Two-pipe heating system private homes: the scheme and features

Efficient operation of autonomous water heating systems is one of the most important conditions for comfortable living in private households. The availability of the installation, ease of use, efficiency and effectiveness of such systems makes quite popular among owners of private houses. Today almost 70% of private households in the cities and towns of our country are heated this way. Of the existing options in the first place is the two-pipe system of a private house heating - the most practical and affordable housing for autonomous heating.

What is two-pipe heating system

In everyday life, you can find a variety of heating circuit private home, but choose which option is best heat supply, we have been ourselves the inhabitants of a house. Many factors affect the choice of the heating system design. Preference for one or another scheme is given on the basis of availability of funds from the owners of the house, and the expected effect of the design features of the residential building. Two-pipe system is used more often in practice due to its high performance, reliability and ease of adjustment.

Autonomous two-pipe heating system is still called double-contour. In other words, the coolant circulation from the boiler to the radiators carried out through two circuits. The first pipe provides directly supply heat from the boiler to the radiators, while the second pipe is intended for transporting the cooled coolant back. Despite certain technical difficulties related to the installation of the pipeline, the circuit wiring of the heating circuit of this type is simple and straightforward. For comparison, one can look at the diagram of a single pipe structure and two-pipe heating, in order to understand the fundamental differences and principle of operation.

Single-pipe system is a single loop with coolant. Two-pipe heating structure is storey houseUnlike single-pipe, where the coolant tube is a single-loop, more flexible and convenient in terms of technology. Batteries in this case connected in parallel, which plays an important role in the operation. Depending on the need of household each radiator at any time to derive from a single system by closing the corresponding valve.
Read also about the floor house heating scheme Forced circulation!

Advantages and disadvantages of a two-pipe system

Among the advantages of the double pipe heating circuit particularly are the following:

  • the same temperature of coolant in all the batteries, regardless of their location relative to the boiler;
  • possible to switch off the heat supply at any given heat sink;
  • the ability to set the thermostat on each battery;
  • technical ability to connect a large number of radiators.

Parallel connection allows individual temperature settings for each heater, allowing residents to control their own heating levels in each room apart.

With certain advantages over other heating systems used in private homes, in the double pipe heating circuit has one drawback - the increased length of the tubes. Often this aspect affects the increase in cost of the system. It is appropriate to recall the aesthetic side of the issue. Two pipes laid in residential areas, more difficult to hide.

two-pipe heating system, variety

There are two types of two-pipe heating circuits:

  • with forced circulation;
  • with natural circulation of coolant.

From circulation type depends on the efficiency of the heating system. Which scheme should be installed in the house, vertical or the horizontal wiring, with the top or bottom connection of radiators, all of these issues are addressed on the basis of the heated area, configuration, and number of floors of the house.

Natural circulation process is focused on changing the density of the coolant in the heating process. The heated heat transfer fluid with a lower density rises, and then fills the radiators by gravity, loses heat and returns to the boiler due to the bias of the return line.

Due to the difference in height of the boiler arrangement, expansion tank and heating devices in the pipeline to create a working pressure. The higher the outdoor tank, the more intense the forward flow and pressure in the coolant pipe.

Important! It can be said that an open heating system with natural circulation is fully autonomous. No booster pump, and hence electricity need.

In today mostly used two-pipe heating closed circuit, in which the pump is activated. It provides a more intensive circulation of coolant and more efficient heating. Heating with forced circulation has great technological capabilities. The only drawback - the outage completely stops the operation of the system.

In contrast to the circuit with forced circulation length of the system with coolant gravity has significant limitations, not more than 30 meters. Ie this heating system is only suitable for small spaces (garden, saunas, country houses).

Important! When mounting the system with natural circulation is necessary to use pipes with diameters of at least 1¾ inches. Bias feedforward coolant pipes and the return-pipe should not be less than 3-40.

In order to get an idea of ​​the existing connectivity options, the difference between the scheme of two-pipe heating systems with lower wiring, the variant with the upper connection, what is the difference between horizontal and vertical type, enough to start to get acquainted with video.

Types of wiring the heating system

The pipes can be mounted vertically or horizontally. Vertical heating systems have many advantages, among which we highlight uniformity pipes and create more coolant pressure difference at the inlet and outlet respectively.

Vertical two-pipe heating system with an upper wiring option is more convenient and easier to install. Laying of pipeline does not depend on the building layout. Most of the heating system pipes can be hidden in the attic space, the suspended ceiling to hide. Such an arrangement heating pipes are often used in multi-storey facilities, where it is necessary to provide good forward flow in a pipe with a large number of radiators. From the height of the riser in this case it depends on the intensity of circulation of the coolant in the conduit.

By double-tube arrangement of pipes of the heating system are vertical and horizontal, upper, lower or combined wiring. The variant with the upper connecting more costly. Each heated room would have to display all over the tube wall panels of two, direct heat supply and return line. Aesthetics this is small, the pipe length is substantially increased.

Two-pipe heating system with the bottom distributing seems preferable, despite the large number of bends pipe, connection points and stretch the communications.

Radiators in horizontal with the lower one connection can be easily hidden behind the decorative screens. His house in this case can be appropriately decorated using a variety of design elements. The conduit with the lower wiring easily concealed in the wall panels, or a floor screed.

What is the optimum heating system for private homes

Provide all the technical nuances and technological self-heating parameters need to be at the draft stage. Giving preference to a particular scheme, it is important that the future of heating comply with the relevant parameters and household needs.

There are no good or bad wiring. In each case, the heating efficiency depends on the correct connection and competently made project. In practice, often the owners of apartment buildings faced with a situation where as a result of the project development and the subsequent installation of the pipeline there is a dead-end heating system. They coolant entering the radiator, forced to face ostyvshim, counter flow, the spent coolant. This type of connection is used for pipe systems with horizontal arrangement of the pipeline. To say that such a heating system is not profitable and not very effective, it is impossible. More popular two-pipe heating circuit with a horizontal bottom distributing coolant with associated movement.

There are two types of traffic patterns coolant: Passing and deadlock. In the table you can see the comparative parameters of both coolant flow options

Criteria for evaluation Scheme coolant flow
concurrent deadlock
Hydraulic and balancing:

thermal power / sizes heaters identical

1. Hydraulic calculation of reducing the pressure in any circuit

2. The system has a hydronic balance without the use of additional valves

1. Hydraulic calculation of reducing the pressure in each circuit

2. The necessity of linking loop among themselves, using thermostatic valves are configured on a radiator

the thermal capacity of the system / standard sizes of shaped elements and heating devices are different 1. Hydraulic calculation of reducing the pressure in each circuit

2. The necessity of linking loop among themselves, using thermostatic valves are configured on a radiator

II. pipeline Length greater minimal
III. Mounting more difficult

Sizes fittings have different diameters of the same areas different


All diameters with various shaped sections of the same

IV. Point "equal pressure" present There are no

Be sure to read what effective single pipe or two-pipe heating system?

Important! Horizontal-pipe heating circuit is useful in practical use. Especially in the process of mounting a real opportunity to share the heating circuit into two wings, provide heat almost the entire residential area of ​​the house.

Installation of two-pipe horizontal type of heating system is mainly used for heating of single-storey houses, when the task is to connect a large number of radiators. Connecting the battery requires two options:

  • ray;
  • consistent.

Option connection with radiation heaters is also called radial. For serial connection using a conventional steam piping. Both the first and the second type of connection have their advantages. The radial connection is not necessary to install reactors that monitor the operation of radiators arranged close to the boiler. The temperature during all radiators identical. This type is very suitable for private, one-story houses.

Good heating system with a serial connection. Substantial savings consumables.

Good heating work in a private home depends on many factors, starting with the proper choice of type and variety of heating, ending the correctness of the project. Hydraulic calculations, which are an integral part of the project - the work of a qualified professional. Adjusting the two pipe heating system is carried out before the start of the heating season, when there is time to resolve technical problems and inconsistencies.