The presence in the heating housing - is, first of all, fitness Factor house to live at all, and only then a condition that ensures a comfortable stay. Therefore, the question is how to do without heating housing in the Russian conditions is not appropriate even in southern areas, and we can only decide what to select heating.
Criteria for selecting the type of heating a lot - the size of the financial cost of the device, the heating efficiency of the process, ease of system maintenance, its security, and so on. Considering that in various regions of Russia the heating season lasts from three to nine, and even more months, the cost of heating housing significant and cost-effective heating of the house - one of the desired results, which seek when choosing the method heating.
In today's intensive development of country cottages and villas territories, particularly where rates Private construction ahead gasification rate of new areas, economical heating of private homes - particularly sharp problem. In such situations, you have to order housing project with the heating system in the future - even taking into account only the upcoming mains supply, but up to this point, too, need something to drown.
Let us consider all that has to do with the problem, and how to take into account the existing set of factors in the pursuit of heating efficiency.
Independent factors that contribute to the cost of heating
The concept of "cost-effective heating of a private house" does not necessarily mean low cost housing heating. heating equipment, for example, houses a large area can not be low-cost, but the cost of installation and operation of the system should be commensurate with the efficiency of the method selected heating.
Efficiency heating system - it is the extent to which the actual cost of heating a calculated cost of housing, necessary to ensure the set temperature, that is - to achieve the required level of comfort at the cost minimum cost. And this is achieved by careful analysis and selection of optimal combinations of factors that affect efficiency.
Independent factors causing costs for heating private houses:
- climate zone;
- heating area;
- the price of the equipment;
- the cost of fuel;
- desired temperature.
The comments need except the last paragraph refers to the range of temperatures, certain sanitary standards for rooms with living people.
These circumstances are the starting point for the selection and design of the heating system of a private house, cost-effective for specific conditions.
Factors affecting the efficiency of heating systems
The sign of equality between the actual and calculated the cost of heating can not be, because the inevitable heat losses in any method of heating also caused by various factors. But these factors that affect the degree of efficiency of heating systemsUnlike unchanging circumstances, there may be a change in:
- the presence and degree of efficiency of the outdoor home insulation;
- system type and the correct calculation of the cost of fuel when choosing the boiler;
- power heating equipment;
- structural features of the system;
- Material execution pipeline;
- presence of thermal insulation of the heating circuit in unheated rooms;
- Use devices automatic disconnection of the heating unit;
- fuel quality.
See also: The advantages and disadvantages electrical heating in apartment.
The presence and degree of effectiveness of the outer insulation of the house
Spending on housing heating directly dependent on the arrangement of home insulation. Indoor air and constructions, warmed with heating, in the absence of external insulation to quickly transfer heat to the atmosphere, and the heating system will be forced to work with the increased load, or in continuous mode, to compensate for the external heat buildings. This, of course, accompanied by a rapid deterioration of the equipment and increased consumption of fuel or electricity.
Insulation materials are easy to assemble, their price is acceptable over the entire range, and the effect of the external insulation - saving of fuel or electricity and 40%. Also, insulation relieve internal surface of external walls of condensation.
Type of heating system and correct calculation of the cost of fuel when selecting boiler
If the boiler heating equipment selected, then the question arises, how it kind of consumed fuel pick - electric, gas or solid fuel.
Choosing need to come out of the project at home - it is there in your chimney.
If the chimney is not, and it is excluded from the short-term plans, the choice narrows - unit is only suitable boiler on electricity. In this case, the rejection of the construction of the chimney will give significant savings in the device heating system.
If preference is given to electrical heating unit, the reasonable choice would swirl induction boiler, not having, in its structure and because the heating elements characterized durability (25-30 years). Furthermore, the magnitude of the efficiency of such devices is close to 99%, which is a strong argument in favor of their efficiency.
If the chimney is, the choice of the boiler depends on the material execution of the smoke removal system.
Main article: holiday home heating system with electricity.
To a chimney of bricks should not be connected to gas-fueled boiler - combustion products comprise sulfur and nitrogen compounds that in a mixture with the acid form of condensate moisture destroying brick. But this chimney perfectly cope with a tap of the boiler smoke solid fuel.
Or a steel chimney improved variety - sandwich pipes suitable for the heating unit on any kind of fuel. Selection execution pipe (ordinary steel, stainless steel, sandwich, coaxial) also have a direct relation to heating efficiency - cheap ordinary steel will require replacement, and good if this occurs in warm season. Other types of steel chimneys soundly, and therefore durable and reliable, and you can not save on safety.
When choosing a boiler, to have an idea of the extent of its economy, should know exactly the amount of fuel consumed by them. But marketers in stores, declining buyer to purchase a particular type of unit, provides a comparative characteristics of the fuel consumption, manipulating the different units as applicable to liquids, gases, and solids. The fact is that the calorific value of the fuel measured in kW / kg, and diesel fuel and gas is often measured in liters, which gives other values of the number, since the density of these substances is considerably less unit.
Important! To verify the validity of marketing claims must be submitted to the fuel consumption of aggregates lead to a common unit of measure, and then calculate the need for the season, and cost.
For an objective comparison of heating costs for the season home area of 100 square meters., In the table configured to calculate common fuel costs. This economic calculation, in particular, denies marketers claim that the cube so-called "euro-fuelwood" equivalent efficacy 5 cubic meters of conventional wood.
Power of heating equipment
This figure also has a direct bearing on the heating efficiency. The excess capacity of the boiler or other unit can limit the thermostat setting, but the cost heating equipment directly proportional to its power and potential will be paid unclaimed.
A heating boiler of insufficient capacity will not cope with the task, and pay a little warm radiators, too, has no economy to nothing.
Therefore, achieving efficiency of the heating system, it is necessary to acquire the equipment based on the calculation the necessary power to be executed taking into account the housing area, ceiling height, the region and the nuances of the hot system water supply.
Design features of the system
It is impossible to achieve the efficiency of use of heating equipment, if you choose it only at the rate of power consumption and cost of fuel. heating system design is not always universal, so it can be used for heating rooms of any size and proportions, varying ceiling heights and the number of window openings. For example, baseboard heaters are perfectly cope with small on floor space heating, but in the spacious rooms will not be effective because of the small area of heat to its construction.
Ambiguous situation with the device underfloor systems. When used as a main housing and the sole heating means in the middle zone or northern regions, then floor temperature must be increased to such values when it loses contact with the comfort - without walking shoes will be on such a floor hot.
Therefore, economical heating system is unthinkable without the correct choice of type of heating equipment and compliance with installation technologies, taking into account the structural features of both radiators and each premises.
Material execution pipeline
This question is relevant if we consider not the individual, portable heaters and heating circuit to the heating boiler. Heat return coolant should be carried out into the air space, planned to heating. Therefore transit portions coolant through the tubes of the heating circuit must give a minimum quantity of heat. To this must be fully insulated pipeline, in particular - the execution of its tubes with low thermal conductivity (plastic, metal and plastic).
To improve efficiency even on pipes made of polymers perform thermal insulation, not to mention the metallic pipes. These measures will lose the coolant towards the radiator less heat, and Heating System - used to bring the room temperature to a predetermined level and to disconnect.
Using the automatic shut-off devices of the heating unit
Important to ensure efficiency of the heating equipment is a factor in the rational mode of operation of the heating system. Provided it is automation, which monitors the temperature in the room and control the heating intensity. Modern equipment heats the device makes it possible not only to set the desired temperature in the room, but also to program the variation of the heating intensity at different times of the day. For example, during the absence of the tenants in the house is not necessary to maintain the temperature in the most comfortable zone, but you can reduce it by a few degrees.
fuel quality
Different types of fuels have different calorific values. But the same type of fuel can be of varying quality, depending on many factors - the percentage of wood humidity, the content of impurities in the gas, liquid fuel, etc... Profitability is directly connected with this. Poor-quality fuel has a lower calorific value, forming more soot which reduces the lumen and degrades chimney draft. The combination of these factors entails an increase in fuel consumption and the cost of the heating system service.
Important! Heating oil boilers should be operated on the fuel, which is specified in the instructions for use. You should know that diesel fuel and diesel fuel - different types of fuel.
Methods of heating by type of fuel consumed
All kinds of fuel and energy (excluding exotic - solar, wind energy, chemical, etc.) consumed by heating, are classified into the following groups:
- hard types;
- a liquid fuel;
- gas;
- electricity.
We suggest reading material about the most cost-effective methods of heating the garage.
Each of these types has advantages and disadvantages cancel each other out.
For example, the apparent low cost solid fuel (wood, coal, wood and cellulosic waste industry, peat) are hiding in the procurement costs, transportation, storage, kindling, the firebox and maintenance chimney. And the highest, at first glance, the cost of electric heating private houses It is justified by the lack of spending on the above items in the case of electrical equipment.
These factors, of course, not reflected in the reduced area of 100 m above the PivotTable fuel costs for seasonal heating of a detached house sq.
Depending on the circumstances, the use of the same kind of heating may be economical in the same region, and costly in another. It is well known producers and distributors of heating equipment for the home, which form the price of heating equipment in view of the increased demand for cost-effective systems. It is not surprising that the potential cost of a private house heating system initially cost a decent amount.
Thus, the categorical statement of undeniable efficiency of a unit can not be, as a universal and recommendations on how to save on heating. Unless it is possible to arrange the most economical heating, are connected to the system of hot water from the thermal source of natural origin. But in this case, have to pay tax to the state for the use of natural resources.
And yet, if the choice is made in favor of the electrical equipment, the use of inductive eddy heaters (VIN-boilers), unlike other types of heating appliances, the most economical heating.
Contact recommendation relates to the oil radiator, the operation of which due to the specificity of the principle of design and extremely uneconomical.
The most economical way to home heating - is a technology that takes into account a number of factors and circumstances, both overt and at first glance do not have to do with it. Pawn economy heating housing in a private home - the optimal setting priorities by taking into account these factors in the particular circumstances.