When wiring the heating pipes are various schemes defining features of the system operation, materials costs, methods of connecting radiators. The circuit wiring of heating in a modern apartment buildingUsually carried out in a vertical technology that best meets the requirements of non-standard layouts.

Key Features
Vertical scheme differs from the horizontal analog primarily minor heat losses. This feature - a merit elaborate arrangement of the main pipes, which act as risers.
I wonder what his appearance, this technique is required to new building standards in the country. Initially, it was not widespread, due to certain nuances of the installation. The point has changed dramatically, when the Soviet Union began to actively be erected five-storey Khrushchev, the area of the apartments which was not great, but because in a horizontal layout was not necessary. In order to save and the vertical technique was created, characterized by a number of nuances:
- Vertical risers are several circulating coolant, which are connected to the radiators;
- Each of the radiators can be adjusted individually;
- The coolant enters the room through a separate circuit.
What should I prepare?
If we talk about private houses, such a heating arrangement can be used and there, but the owners need to prepare for a meeting with some difficulties. An example of such problems - the majority of batteries on the market today is focused on the connection systems horizontal, the pipes have a corresponding arrangement, technological openings and sections. Thus, the scheme would ideally require special radiators, it is oriented to the vertical mounting.
From this feature implies another problem. As you know, better radiators mounted close to the floor, it will establish an effective exchange of air without any extra effort. The cold air, according to the laws of physics, will descend, and heated - to lift up. Vertical radiator is extremely difficult to establish in this way, because of what the heating is inadequate.
However, the cons do not end there. Described problem can be solved even if slightly increase the length of the pipes leading to the radiator. If we adhere to the classical implementation of the scheme, then there is another drawback. it lies in the fact that the vertical tubular radiators are well aligned with padded risers. If the room does not differ a great area, then any discomfort tenants will not feel. If the area of a room of about 40 squares with 2 exterior walls, it will not do without the installation of two risers, otherwise it will be cold enough. Thus, the vertical layout Heating system of modern apartment building is beneficial in the following cases:
- The number of floors is greater than or equal to five;
- Every single room is different to a small area;
- Sufficient heat insulation of walls.
If we talk about heat metering, it is recommended to install the meter directly to the riser.
Read more detail: Driving and assembling the double pipe heating system.
Select the number of tubes
The circuit can assume the presence of one or two tubes:
- A variant with a single tube implies that coolant circulation takes place in a closed circuit, and the radiators are connected in series. This design feature leads to the fact that the final temperature of the battery is lower than the first device. However, this disadvantage is naturally corrected with a small loop length. As a further method of adjustment can use cranes nozzles between radiators. Minimal volumes of materials to form a system, no need for a circulation pump, a small amount of circulating coolant - these properties can be attributed to the benefits of technology.
- Two-pipe scheme is based on the installation of two loops. The first is used for supplying coolant to the radiator, and the second sending chilled water to the boiler for a new heating. When laying need to remember that the pipes should go next to each other, because the radiators are connected in parallel. Extension tube increases the total volume of the thermal fluid, often flow by gravity it is impossible, but because I have to install a circulating pump. However, under some inconveniences mounting system is more reliable than the first embodiment, since avoids the formation of air pockets.
horizontal version

For completeness, it is worth considering and horizontal wiring technique. Its advantages are as follows:
- In case of emergency it is possible to turn off only the damaged battery. The method is also useful when changing the heating devices in a single apartment, there is no need in the ceiling of a riser.
- It is possible to install energy meters in every apartment, so tenants can adjust the battery life so that she was, and economical, and contributed to the formation of the optimal microclimate. For example, when a long trip or leave the room temperature is reduced artificially.
- The technique is independent of the other apartments in the house, but because the owner of the heating settles in full accordance with personal requirements. The apartment has no risers, and the individual tubes can be installed in niches that valuable in shaping the design of interiors.
- It is believed that this technology is more durable.
- Pipes are not in the walls and in special niches and corrugations. This approach is optimal from the viewpoint of maintainability, lightweight structure can be disassembled to get to an emergency site without difficulty.
Thus, a house can be supplied with heat by any of the described circuits. In order to make the best choice, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances, pros and cons of decisions. Even the vertical option, which might seem to play a horizontal analog, in a building ensures efficient heating at low financial investment in the installation phase.