For each residential building, there is a large apartment building, and it is a private home ownership and one double-decker type, is of great importance to organize effective heating. Existing heating options today are many, however, in view of the technical possibilities, not every home can be connected to the gas. Not always have the opportunity to provide the required amount of solid fuel or oil boilers. In such cases, home heating electricity will most economical and affordable way.

Already in the design phase electrical heating system it can be concluded that such a heating method is much cheaper and more economical. Especially when compared to the speed of the electrical installation gasket and installation of heating systems of other species. Cost-effective in some cases, it is the deciding factor when choosing a heating system. Despite the fact that today, electricity is constantly going up, new technologies allow the use of electric heaters with high efficiency.
Electric heating in your home - the basic advantages and disadvantages
The term electric heating should be understood quite a wide range of facilities and capacities. Electricity is a unique view of the artificially generated energy, which can be successfully used for domestic purposes. Electric heating can be of two types:
- with intermediate heat carrier;
- direct heat transfer.
In the first case it is a system which is based on electric boiler, Warming coolant and circulate it through the piping system. In the second case, we are talking about independent heating elements and devices operating from the mains. For heating the house, like any other type of heaters are actively used, thermal electric fans, spiral and infrared heaters. Such a heating method is much simpler from a technical point of view. The only negative - it is a significant electricity cost overruns, which will have to pay. Separate conversation deserves a warm floor technology by which you can really get comfortable in home heating.

If we consider the ratio of the opportunities and benefits derived from the use of electric heating with other heating systems, the electricity will look preferable. The main advantage of electrical heating systems - high efficiency. Other positive aspects include:
- durability operating systems;
- ease of maintenance and operation;
- sufficient eligible expenditure for equipment, installation and connection.
- quiet operation and high level of safety of modern electric installations;
- the lack of permits for the installation of electrical heating systems.
Economical effect is achieved through the installation of devices elektroobogrevatelnyh thermostats, through which there is an automatic switching on and off the power supply.
Do not forget get acquainted with main item about heating apartments electricity.
These advantages are offset by one minus. To install in the house sufficiently powerful heating appliances, electric boiler will require additional equipment of a residential home electricity distribution devices and equipment.
Important! Wiring in the house must be able to withstand heavy loads, especially during the cold season. In addition to this, the electrical switchboard must be equipped with tariff meters, which allows intensive use of cheap night tariff. The main task during the installation of electric heating systems is to optimize the operation of the whole complex.
Convector Electric boiler or - what is the difference? What to look for?
From a technological point of view of electric boiler is the most advantageous in terms of price-performance ratio. Before making a purchase, you should carefully study the technical features and characteristics of the models on the market. Estimating possibilities of the boiler should definitely take into account the amount of work, which will handle the new equipment. To heat the home area of 150 m2, On rough calculations required not less than 150 kWh of electricity per day. Not every boiler in a position to cope with such volume, and not all transmission lines able to withstand such a load.
The boiler connected to a conventional standard hot water heating system, heating in the course of their work coolant.

Each model is equipped with control unitWhich allows residents to choose their own temperature. Automation itself controls the power of the boiler on the basis of given parameters, without the need for human involvement, providing the necessary electricity savings. The water supply is regulated also with the integrated pump, so worry about atmospheric pressure in the system causes no. Additional equipment can be completed today, most modern models of electric boilers, increases the functionality of the system and is aimed at reducing power consumption, saving you money.
In the process of optimization of the heating system it is important to take into account the heat losses that are inherent in the room. This rate depends directly on the thickness of the walls, the presence of insulation, number of doors and windows. The main heat loss is carried out through the windows and doors.
Last but not least the efficiency of heating depends on the parameters of the chosen model of the electric boiler. There are classic boilers with heating elements, as well as more efficient modern versions - and the induction electrode (ion). However, they all have the efficiency of 90%.
For reference: Often manufacturers in the accompanying documents of the goods write model efficiency - 95-98%. The numbers look impressive, although in reality the figures are much lower, in the range of 90-92%.
With simultaneous use of a large number of electrical appliances, the temperature coolant in electrical heating system can be reduced, saving on the consumption of a balanced electricity. Each specific case gives various options for saving, in contrast to the use of other heating systems. For instance, Heating country house area of 50 m2 require electric power boiler to 3 kW. Having at hand the necessary figures is not difficult to calculate the amount of kilowatts that will be consumed within a month of continuous operation of the boiler.
For instance:
- area of the house - 50 m2;
- electric boiler - 3 kW;
We are doing arithmetic calculations on the following formula: 3h24h30 where 24 - the number of hours in a day, 30 - the number of days in a month. We get 2160 kWh per month while running the boiler, and now multiply this figure by the electricity tariff, which is installed in your local area.
All calculations are approximate. This amount of electricity costs will be visible only after some time. Only then can make a self-adjustment of the heating system in the house, to determine the feasibility of domestic use of other electrical appliances.
If you need to arrange heating in your own house without laying highways and numerous installation of equipment, you can do convectors. Unlike the electric water heating convectors basic principle of operation consists in a warm air convection. Due to the operation of the heating elements is carried out heating the surrounding air. The system is almost completely self-contained, compact and can quickly heat the small areas of the interior.

The convectors are equipped with temperature control, with which to set the optimum heating parameters. Availability automation provides an automatic on / off device in dependence on the temperature inside the room. To install the heaters of this type is necessary to have high-quality and reliable wiring outlet.
Convectors can be installed both on the wall and on the floor. Cooled air descends, getting into the field of action of heating elements, heated again and rises up, and so a closed circle. Thus, the process of convection is achieved by the air mass. Work convector heating mode is 60-100 0 FROM. In addition, the room can be equipped with ventilators, the effect of which will accelerate the air circulation of the air mass. Despite the seeming simplicity of design and simple operating principle, space heating via convector is uneven. Under the ceiling is warmer than the air, while the bottom would be felt cool air masses.
Whatever savings when using convectors, spend enough simple mathematical calculation, allowing to determine the required number of instruments for the normal heating. Experience shows that effective convector for heating wooden residential buildings and residential small area. In the capital, stone houses with a large area of the premises, convectors use impractical. Large volumes of air quickly cools, the time for heating by convection air mass increases considerably. Hence, increased heating power.
Underfloor heating - heating cost of a private house
Electric boiler, heaters are not the only options to equip a private home heating system efficient operating from the mains. Underfloor heating, which today has become fashionable to be installed in country houses and apartments can be a good alternative to any other heating options. From a physics standpoint, a noticeable effect in a warm floor heating premises does not, however, in comparison with the work of other electric heating devices thanks to the warm floor can be used to reduce energy consumption for heating.
Desired effect is achieved due to efficient heat distribution. Floors, are known to be the most cool part in any room. Thanks to the warm floors, the coldest part of the room will automatically have shifted from the cooler in the heat source. The heated air throughout the bottom area of the premises uniform flow rises. For dwellings heated floors provide savings of 30-40%, for heating the remaining space savings can be 50% or more.

With the temperature regulators are achieved optimum heating parameters. To decide for themselves with temperature control inside the building actually achieve substantial energy savings.
Advantages of underfloor heating are:
- an effective way to quickly warm the space;
- acceptable economic indicators;
- stored comfortable climate inside the room (oxygen not burned);
- simplicity and reliability in operation.
Against the background of the advantages that Heated floor, the only drawback of this embodiment, the electrical heating is as insignificant. The problem is the difficulty in mounting such a heating system associated with the need to reorganize the flooring.
A preliminary calculation of the cost of heating costs in this case is as follows:
Approximate capacity of the standard models used in everyday life, is 1.5 kW per 10 m2. We consider the average daily consumption and get a figure of 360 kW. For areas other sizes calculations made on the same principle, the power varies in proportion to the square.
For reference: 360 kW x 2.5 (the rate of 2.5 rubles, roughly) get 900 rubles. Now multiply the resulting figure real square meters, for instance 50 m2. As a result, we face the figure of 4,500 rubles.
Today there is a wide choice of options to achieve the necessary comfort inside a residential house using electric heating.
Each of us has the right to choose which option is heating suits him best. Electric boiler, floor heating or electric heaters - options that address specific tasks. You can solve the problem globally, creating capital the heating system or to address issues locally. Savings can be in any case efficiently equip your house heating element, reduce heat in the room and optimize the entire energy system of the house.