Collector heating private houses: the scheme, the advantages and disadvantages

The serial connection of radiators in a heating system, though deemed more economical to install, nevertheless greatly limits their management. More choice in this issue provides opportunities collector heating a detached house - each battery is connected to a single source. This allows you to set the desired temperature at any heatsink or even completely disable it. The basis acts comb (collector), which represents a small fraction of the pipe having outlets for each individual heating element.


The main advantage of such sictemy considered ease of use. The use of heating devices is as comfortable as possible:

  1. The temperature of each element is regulated in a single location. Being close to the central site, a person can reduce heat flow to the desired register or completely block it. This makes it possible to control the heating of any particular room.
  2. Each extending from the center branch supplies only a single heater. Therefore, for connecting a small diameter pipe is used. Most often, they are placed in the concrete floor screed, allowing further heat the room.
  3. If necessary can be hub, through which are formed several mutually independent circuits with different heating temperature. For this purpose, a special collector (gidrostrelka) having a large diameter pipe.
  4. Setting this option is a little different from the usual. It involves laying small loops between the heat flow and return line.


There are several major disadvantages that must be considered before you put such a system in your home:

  1. To connect all the components used much more pipes than in the series connection. The larger the area of ​​the house, the more difficult the wiring plan. From this and increases the difference in cost.
  2. Ordinary single- or twin-tube heating is typically mounted on the walls. In this case, a mount is not aesthetic.
  3. Location podvodok screed is another important factor - there should be no seams or joints. After all, it is a potential leak. A concrete floor is open - an unpleasant idea.
  4. Water in the amount of loop has a high resistance, especially when heating House,. Especially when mounting the narrow tubes. About the natural circulation can be forgotten just because of a small difference just is not enough. Output is obvious - a powerful pump.
  5. The use of multiple circuits typically compels install the same number of pressure systems. All this increases the expenditure side, not only at the time of installation, but also during use.
  6. Connecting forced circulation automatically makes the system dependent on electricity. Any problems with this type of energy may result in failure of the heating system when completely running boiler.

Major System Components

collector heating system consists of several basic elements:

  1. Boiler.
  2. Pipes.
  3. Radiators.
  4. Collector.
  5. Pump.
  6. Expansion tank.

Collector heating House,

It is important to understand that when heating circuit manifold one-story or two-story house itself heating system is virtually unchanged. Also present boiler expansion tank, pipes and radiators. Of course, in the two-story house number of the last two will be greater.

What is important is the pressure and flow coolant. The scheme of the two-story home heating It can not rely on an independent movement of the liquid. be sure the pump must be installed in the system. And in some projects and not one.

Thus, the pump is mounted on the return pipe, supplies water to the heater, from which it further flows into the manifold. With this heat transfer medium is fed into place all the necessary places. Next comes the return pipe to the appropriate collector. And the cycle repeats itself.

Basic principles

Each individual project requires its own approach to the planning and installation of a private home heating. At the same time there are still some points that are held by all the experts. For example, this system is not recommended for use in homes - in such dimensions is practically impossible to implement the project.

Mainly in the high-rise buildings in a separate room comes two or more risers. Each connected several radiators. To implement the plan you need to parallel each radiator is connected to a single riser. In other words, all the channels overlap the heat supply other than the sole, and which are mounted on heat sinks. Such a decision could lead to the fact that the neighbors living above, just receive less heat is required, and can simply freeze.

Such an arrangement in a private home will affect only the owners themselves. The main thing to take into account some special features:

  1. The automatic air valve is located directly on the supply and return manifold. They allow to bring the air from the system.
  2. expansion tank is always mounted in the circuit. Its capacity should not be less than 10% of the total liquid volume in the system. The price of these devices is relatively small, in order to save. An increase in the volume of liquid in the system during heating - is necessary.
  3. The optimal site for the installation of the expansion tank is reverse feeding line, before reaching the pump. This is due to the structural features of these devices. They do not tolerate the turbulence in the flow. At the specified location such phenomena as the time expected by the least.
  4. Installing the circulation pumps is not a fundamental issue. But in the case of use, experts recommend to choose the return line for installation. At this point the temperature of the fluid is minimal, which is beneficial to the mechanism of service duration.

Important! During the installation of the pump is necessary to look to the shaft is horizontal. Otherwise, it may appear some problems at work.

The choice of tubes

When collecting any heating private houses have to say a few words about the choice of pipes. To decide, you need to understand the specifics of the wiring. Highlights that may affect your choice:

  1. It is better to give preference to coiled tubing. This makes it possible to lay the wiring in the screed without joints.
  2. They are in any case should not be afraid of corrosion. In addition to these elements have long service life. And the reason is the same: an unplanned replacement of pipes and repair did not like the owner of the house in the future.
  3. Durability is selected depending on the heating parameters. Typically, in a private home is considered optimal temperature of 50 to 75 degrees and the pressure to 2 atmospheres. But for the underfloor heating can be less than: 30 to 40.

When properly installed heating collector layout ensures efficiency and safety during use of the system. Due to the minimum number of connections decreases the percentage of leakage to the minimum. In addition, it looks attractive option concealed wiring that will not violate the overall aesthetics. Also, we can not agree that the way to control the temperature in each room is much more convenient. Such a system is really like people who value personal comfort.