Comfortable life in their own country cottage is not possible without addressing the building power supply. Owners need to be puzzled connection to the mains, build sewers, reliable heating system. If you are not near the main energy sources, come to the aid of autonomous gas supply of private homes. Gas will be possible to use for generating electricity and for heating the heat medium for heating, i.e. such embodiment can cope with several problems.
The main element
Standalone effective gas heating system in a private home based on preliminary installation of the gas tank, that is a massive vessel in which fuel reserves stored. Of course, someone might think that You can use the cylindersBut such an approach, though, and is being implemented, it is not advantageous from a financial point of view, and store large stocks of cylinders uncomfortable.
Gasification by mounting gas tanks used for several decades, but before this method was relevant only for industrial enterprises. Connected in such a way individual cottage became possible only a few years ago, when there were optimized design, suitable for installation in suburban areas.

The nuances of installation
Gas holder is made of several sheets of steel, firmly welded together. This material is easy to handle and with internal and external pressure. Of course, the metal passes and additional processing, which protects it from corrosion. The device design allows for immersion into the soil below the frost, that is, heating will be as efficient as possible, even in the winter time. If we talk about how it is installed a fuel container, it is necessary to distinguish the following stages:
- Selected place. Away from residential buildings, but closer to the gate, there were no problems with the free passage of transport, replenish stocks of fuel.
- Excavation. The depth depends on the modification and the amount prescribed in the technical data sheet. The bottom of the pit is filled with sand, which is subsequently compacted, it is placed a slab of concrete. Through this approach, heating system is the most reliable and durable. Plate prevents the effects of soil on a metal object, that is, its position remains unchanged. In case portion study shows a high level of groundwater, drainage system further formed.
- Fixing the object on the plate by means of special fasteners.
- Installation of electronics, valves, primary nozzles and other components to ensure uninterrupted safe operation.
Please note that heating gas must necessarily be consistent with the regulatory authorities, such legal requirements.
Site owners need to get a variety of solutions, selected for installation and connection of a licensed company, which employs top-level professionals. Otherwise, operation may be simply dangerous!
Features of the scheme
Gas heating system in a private country house is to use the following instruments:
- A gas boiler;
- Gas convector.
The boiler heats coolant, which is naturally or by pumping circulates along the contour of pipe, reaching the points of consumption - radiators, underfloor systems, batteries. The boilers are divided into a few categories:
- Units with a working circuit. Work exclusively for heating private houses, volume of coolant in the system remains stable.
- Combi boilers are designed not only for heating, but also for heating of hot water for its later use in the household or sanitary purposes.
Convector operates on a different principle, it does not require an intermediate heat transfer fluid. The energy from the heat exchanger heats the indoor air immediately. For efficient removal of the combustion products using a coaxial tube. Such heating of the house is characterized by a number of nuances:
- Installation requires no complicated wiring pipes inside the house, it is not necessary to equip the boiler room as a separate room.
- When isolation rooms will have to perform a separate installation of the convector, which somewhat complicates the wiring.
- No need for complicated installation, there is no involvement of specialists that reduces the cost of the process.
The benefits of choosing

Gas heating system has the following advantages:
- Small size, which saves valuable space, the process is simplified.
- Ease of operation and maintenance. Especially this difference is noticeable in comparison with models for solid fuel, which should be inspected several times during the year.
- Economical operation. Especially the difference is palpable compared with electric models. Electricity, of course, can be used for heating, but it is recommended to apply it only in part, for the individual zones, otherwise the costs can be enormous.
- Quiet.
Thus, the use of gas - one of the most modern and technologically advanced ways of heating buildings and premises. If the installation is in accordance with the requirements and safety regulations, the system is guaranteed to last for several years, while maintaining the effectiveness of the original!