If there is next to your home gas pipeline - perfect! Another thing, when your home is far from the major centers of communications and infrastructure, with a range of heating options for the organization in this case are limited. Gas, which is the most convenient and economical fuel for heating houses, can be used in another form. A good and reasonable solution in such situations is to install on your site gas storage. Gasholder for private homes will be a reliable storage of liquefied natural gas, which can then be used to operate the heating system.
Focusing on the technical capabilities of modern units for storing a liquefied gas, a gas heating installation autonomous system requires competent design. The subsequent installation of equipment depends on many factors, among which are no less important will be the conditions of the plant in the future, its economy and security.
What are the types of gas tanks, their design and technological features
Gasholder is not simply a container for storing a liquefied gas. Contrary to popular stereotypes, gasholder - a high-tech installation, whose main objective is not to Only in the storage of liquefied natural gas, but in its processing for later use as fuel systems everyday heating. When properly installed installation and subsequent correct operation - the unit is the least dangerous object in your area. Steel cylindrical or spherical container capable of withstanding high pressure, is acceptable sizes and dimensions that allow it to establish the boundaries of households.
Unlike traditional energy systems, this setting allows you to completely make your vacation home autonomous and independent from the engineering and operation of networks and communications.

According to the principle of the gasholder is more like a reservoir to collect the condensed steam. Considering the basic physical properties of natural gas, operation of the plant is based on the following principle:
- injecting the gas into the vessel under high pressure, sometimes reaching up to 1.8 MPa;
- liquefied gas under high temperature evaporates to a gaseous state;
- presence reactor provides the pressure required for supplying the gas to the pipeline.
In most cases the gas tank is used for maintenance of country houses, cottages and holiday homes during the heating season. In practice, various types of units, each designed for specific purposes and tasks.
The cheapest and most practical to use ground gas tank. This type of installation does not require large-scale engineering and installation work at the site. The entire installation process, the installation and the connection is made without significant material costs. Installation and installation of the gas tank in a private house in the mainly carried out at the stage of construction of a residential facility, so:
Important have a ready project of the gas distribution system, clearly define the location of the gas tank with the necessary security requirements and operation of the natural gas infrastructure.
In the settlements, and at sites where access is difficult specialized construction equipment, maintenance major construction work is limited to building density, land-based gas tanks are the ideal technical solution. However, for regions dominated by the cold climate, and winter has a longer duration, this setup is not optimal.
Important! Large cold and low temperature long time affect the rate of evaporation of gas in the installation, which greatly reduces the effectiveness of the auxiliary heating system in a building.
Underground gasholder for our climate is the best option for solving the problem, the more so as such a setup can be used in almost any region of our country. Otherwise have to spend on the installation of additional evaporators or spend money on the tank insulation.

Installation of underground gasholder types associated with certain difficulties in the technical plan, but it has a better performance. Normal temperature mode provides the necessary conditions for the evaporation of the gas. Steel container must be at a depth below the soil freezing point, so for each terrain before setting necessary to preliminary calculations and geological engineering surveys.
The underground reservoir can also download a greater volume of fuel, providing significant reserves themselves for a long period. Operation of the gas tank is carried out in a conventional planning mode, without requiring additional measures and devices for insulation capacity. By placing a large enough container under the ground, can be freed from the unsightly own site design, improved visibility and aesthetics of outdoor use.
If the task is to organize the flow of gas in several residential buildings, underground gasholder is quite cope with this task. Typically for servicing a larger number of consumers installed capacity capacity 6000 m3.
Apart from differences in the placement type, gas tanks may have a different orientation, i.e. There are vertical and horizontal. Vertical design not received practical use due to its low performance. This is due to the small surface area of the gas evaporation. Stable pressure in the vertical setting is one of the advantages of such a construction. Vertical gas tanks equipped with additional heaters and evaporators capable of delivering gas for small buildings heating system, which does not exceed the area of 150-170m2. In addition, vertical installation does not take much space on the site.
The most widespread in our country received horizontal underground gas tanks. Increased volume capacity, high performance. In order to prevent performance degradation as the gas consumption, such installations are equipped with reduction gears. Underground gas tank horizontal type will be able to cope with gas providing fully spacious house or several houses.

Choosing a gasholder for your site
Every one of us always has its own requirements for the heating system, especially if we are talking about a country house. Independent heating private house on LPG, which is stored and fed from a gas tank, a cost-effective and technically competent engineering solution. Before you carry out the installation of the gas tank, it is better to carry out preliminary calculations, defining the following parameters:
- the optimum amount of gas required for consumption in a private home;
- optimum dimensions and volume of the reservoir;
- container type;
- financial costs associated with the installation of the entire system at the site.
In the diagram are approximate location of underground gas tanks, technical dimensions of the pit, stand for the installation and settings of the unit itself.

The economic component of the heating of private homes with the help of the gas holder is as follows. Calculations are approximate, as has its own raw data for each residential facility.
As an example, we can take the calculations for residential building with an area of 200 m2.
- the average fuel consumption per month is 3-4 liters. per square meter;
- during the heating season (6 months) per square meter of housing demand for heating20-25 l. natural gas;
- for the entire period 4000-5000 expenditures will amount to l;
- the cost of gas to the national average of 10-15 rubles / liter;
- Total out 60-75 thousand. rubles for the whole season or 10-12,5 thousand. per month.
On the accuracy of calculations affects the number of devices in the house, gas fueled boiler output and the intensity of use of the entire gas system. Based on the data, you can calculate the necessary amount of gas tank yourself. The best option would be to take advantage of existing projects of the gas tank and the entire Autonomous gas heating system. With proper engineering education data calculations can be done independently.
Important! All project documentation for installing the gas tank on your site should go through with the gas service negotiation procedure. If there are bugs and technical errors the project will be rejected, need further refinement.
Pick up the gas tank for your home can be only in strict accordance with the technical parameters of the heating system of the future and given the state of the land. Horizontal gas tank must have a larger volume of 15-20% of the necessary minimum fuel, while reducing the gas volume in the container half.
Development of project data are best left to qualified professionals who will not only provide ready working project, but also can carry out the subsequent installation of the unit, connect the entire system heating. In addition, such organizations usually have the opportunity to formalize their entry into operation of the plant in accordance with the technical requirements and regulations.
Independence in these situations is fraught with complications the technical plan, disruptions in the entire gas supply system in the future.