Mankind has long used a variety of methods and tools for home heating. With technological advances in our life came to gas, electricity and other fuels, which have made it possible with high efficiency heat buildings of different purposes. However, in this series with an accurate confidence we can put air heating - technology, which has been nearly 2,000 years.
Nowadays, with the advent of new types of heating equipment, air systems lost their relevance. Basically, such a heating circuit is used on an industrial scale, which have a large area of technical buildings. Heating is crucial for many of us. We always try to equip your house, apartment the most efficient heating scheme using for domestic purposes gas and electric boilers. Air heating is not deservedly forgotten, although it has a number of advantages, which should stop for information.
Heating with air - working principle
Heating using an air mass coming into the room, built on the principle of thermoregulation. In other words, the heated or cooled air to a certain temperature is fed directly into the premises. Those. can thus be carried out and heating and air conditioning the interior spaces.
The main element of the system is the heater - channel type oven equipped with a gas burner. The process gas generated by combustion heat which is supplied to the heat exchanger and after that, heated to a specific temperature the mass fed into the air space to be heated premises. air heating system must be equipped with a network of ducts and the channel to exit to the outside of toxic combustion products.

Due to the constant inflow of fresh air oven receives inflow of oxygen, which is one of the main components of the fuel mass. Mixing in the combustion chamber with a combustible gas, oxygen increases the intensity of combustion, thereby increasing the temperature of the fuel mass. In older systems used by the ancient Romans, the main problem consisted in contact with heated premises with hot air of harmful combustion products.
Important! When the channel type furnace carbon monoxide in the composition of the air entering into the inner space exceeds the norm by 10-15%. An example is a home fireplace or stove that, with poor work drawing, in the process of fuel combustion in large quantities emit hazardous to the human body of combustion products.
Autonomous heating structure, built on the principle of heating the air mass, have been applied in the system of heating large industrial buildings and facilities. With the advent of compact and convenient to operate stoves, which is used for working gas, solid or liquid fuel, it became possible to use such heating systems in households. Common, conventional air heater, which is called heat generator has a combustion chamber rekuperatsionnnogo type heat exchanger, the burner and the injection group.
Installation of air heating stoves in private homes and country is justified and cost effective. For this flat heating circuit is not suitable in view of the need to lay a large number of bulky ducts technical presence of noise and high flammability.
Modern heating systems are mainly based on a similar principle, but in most designs the direct heating of the air mass is not provided. Heating is provided by a thermal generator which is today quite a lot. Such aggregates have in their structure recuperative heat exchangers, by which is separated from the flue gases of high-temperature heated air. This technological feature modern air heating systems supplied to the premises clean air is heated to the required temperature.
The combustion products in this case goes through the chimney. Well functioning and clean the chimney hood, ensure the safety of the entire heating system of this type in operation.
Advantages and disadvantages of air heating system
Due to its advantages, air heating is widespread in Western countries. In the UK, and then in the United States and in Canada, where the majority of private households was decided to equip stoves, fireplaces, channel type, eventually it becomes a tradition to equip residential buildings autonomous systems this heating. Such heating systems are very convenient for heating large areas of the interior spaces. In addition, the installation of air ducts in the large stone building is much easier than laying water heating communications.
The main advantage of such a scheme - the combination of two important components of housing, heating and ventilation. This can significantly save money on homeowner laying of communications.
The advantages of central heating warm air are:
- lack of structure in the intermediate heat medium, which greatly simplifies the operation;
- lack of airing, the problem of air pockets, which are the constant companions of water systems;
- ability to adjust the temperature in any room;
- no battery provides ample opportunities for the creation of the original interior of the interior.
Important! The new thermal generators have a high coefficient of heat transfer, while expending a minimum amount of fuel. Current models are equipped with thermal generators feature an air filtration and moisturizers to help the air inside the premises is subject to additional sanitization and corresponds to the optimal physical parameters.
Speaking of this heating system advantages, it should be noted that the main heating zone in a building is not concentrated directly around the furnace and convectors. Heat circulates evenly throughout the house. Due to the absence of sharp changes in temperature in a room equipped with an air heater, there is no condensation. The new models are designed for heat generators the ability to install, even in an apartment that can be converted in accordance with the project.

As for the disadvantages, then those of this heating system is not there.
The only negative, which has far-reaching consequences - a failure of the air heating, many elements of the system are included in the design of houses remain.
You must design a system together with the development of the project of an apartment house, because many of the elements (ventilation shafts, channels and ducts) are an integral part of the intra-house designs.
air heating features in the home
Unlike traditional in our water heating circuits, which are highly vulnerable to be thawed in the winter, air heating has such shortcomings. Heat generators are easily triggered at any time of the year. The main thing that would have fuel for combustion and constant access to fresh air. These devices are ideal for country houses, which do not require constant heating.
Besides running the heater does not emit absolutely no toxic substances. Heated to a temperature of 45-700With air in the heat exchange process is distributed throughout the volume of the heated housing. Due to recirculation achieved by the possibility to use for heating the same air mass. In some cases autonomous system equipped with other options that allow external air supply. The presence in the outdoor unit system creates the conditions for cooling the interior during the hot period.
Automatic thermostats maintain the necessary temperature balance in the house. Autonomous system of home heating using a heater channel type at the same time performs the function of ventilation.
Important! There is a myth that the air heating dries much surrounding space within the premises, is fundamentally not true. In modern systems, dust is collected on a special filter, and to moisten, there are special devices -. Humidifiers. Feeding grating must be installed near the places of residence of people frequent.
air heating varieties
As with other heating systems, air heating has variety. Straight-through, the simplest and most common in the last century, a system includes conventional fuel combustion in the furnace, installed in the basement. Fuel can be wood, stone or charcoal. The heated air mass gravity rises through channels equipped in the walls, spreading the cavities in the floor. Exit exhaust air mass was carried out just through the holes in the roof.
Heating the room in this case was carried out indirectly by the heated walls and floors. Figure - shows a conventional air circuit heating system practiced even by our ancestors.

Air heating in the garage - main article.
Effectiveness of such a system is no different. Most of the thermal energy was spent on heating in the building structure depth. Due to the difference in temperature inside and outside to create the necessary thrust.
Another, more modern form of heating air - recirculation system. The principle of operation is based on the use of clean fuels, the amount of combustion products which is negligible. Air heated by gas burners or electrical appliances filament enters the duct to the uppermost point of the building. As a result of heat exchange, the cooled air is replaced by new air masses warmed and enters again into the thermal heater.
The figure is a schematic diagram for recirculating air heating system.

The heating season, which is eagerly awaited by hot-air heating system, you can start at any time. Recirculation type is called gravity due to the fact that the whole process takes place in a natural way due to the laws of physics and gravity forces. Such a method of heating a dwelling house is the most simple, economical and convenient to use. In contrast to the once-through heating system, which is advantageous to use only at home, recirculation systems are ideal for heating large industrial buildings.
The economic component of air heating
The main effect, which is achieved through the use of hot-air heating - it's full autonomy. The presence of any fuel can provide the system and achieve the desired result. When working without coolant practical heat losses are minimized. High efficiency is achieved through the minimum fuel flow rate and a large thermal effect.
The service there is no need of the system. There is no need to carry out regular pressure testing of heating systems. Suffice it to monitor the condition of the chimney and clean it periodically.