For proper and efficient operation of the heating system must be not only professional performing installation, servicing suitable coolant and flushing, but also fine-tuning and balancing. The complex of these measures is required not only when you start the newly created circuit, but after connecting the new equipment, including heaters, or after replacing the tubes. Balancing water heating system in a private home - a rather complicated process, with no certainty own strength should entrust it to specialists, but in order to save, you can try to perform and independently.

urgent need
The main objective of the heating system - delivery of coolant to the radiator, followed by heating the surrounding air.
It is important, at the same time, the volume of the transported coolant to strictly comply with the real requirements: lack of fluid provoke low efficiency, and the pressure is fraught danger of breaking.
If the owners did not take care of setting up, the battery will be the hottest, are in the immediate vicinity of the boiler, while the long radiators can and does remain cold. Although this imbalance, fuel consumption will remain at a high level, such a scheme and is hardly economical and efficient, and effective. So, it turns out that the balancing process is needed to achieve the following results:
- Each of the heaters is heated evenly;
- Achieved savings of coolant without compromising the effectiveness of the system;
- It eliminates noise during operation, triggered by the movement of large volumes of water.
When you need it?
Balancing water heating systems of multi-storey houses to be performed before starting each new season, but in dire need of the following symptoms indicate it:
- Radiators warmed up well enough or even stay cool, to check that the problem is not related to the formation of air pockets. Most likely, the negative effect caused by the lack of pressure in the system, re-boiler connected does not create adequate pressure can not push the water through the pipes. Be able to solve the problem of replacing the pipes on less wide variations, and the addition of the circulating pump setting.
- Do not warm up the radiators the entire system. Likely formed an air pocket. Bleed screw opens, water is discharged to until all air is out of tubing.
- Uneven heating of radiators and pipe. Perhaps the gross violations and mistakes were made during installation. You must balance, which will show up in the course of all the weaknesses for the subsequent elimination of defects.

basic methods
The following settings are methods often used for private homes:
- It is considered the most accurate method based on the use of electronic flowmeter, which controls the water flow. For it is necessary, firstly, the hydraulic calculation of the system, which reflects the water consumption at all of its sites, secondly, the required shutoff valves on all risers. The third component - directly to an electronic device that connects while working with the valve. The process is based on the fact that the electronics shows exactly how much coolant spends each riser. On the basis of these position data is regulated fittings and valves, optimal values are achieved. technology has the advantage that there is no need to engage each heat sink separately, all devices connected to the modulated riser receive optimum amounts of water.
- Temperature setting - an option that we have to use out of despair, when the hands of no scheme of the project, no exact calculations of its performance. The essence of the process lies in the mounting of gates for each of the batteries, use a thermometer to fixation surface temperature. The first thing you need to completely open the valve on the radiator the most powerful remote from the boiler, and the remaining battery open a certain number of revolutions, calculated by a certain method. If the branch is connected to the radiator 6, and the valve is necessary to unscrew the 5 turns, the first open 1 turn, 2 - two and so on. After that, the surface temperature is measured, achieved the equality between all the devices of a private house heating system.
Be sure to check out: water heating in his house with his own hands.
Requirements and Recommendations

Before you begin balancing, you need to check the pipeline:
- There should be no air pockets. This problem is particularly relevant for the hosts decided to change the old-iron batteries for analogs of aluminum alloys;
- All strainers should be fully operational in the presence of even small traces of contamination water rinse elements, since it significantly impairs the transmissive capacity leads to incorrect calculation and settings;
- pressure difference in the branches of the forward and reverse flow of water should be sufficient.
Positive effect
Of course, the implementation of this activity requires some effort, sometimes very time-consuming. Nevertheless, the benefits of this process is undeniable. Firstly, heating in all rooms of the house will fully comply with the wishes of the owners, will increase the level of domestic comfort. Second, it increases the effectiveness of the coolant use, thereby reducing the costs necessary to maintain proper operation. Finally, the operation of the circuit equipment will occur in the power saving mode, uninterrupted or error free, that will significantly reduce the probability of an accident, as well as to increase the duration of use.