Many of our fellow citizens perceive the cottage for only as a plot of land for the cultivation of various fruits and vegetables, but also as a place to rest. If you install in a holiday house high-quality heating, then it is possible not only to spend time during the warm season, but also in winter. As practice shows, one of the most effective ways of heating is heating garden electricity.
Features garden heating appliances
at choosing electrical heating system should pay attention to the presence or absence of moisture, as well as how well the villa is provided with electricity. In addition, plays an important role such factors, you live in a country house permanently or visit it from time to time.

Depending on all of this and should be chosen electric heaters. According to numerous reviews of the owners of country houses, perfectly proven heaters, quartz panels, oil radiators. But their application should be considered:
- The residence time. If you intend to live in the country for 2-3 days, a great option would be the use of electric heating panels of quartz. They make it possible to achieve a good heat transfer and use of electricity sparingly.
- Dampness. In the presence of moisture in the country, stop your choice on the fan heater or convector. They are able to quickly cope with it, since it is not only well-warmed, but also air dried.
- The presence of security. If your holiday village is not protected, and you're on it happens infrequently, it is recommended to give preference electrical heating systems which are compact and can easily transported. Here is useful heater or an infrared heater. With their help, you can quickly and efficiently heat a room, and their compact size makes it easy to transport them.
Depending on the presence or absence of all the factors listed above, you should choose the type of the electric heater, which will be most suitable for you.
Modern electric heaters are used to heat the house can perfectly cope with heating country house. With the ability to adjust the thermostat, it is possible to maintain the desired temperature, even if no one lives in the country.
Attention: As some models of electric heaters are equipped with a timer, it is possible to adjust the time of switching on and off. Modern devices can be controlled even by sending SMS messages. They can serve both to enable and to disable the device.
To facilitate your choice, you should consider the most popular kinds of electrical appliances used for heating of cottages, find out their strengths and weaknesses.
See also: How to make a heating system in the country?
Most often, heating brick or wooden holiday home with electricity produced using convectors. Their installation does not require a lot of time and effort. Usually they are mounted on the walls. Only once they are installed on the floor. At the heart of this electric heater is air convection. Among their advantages are the following:
- not burn oxygen;
- equipped with an automatic control system;
- It is small in size.

Due to the convector can achieve uniform heating of the room in which it is installed. In the lower part of the device is embedded in it heater that heats air passing therethrough. Air warm currents are able to provide the desired temperature in the room as soon as possible, and thanks to the thermostat, it is possible to constantly maintain the desired temperature.
oil Coolers
Oil heaters are used to heat for a long time. They have proven to be fully effective. Inside of the case is oil, heated by the heating element. radiator surface heats up and transfers heat. Some models are equipped with oil cooler fan. Thanks to them, you can speed up the heat exchange.
But these heating devices have some drawbacks, chief among which is their great weight. Moreover, models of radiators equipped with fans, have a higher cost. These disadvantages and provides a strong heating of the surface. Because you can get burned as a result of careless touch.
Infrared heaters
The heating system of your holiday home with electricity, can be carried out with the help of infrared heaters. They are often mounted on the ceiling. Through infrared waves that radiate these devices is their transformation into thermal energy which heats the surface, in turn transmit heat to the air.
Among the advantages of these devices are the following:
- compactness;
- light weight;
- durability and reliability of the construction;
- autonomy;
- the possibility of remote control via the remote control.
Thanks to infrared heaters have the ability to heat the building, not all, but only the necessary facilities. In addition, they allow you to be nice to save on electricity.
Warm floor
Heating country house with the help of electricity can be produced using a cable. Special heating cable should be laid on the floor, and then connect to a power source. Furthermore, the coating is placed on it. But if you are going to heat the country house so it is best to mount the floor heating in the construction of buildings or during repair.
Electric boilers
Attention: If there is a large country house ideal for its heating will install the electric boiler. Despite the fact that the installation of the heating system is connected with some troubles, it allows you to heat your home efficiently and maintain its desired temperature even in extreme cold. This system is distinguished by environmental friendliness, reliability and long service life.

The process of installation includes the installation of radiators. Also need to complete pipework. Among the advantages of electric boilers are the following:
- compactness;
- objective value;
- environmental friendliness;
- easy installation;
- quiet operation;
- security.
Modern electric boilers represent a device of small sizes with automatic control, allowing to create and maintain the desired temperature in the building. They are characterized by a solid performance and do not require the purchase, delivery and storage of fuel. Boilers for conventional electricity.
There are 3 types of electric boilers:
- TENovye;
- electrode;
- induction.
Each of these types has its own advantages and disadvantages that must be taken into account. For example, the lowest cost is an electrode boiler, but at the same time it can not be used for floor heating.
combined boilers
Attention: If your cottage is located in the countryside, it is best to set the combi boiler that can be heated not only with electricity, but also with solid fuel. This can significantly reduce the cost of the equipment itself as well as its maintenance.
The main advantage of the combined boiler is its universality, because of his work can be used as energy, and various solid fuels, such as wood or coal. Due to its design, this device is capable of maintaining the desired temperature regime for a long time. Including if the country no one. In this case, the power of his work will be minimal.
Its versatility makes it possible not to be afraid of possible power outages. After all, if there is a stock of coal or wood, they can be easily replaced by electricity.
Thanks to its numerous advantages of combination boilers make it possible to quickly and accurately any warm summer houses with electricity or solid fuel, even in extreme cold. In addition, their use makes it possible to save well. After all, their work capacity may vary. Including automatically.