- Which dryer should I choose for the balcony?
- Classification of ceiling dryers
- Materials for production of dryers
- Rules for fixing ceiling dryers
Residents of modern apartment buildings, for the most part, can not boast of spacious balconies, which causes a lot of inconvenience associated with the drying of wet laundry. Hanging laundry items in the apartment, for example, in the corridor is not very convenient and appropriate, because at any time guests may come in, and by the way, this way of drying can adversely affect the level of humidity in your apartment. In such cases, an ideal solution to the problem is a ceiling dryer for laundry on the balcony. Such constructions are really very convenient and compact, but you need to learn how to choose them correctly depending on various factors. And how to do it - we learn from the next article.
to the contents ↑Which dryer should I choose for the balcony?
On sale today you can find wall, floor and ceiling dryers. They are united by a single property - a large number of strings, located on a small surface. But the differences they have more than enough - and in terms of installation, and even forms.
In principle, for any corner of the apartment you can find a suitable version of the dryer, but that's what concerns the balcony, then the answer is unambiguous - ceiling models. Most importantly their advantage lies in the height of the installation.
Important! When choosing clothes dryers on the balcony, consider the specific features of the house in which your apartment is located. For example, in panel buildings it is difficult to drill a hole in the ceiling, but in houses made of monolithic concrete it is impossible to do it yourself at all, it will be necessary to call a specialist.
to content ↑Classification of
ceiling dryers Although all dryers of this type work equally, but they differ in the type of attachment and shape. Actually, therefore, by the way of installation they are divided into:
- Removable. They prefer people who do not like the constant presence under the ceiling of such a device.
- Non-removable. They are installed in the right place, and they remain in this position for a long time.
But the type of construction they are:
- Folding. Outwardly they resemble laths for drying clothes, which are attached using brackets. Add this design can be in both length and height, everything will depend on the capabilities of the selected model.
- Sliding. In such dryers, the strings stretch and retract in the desired order and the right distance. The main unit is attached directly to the wall, and it is not removed. The second unit is attached to the opposite wall - it allows you to fix the tensioned strings as necessary. If this construction is folded, it will look quite compact and neat.
- Suspended( grids).Already by the name of these designs it becomes clear how they look outwardly and in what way they work.
- "Liana".Such dryers consist of hollow slats that are stretched inside the block with stops and ropes.
Important! When choosing a dryer, consider these recommendations:
- Focus on the length of your balcony, because if you make a mistake with the size, it simply can not fit and you will have to return it or sell it.
- The number of people living in the apartment is not the least important.
- The optimal length is 2 meters, because shorter dryers allow drying of extremely small things, for example, children's clothes. And too long structures, as a rule, quickly deform during operation.
Materials for the production of dryers
The material for making such structures plays an important role, and it affects how long and how high the ceiling dryer for the balcony will serve. How to choose the right dryer depending on the material we are now learning. To date, there are available on the market such varieties of ceiling dryers:
- Plastic models. They are very light, but they can not be dried too much underwear and bulky things. They serve, unfortunately not for long.
- Aluminum dryers. They weigh very little, but the tubes designed to hang wet clothes are often bent.
- Metal models braided with plastic. They are considered quite reliable, and they allow you to dry a lot of laundry at the same time. Their cost, of course, affects the place of their production. For example, the cheapest dryers are Chinese, and expensive - Turkish and German designs, which still have high reliability and durability.
- Stainless steel dryers. They are considered strong and at the same time inexpensive. Often they are made by a combination of aluminum strings and steel, because this material is not oxidized, does not have a pronounced metallic luster.
- Steel models. They are not as durable as the previous designs, even if they are coated with an effective polymer, because they often crack and crumble, while the tissues of things are damaged.
Rules for fixing the ceiling dryers
To avoid doing the same work twice, learn how to properly mount the dryer to the balcony.
Important! Remember that each dryer has a maximum limit of wet laundry weight posted on it. If your wardrobe is dominated by such things as jeans and heavy sweaters, then give preference to aluminum dryers with a maximum weight limit.
Installation features:
- Before installation, open the window and check if the leaf will touch the drying things.
- Since almost all dryers are equipped with plastic fasteners, you need to purchase for their installation, in addition to the dowels, also plaque, which then need to be screwed to the ceiling or wall.
- If the ceiling on your balcony is sheathed with siding, then you'll have to work hard to make the right holes. Therefore, during the repair phase, care must be taken to install a special fastener for installing the dryer in the future.
From this article you learned about the various options for ceiling dryers for the balcony. We hope that the information provided helped you to decide on a more suitable design and you have already conveniently adjusted the drying process without compromising the aesthetics and practicality of your apartment.