As winter approaches, many are wondering how warm the holiday home for a winter stay. Here we will try to dismantle all the modern and traditional methods and technologies.
Why insulation and why you should not neglect it
If you decided to break away from the bustle of the city and spend the winter in their own country house, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare. Installing the heating system should not be the only event. Good insulation holiday home can significantly increase the energy efficiency and significantly save on heating. Also living in the house properly insulated will be much more comfortable. Lack of drafts and cold walls are also more favorable to health.

What is better to choose
Basically, the choice arises between the two main methods of insulation: exterior and interior. Ideally, the building should be processed and the outside and the inside, but in order to save can be limited and something one. Selection depends largely on the climatic conditions, the existing finish, the selected method of heating and structures available means. So, if the interior is fully furnished and newly renovated do not yet possible and the desire to better insulate the house from the outside. Accordingly, it should act in the opposite case.
However, the exterior finish is more difficult to install and often more expensive, and the possibility of installation is highly dependent on weather conditions. This makes it less suitable for cases where the work must be made in a short time. Insulate the inside of the cottage can be, even if the cold has come.
external insulation
The first step is deciding how to warm holiday home, should think about the insulation of the walls from the outside. The most common insulating materials for exterior plates are Styrofoam or polystyrene and basalt wool. Today the building materials market offers a lot of other materials, but these are the easiest to work, available and time-tested. Mineral wool generally is laid under siding, styrofoam panel siding may also be closed or covered plaster and various decorative coatings. Today, these methods are the most popular exterior finish.
If the wooden house itself, before beginning any work on it must be treated with special compounds that increase the moisture resistance of wood and reduces the risk of fire, as well as an antiseptic!
For comparison, look at the example of these materials both installation diagram:
installation of siding
For facades siding panels initially constructed crate of metal sheets or wooden bars. The resulting chamber is laid selected heater. Well, if this is not the gaps. Top fixed Ornamental panels and other necessary elements.
When working with glass wool, always use a dust mask and protective gloves!
Mounting plates of polystyrene
For thermal insulation of polystyrene panels is necessary to prepare the wall. They should be fairly smooth, without large imbalances that can cause fissuring on the canvas. Also, the wall must be primed. The panels are glued and fixed to the special plugs with wide plastic caps. You can also use special adhesives or those that are recommended for the tile. Then, the resulting surface can be plastered and apply reinforcing mesh and finishing decorative coating.
Read also: How to warm brick house outside?
internal insulation
Internal insulation of the room is also produced by Share of thermal insulation materials for decorative coating. Due to the fact that the conditions indoors are much softer, choice of materials and methods of finishing an order of magnitude greater. As for the outer insulation to insulate the inside giving suitable same insulating materials: mineral wool panel of foam or polystyrene, and others. You can also use zaduvnye heaters.
Mounting frame structure also begins with the processing of the walls themselves, depending on from which they are made. Be sure to treat the walls of a special composition of mold. With the construction of such structures is not necessary to align the wall, it will help save a lot of time and materials. After the erection of the frame, should lay a layer of foamed foil paroizoliruyuschey film. It also has a heat-reflecting property. If the wall is wooden, the film can be fixed by conventional nails, but the construction stapler or furniture will help to save a lot of time and effort. Then it laid directly heat the material itself, which is sewn from above the sheets of chipboard, particle board, OSB panels, sheets of drywall, MDF panels or other materials. This kind of multi-layered sandwich helps to save heat in the room.
Be sure to primarily insulate those walls that come into contact with the street. Unheated spaces such as balconies or verandas, it is acceptable not to provide a thermally insulated, if winter they will not be used while, but you should pay attention to the walls, with such premises neighbors. A layer of insulating material can be chosen for their thinner if veranda warm enough. Partitions and walls inside the house and completely insulate it makes no sense, except to increase the sound insulation. Warming also themselves outside the house adjacent to the premises will allow them to operate in the cold season and increase the heating efficiency of the entire house.
Winterizing windows
Analyzing with how warm the cottage house in any case can not forget about the windows. Slots, incorrect installation, bad seal can also cause heat loss. Of course, modern PVC windows with multi-chamber double-glazed windows filled with inert gases are most effective. But it does not always have the opportunity to spend a decent amount of money to replace them. And sometimes the new does not prevent some "upgrade".

Plastic windows
When properly installed, they do not require maintenance for many years. However, to view the place of their connection to the wall does not hurt. Please note, if there is a draft at the edges. Wherever he is, must fill in the gaps with foam. It should be repaired slopes from outside and inside. You may need to replace the rubber seals on the opening casements.
Wooden windows
For qualitative repair of wooden windows will need:
- Silicone Sealant (if you take in a special tube, need glue gun);
- Polyurethane foam;
- A small spatula;
- Masking tape;
- seal;
- Unnecessary newspapers, magazines or film;
- Plaster;
- Nails (small, you can take the furniture) and a hammer.
If there is a broken or cracked glass, it is better to replace. This applies to glazing beads. First, remove all of the old sealant fallen off plaster and cement from the cracks between the frame and the wall and from the ebb and sill.
Before fill hole assembly foam glass need to be protected and the surrounding surface of the window opening using paper or film, by securing its molar tape. He does not leave traces on a variety of surfaces and can be easily removed even with the wallpaper. Carefully lay the small amount of foam into the gaps. Keep in mind that its volume will increase in several times during the day, so you should not lay too much of it. About a day later, when the foam hardens completely, it will be possible to remove the protective tape and paper. Now you can cut off the excess. The most convenient way to do it using stationery knife. You can then smooth the surface with plaster.
Be careful when dealing with mounting foam! It is hardly removed from various surfaces and skin. Do not touch the uncured foam hands! Avoid its contact with clothes, flooring, windows, frames and other surfaces.
If you can not dismantle the corners, beadings with window frames, simply seal the gap with silicone sealant. It should be as far as possible to put sealant in the hole. You can shove it in there and smooth fingers moistened with water. Through this window will not rattle and will not be a draft.
At joints sashes and frames need to paste a special sealing tape. The most convenient, self-adhesive. Before bonding to clean and degrease the surface. It is best to try to prokleivat solid line without joints around the perimeter.
See also: insulation of balconies and loggias with their hands.
Winterizing windows
To be most effective must be insulated and doors, especially entrance and balcony. If the door the wind blows, it is better to separate the trim and fill the gap between the door frame and walls with foam. Fit around the perimeter of the door leaf can be stuck to a block special seal. Now it is quite common on the market. Sale, as a rule, rolls. For doors are best used rubber seal on the adhesive basis. Some of them include the possibility of fixing nails. Silicone or foam is not very suitable for the entrance doors, as they are less durable and hard-wearing, in addition, do not tolerate frost.
You can also insulate itself a door cloth if necessary. If the door is wooden and too thin or simple metal single layer, it will give a considerable heat loss. insulate the door You can attach the crate in which niche insulated panels are placed. Also, the door can be clad with special materials, it will also improve the thermal protection doors.
Thermal insulation of roofs
Roof insulation in many respects similar to the insulation of the walls. For this purpose, as a rule, they used the same materials and technology, but there are some nuances. There is important the correct installation sequence. Of course, high-quality and properly the installed roof is of paramount importance. waterproofing vapor permeable film must be routed to the same properties it possesses windproof. It is then laid a layer of insulation, after it is one more vapor-proof membrane. There should also be a small space for ventilation, which helps to avoid excessive humidity. After all this closed by plywood, gypsum board, or any other suitable material.

insulation of floors
Warming of the floor is one of the most labor-intensive processes. First it is necessary to dismantle Finish flooring. Then, if the joists and subfloor are in usable condition, the insulation is laid and finishing plank floor. One of the best and most modern methods is considered a system of floor heating. But because of the relatively high price and complexity of the installation is not always applicable to the holiday home. In addition, it significantly increases the load on the grid, which is not always designed for such systems. Therefore, floor, warmed by traditional methods, is more common in suburban repairs.
Complex building insulation will help keep warm. freezing premises exception, in turn, significantly increases its service life and helps to better preserve the interior trim for a longer period. And the furniture, appliances and other utensils will be suitable for much longer. This makes your stay on your favorite country site more enjoyable and comfortable.