, in the absence of a central gas supply is not necessary to dismiss the idea of a gas heating. Install on your site gas storage - gas tank, you will be able itself to provide a sufficient amount of natural gas for the entire cold period.
With this source of fuel you will get:
- full autonomy of its heating system;
- ecological heat source and hot water in the building;
- high efficiency independent heating during the cold period.
Flushing gas boiler - it is always the cleanest heating option. The advantages of such a system include clean exhaust, installation and assembly of small, compact boilers and chimneys. Today, there are ready-made independent gas heating installation scheme using the gas tank, with proven engineering and technical point of view, the relevant SNP and other normative documents.
For reference: Gasometer, set in a private household, pleasure is not cheap. Refueling costs associated with transport and installation requires obtaining permits. On top of all your gas economy and the state of heaters connections will constantly inspect personnel gas service.
In most cases, the choice in favor of gas is due to the traditional desire of homeowners to protect themselves from the hassle and concerns with the operation of the heating system in the future. Ability to set the gas tank or the presence of gas pipeline only contributes to the decision in favor of a gas heating. However, the absence of gas in the public domain, makes us look for other sources of energy to focus on other types of self-heating in a private or a country house.
Place your bets on electricity
Electricity continues to be by far the cleanest form of energy. Given the development of a modern infrastructure, today it is difficult to find a location, territory not covered by the centralized power system. The main advantages of electricity - environmental friendliness of this type of energy and availability.
In the absence of gas autonomous electrical heating system as a primary heating process - variant convenient, practical and less troublesome. Electric boilers have the highest efficiency as compared with other types of boilers. Lightness and ease of maintenance of electric heating equipment makes the work of such a system is very convenient for a country house, in view of the non-permanent residence.
Important to remember! Doing the calculations, we should not forget that the low start-up costs for the purchase of electrical equipment, the new fuel-efficient models and the subsequent installation of boilers can be misleading. Today, electricity is not the cheapest form of energy, so the subsequent operation of the electric heating will significantly affect your budget. Not be discounted and periodic shutdown systems of centralized power supply.
For normal operation of the electric heating system in the house will have to change the wiring, the oldest of its significantly enhanced. The best one for normal operation of the electric boiler, whose power is more than 9 kW, would be three-phase voltage in the wiring 380B. Wire size is calculated separately, taking into account its length, material and current. In parallel with the use of electric boilers for heating of country houses, are used extensively at the household level heaters, infrared heaters, and other Household electric appliances.
Heating systems of private houses using electricity can be regarded as an alternative gas heating system or as auxiliary for this. Connections and other alternative sources of heat are carried out already during subsequent operation of the housing. In most cases, the owners of homes already oriented on the economic component of the heating work home or attempting to improve the heating of their homes due to the deterioration of the climate situation.
New electric heaters and infrared heaters have several advantages, among which should be noted in particular:
- Minimum initial installation costs;
- high efficiency;
- elementary operating conditions;
- operational safety;
- a minimum of engineering activities for the organization of the heating system.
After listing the advantages and benefits important to remember the disadvantages of such heating systems. The main disadvantage associated with additional costs for strengthening the electrical wiring and installation of additional switching and monitoring devices in a home electrical outlet. When installing use proven electrical circuit under electrical heating.
Alternative embodiments of the gas and electric heating
Gas and electricity have advantages that are hard to ignore. Advantages of heating systems using gas or using electricity are obvious, but in some cases We have to look for alternative energy sources, to study the technical conditions of other species home heating.
As gas alternatives and electricity, there are the following types of private house heating systems:
- liquid heating;
- Heating system for solid fuels;
- Combined heating system for the house;
- independent heating system with a heat pump;
- solar collectors.
These types of heating in their effective organization of residential space heating. There is in each variant, both pluses and minuses. For most residents of urban residences, efficient heating systems of apartment buildings in addition to the gas and electric boiler does not exist. Connecting to a private home other sources of energy is acceptable and feasible.
Important! Giving preference to the new alternative energy sources must take into account technological features of the living quarters, the size of the house, the intensity of the heat and number of occupants. Surface decision heating problems can lead to unnecessary waste of money and will not give a tangible effect.
Making a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of existing on the date of independent heating systems, taking into account all technical nuances and applicability in the apartment or private home, you can choose the best option is for your specific conditions.
The emphasis is on the use of certain fuels in the long term. Cheap fuel rarely has good calorific value. Autonomous system is also an important factor when choosing the type of fuel. Mix in a single complex of various fuels and heating systems can solve the problem at some point. Only an exact calculation will allow you to determine the efficiency of heating in your home.