Independent heating - it is an absolute must for owners of country homes, without the possibility of connection to the backbone. As with any equipment, it needs fine-tuning, thanks to which will be able to achieve maximum operational efficiency. Modern technologies allow to set the unit of a private house heating control remotely using a cell phone, the Internet and other communication methods. This approach gives the opportunity to receive a notification of an emergency, be applied remotely command to halt the system, adjust the temperature of sending messages in accordance with their own requirements.

The basic principle of
The main part of the whole scheme - an electronic control unit, which provides slots for standard mobile SIM card format. In the more technologically advanced versions also has a connector, which connects the electronic Internet cable. Similarly, connected to this module temperature sensors, pressure indicators, alarms and other security systems. Of course, to provide feedback, and the unit itself must be connected to the boiler.
Management of a country house heating is carried out by a simple, in general, scheme. Conducted initial configuration of the operation, after which the CPU locks in memory the correct operating conditions of the system. If one of the connected sensors sends a signal of change in these conditions, e.g., temperature begins to drop, the text message is sent to the cell phone owner. The owner, in turn, may request and indications other sensors, to more fully assess the situation, send response command by text message about how to turn off the device, or continue to work as usual mode.
heating control system may be based on communication through the use of the Internet. To do this on a cell phone with access to the global network, you must first install a special application, showing all relevant parameters in real-time systems.
tangible benefits

Consider some situations in which the scheme is guaranteed to be useful:
- You return to the house of the weekly trips or holidays, during all this time there is no one lived. On the way from the airport, you are sending a text message, send a signal to start heating. To your arrival microclimate in all rooms will be comfortable and enjoyable.
- You set the boiler to economy mode, which excludes the coolant from freezing in the pipes, and leave. Suddenly there is a failure, coolant is cooled rapidly, the module detects an accident, sends you a message. You, in turn, sends a response command to restart the boiler. If this measure does not bring results, should call the emergency services. This method makes it possible to exclude the possibility of coolant freezing in the pipes, which will inevitably lead to a break and a huge financial cost to restore.
- You want to know the current situation in the house, send the appropriate command. The response message contains information about the temperature of the air in controlled indoor humidity level, current temperature of the coolant system.
- There was a dangerous situation with gas boiler: depressurized fuel supply circuit, there is a high concentration of the composition. The response message is transferred to the heating system back-up power source, the problem is eliminated by specialized services.

Set of modules and features of the installation
Heating control in a country house on the GSM standard requires the following items:
- The unit is equipped with slots for mobile cards and power cords.
- Auxiliary remote antenna, improves the signal quality.
- The integrated battery supporting device performance when disconnecting a centralized power supply. Please note that if you fall off the diet significantly functionality. For example, the unit will not be able to give a signal to restart gas boiler, for it simply does not have enough voltage. Built-in battery should last for about 3 days work. Many models assume an additional power supply connection.
- Temperature sensors. In most cases, the maximum number is limited to five.
- Additional sensors burglar and fire alarm, water retainers breakthroughs, unauthorized opening of windows and doors.
Thus, in the house it can not be simply formed by the heating control system, but a full security complex.
If we talk about the nuances of the installation, no special difficulties arise. All instruments are recorded as light as possible. To eliminate the possibility of failure, it is recommended to mount the control unit in a room where the most stable is fixed and a clear signal to the cellular network. It is also worth contacting your network provider to on SIM-card, located in the block, did not come promotional messages from unknown numbers, such interventions are often the causes of failures.

The minimum set of functions, which are controlled and adjusted heating block of flats, is as follows:
- Setting the temperature in the premises and the heat carrier temperature;
- Formation of a text report listing all the operating parameters and further sent to the phone holder;
- Determination of voltage stability in the household power grid;
- Device Management in the event of an emergency, including emergency shutdown of the boiler;
- Maintaining the temperature in the premises at a predetermined level, its distance setting.
Additional functionality depends on the exact model of the automation unit, a set of connected sensors. Practice shows that the most useful the following functions:
- Control of the pressure and the level of fuel in a diesel engine and devices on the wood;
- Tracking of unauthorized access;
- fire alarm activation at occurrence of an open fire, smoke, a sharp increase in temperature;
- Tracking leaks.
Please note that some units do not suggest an association with one number, and at once nine, designed for floor building.
It turns out that the automation of the heating system - from all sides profitable and viable solution. Increased operating efficiency, eliminating the risk of an emergency situation, living comfort is maximized. With all these benefits, the cost of setting up such a system is democratic, the device will pay off in just a season or two!