Heating country house: how to make the heating in the country?

Rest in the country for many of us is a key aspect of the summer period. However, today cottage - it is not just a place to seasonal holidays, and in most cases, solid capital structure that can take the residents at any time of the year. Even at the design stage of a country house, many of the owners of suburban areas are trying to provide options for the organization of heating residential buildings. The dacha cooperative, which is usually within reach of urban transport infrastructure, most truckers are trying to find an acceptable way to make heating to testify.

To date, it saved the relevance heating problems of the country house, so it's time to consider options for the heating system of the organization in a country house and in the country on their own.

The choice of the heating system. What you need to focus?

The heating season - an important part of urban life. Another thing is when we try to spend more time out of town, in spite of the changing seasons. Make a holiday home for heating, then turn the property into a cozy cottage housing, designed for year-round use and frequent visits. The complexity of the problem lies elsewhere. What kind of heating system to choose? How real will arrange heating to give their own hands.

The first step, which determines your choice, evaluation of technical condition of the country house. It is important to take into account every detail, without losing sight of the smallest details and nuances, namely:

  • a construction material used for construction of cottages;
  • Assessment of remoteness from the country house next technical communications;
  • the availability of affordable energy.

These factors will help you make the right choice for any self-heating system to stop.

The choice of heating options to a large extent influenced by the size of the villa. The more your home, the more energy is necessary for the full heating of interior spaces and, accordingly, a significant look on heating costs.

Efficient heating garden with his own hands at the lowest cost possible to do if a house is small and your visits to suburban area mostly falls in the spring, summer and autumn. The best option in this situation would electric heating. Rare inclusions and small internal volumes allow you to efficiently use electricity for heating. Costs in this case would be insignificant.

For a country house usually used heaters, fan heaters. Many inhabitants of the villas in the cold period of active use oil radiators. All of these devices are local sources of heat and can easily be carried from one room to another. In an optimal embodiment with electricity can distinguish infrared heaters. At low energy, high thermal effect is achieved.

As an alternative to electricity, for a small country house are perfect convection oven. Such heating units are effective and economical. A charge of solid fuel may be enough for the whole period of your stay in the house, the more heating is completely independent from the power supply.

Important! If you wish to equip your cottage electric heating appliances need to consider the power wiring in the house. It is desirable to have a switchboard and a power cable designed for 380V voltage. For convection ovens must be specially equipped place equidistant from the walls and having an incombustible under the pad.

Trying to keep the aesthetics of the interior, many of us prefer to fireplaces and stoves. Such heating options suitable for short-term heating of a small house. From a purely aesthetic point of view heat with wood briquettes or convenient, but such a variant of heating is short, critical local task. Must constantly throw fuel to maintain a comfortable temperature. In addition, the quality of heat can affect the lack of thermal efficiency of construction itself.

A variant with a fireplace or furnace can be considered if no adjacent the power line, with the wood or other solid fuel there is no problem.

It is worth paying attention! If you have the basic fuel for the fireplace or stove firewood, coal - high likelihood of the internal space in a large number of products of combustion, soot, smoke and CO2That can affect the comfort level. Can solve the problem right equipment and chimney hoods.

For example, two of the most common variants of the fireplace stove:

  • fireplace, which tube has a section 100h125 mm;
  • fireplace with a rectangular tube, dimensions 150h50 mm.

To achieve the desired effect while working fireplace with a closed combustion chamber, you will need to burn 1 kg of wood 8 cubic meters. meters of air. The process of combustion and heating quality in this case depends on the state of the duct.

Owners of large country houses, which are designed for a large number of inhabitants and may be useful in appropriate equipment for living, making heating in the country with their own hands will have to the procedure is more complicated. Here we have to think about other options for holiday home heating.

If a large country house which solutions to the problem exist?

Your cottage is for you a second home, you spend a lot of time in it, the level of domestic comfort It requires constant maintenance of an acceptable temperature, hot water and domestic continuous operation instruments.

hot-water heating in this situation it is the best option, especially if gas pipeline runs close to your area. If there is no gas, it is possible to limit self-heating with solid fuel and electric boilers. To date, there are models of boilers, which are effective when working in such conditions, provide a warm and comfortable enough large suburban dwellings.

Heating systems cottages begins with the development of the project. In each case it is necessary to calculate the most appropriate power of the heating unit, which is able to cope with the tasks. Apply to the gas supply, you will get the necessary specifications, which are already the basis for the development of the project and preparation of construction documents.

The primary task - to establish the source of energy. You decide yourself, than to heat your home, use either electricity or to give preference to gas. You can stay on solid fuel fired boilers. The main task, to do with their hands as much as possible an autonomous heating system, independent of external factors.

On a note: oil boilers for heating private houses are ineffective, due to excessive household pollution of the surrounding space.

Installation of gas boiler, installation of heating your garden, including the laying of the pipeline and connecting the radiators, these questions you will have to decide. Liner gas pipe to your site boundaries is carried out by the power company. In accordance with the new rules and the order of the gas supply to private households, a considerable simplification of connection procedure itself. Since the submission of the application for the connection must be not more than 3 months.

As for the new order of the truckers categories that costs for heating and household needs no more than 5 m3of gas per day. According to preliminary estimates of the volume is quite enough for heating the home area of ​​200 m2Including the use of hot water and household gas cooker.

Heating country house with their hands, using gas from a central gas pipeline, convenient, practical and economically viable solution. As the win-win options should stay at the open type heating system. For a small country house, even two-storey such an option is very convenient, since the circulation of the coolant is carried out in a natural way. You yourself can lay pipes under the bias and the difference in the two floors will provide normal functionality of the heating system. The scheme allows some to imagine how it will look on your heating system cottage.

Forced convection is more practical, however, in this situation, electric power required to operate the pump. In the winter, especially in bad weather in the country are frequent interruptions in energy supply. Exercising independent activation of the system, be sure to follow the instructions and project, otherwise the heating system may be ineffective to increase significantly overspent fuel. The best option to invite for heating equipment in the country gas industry professionals.

The power of the heating boiler is defined by approximately a rate of 1 kW of heat per 10 m2 Square house. The resulting number is multiplied by a coefficient, which is approved for each region of our country. Thus for southern district ratio is from 0.7 to 1.0, for Central Russia area ratio is 1.5. For northern regions of from 1.5 to 2 units.

An alternative source of centralized gas supply when your cottage is located far from the infrastructure installation is a gas-cylinders.

How to make a heating system in the country, if you have the means and the technical capabilities of cottages meet the technical conditions of the heating system, the answer is simple and straightforward. You can always find the best option, if competently and economically feasible approach to solving the problem. Electricity, wood or coal, natural gas, in any case, you get a heat source for your garden. Another question is how the selected option will meet your needs, whether to reach economic effect.

To obtain a more complete picture should refer to the use of economic parameters for different heating fuels. The data are presented in the table below: