πŸ”© How to remove a broken bolt: causes, types, methods

During the repair the car in addition to solve the problem must be solved and additional problems. The most common problem faced by motorists and mechanics, it's a bummer bolt head. How to be in this case? The review HouseChief.ru editors discuss why there is a bummer bolt and screw out in what ways it without damaging the internal thread.

Broken bolt stuck in the unit - a nightmare motorists and mechanics
Broken bolt stuck in the unit - a nightmare motorists and mechanics

Read article

  • 1 The causes and forms of "Oblomov" bolt
  • 2 Methods for extracting broken off the fastener
    • 2.1 Method β„–1: hammer and a flathead screwdriver
    • 2.2 Method β„–2: chisel instead of a screwdriver
    • 2.3 Method β„–3: the core and a hammer
    • 2.4 Method β„–4: use of welding
    • 2.5 Method β„–5: application extractor and tap
    • 2.6 Method β„–6: drilling fragment
  • 3 A few words in conclusion

The causes and forms of "Oblomov" bolt

There are several reasons that the bolt may break when unscrewing. Most often, this problem faced by owners of older vehicles or those which are not properly operated or stored. The most common cause of the breakup of the bolt head - excessive force when unscrewing. This occurs when metiz "has become attached." Externally, it is almost invisible, and just trying to unscrew a bolt of the master understands that the thread does not rotate. metiz often breaks due to rust, which appears due to its constant exposure to moisture and aggressive environment. In turn, this leads to uneven wear of the bolt and its failure at the most inopportune moment.

Rust - one of the reasons the wreckage when unscrewing bolts
Rust - one of the reasons the wreckage when unscrewing bolts

"Oblomov" bolt may be different, but the most difficult of solvability when metiz "cut" flush or inside the threaded connection. Strongly lucky if metiz break above the surface of the unit, and it can be removed by means screwdriver, Mites, welding etc.

If a piece of sticking above the surface, then you are very lucky
If a piece of sticking above the surface, then you are very lucky

Methods for extracting broken off the fastener

Before embarking on a twisting break off the bolt, it is necessary to clean the surface of the grease, rust etc. After breakup must evaluate the nature of the fastener to determine how to retrieve it. A threaded connection is recommended to process "perfecting" or spray WD-40 lubricant. Just to relieve tension can be several times to hit the place breakup hammer or warm it blowtorchWith the proviso that no adjacent rubber, fabric, plastic, etc.

Before removing the bolt fragment treat with spray WD-40 lubricant
Before removing the bolt fragment treat with spray WD-40 lubricant

Method β„–1: hammer and a flathead screwdriver

This method of extracting the broken bolt is the easiest, even though he does not always apply. In most cases, bummer metiz remains protruding shard, for which you can grab a pair of pliers or a screwdriver stretch. If this is our option, abut at an angle to the chip pin slotted screwdriver and striking it with a hammer handle in the direction of unscrewing, carefully balances cranking bolts. Such a method is suitable if, for twisting the fastener does not require much effort application, otherwise you should use the following option.

Cranking fragment screws with a screwdriver and a hammer
Cranking fragment screws with a screwdriver and a hammer

Method β„–2: chisel instead of a screwdriver

This method of unscrewing a bolt broken off like the previous version, only instead of a slotted screwdriver used a chisel. The advantage of using this screwdriving tool is an enlarged area of ​​its working part. Chisel lets unscrew the bolt is much faster and with less effort, especially if the fracture area is big enough.

Similar to the previous option, except that instead of using a screwdriver to chisel
Similar to the previous option, except that instead of using a screwdriver to chisel

Method β„–3: the core and a hammer

In case the lower broken off the bolt head or directly from the thread, then unscrew it with the above-described methods will not work. To solve this problem will help the core. Resting the instrument in place breakup bolt begin to influence not him hammer. Due to the special shape of the tip of core metal starts to deform and unevenness appears, which can be for grab a pair of pliers or tongs and start reversing the broken without violating the integrity of the fastener thread.

Unscrewing the bolt using the core and a hammer
Unscrewing the bolt using the core and a hammer

Method β„–4: use of welding

According to the majority of motorists, this method is the fastest and most effective, although the existence of need to use it welding machineWhich, however, you can ask friends and neighbors in the garage or rent. A good option if the bolt chip protrudes above the surface of the unit. The essence of this method lies in the fact that a projecting part above the surface of the fastener is welded nut. Holding the nut with pliers, you must attach it to a fragment of a bolt with a slight offset to the side. Weld them together with the inner side of the nut, and after the junction has cooled everted bolt with a wrench.

Nut is welded to a broken bolt
Nut is welded to a broken bolt
After cooling the chip scale key unscrew the bolt
After cooling the chip scale key unscrew the bolt

Note! To take advantage of this method requires that the nut has a couple of units over a broken stud bolts. For example, if a broken metiz was 10 mm, it is necessary to take a nut of 12 mm. This is necessary for better bonding and increase the welding area.

Method β„–5: application extractor and tap

In the event that all of the above cases do not help or you can not use them, you can use the special extractor. To use this tool you need in the middle of a fragment of the bolt by means of the core make a hole, that when a drill bit is not "gone" to the side. Drill in diameter must be less than the stud bolts and fit the size of the extractor. So, carefully drill chip, screwed tool up to the stop and unscrew the broken bolt.

Drilled bolt body
Drilled bolt body
is inserted into the extractor
is inserted into the extractor
Unscrewed bolt chip
Unscrewed bolt chip

There is another way, similar to the previous one, except that instead of the extractor is used to tap the left-hand thread. Just make a hole in the wreckage, threaded and screwed into appropriate size bolt. When metiz be screwed all the way to the stop, then automatically starts to get out a piece of the old bolts.

Broke bolt how unscrewed without damaging the internal thread
The same process for the removal as with the extractor is used only tap with left thread and the other bolt

Method β„–6: drilling fragment

Perhaps this is the most time-consuming method of extracting broken off the bolt, which requires a certain skill and patience. Resort to it if all previous versions are not suitable. To get started in the middle fragment of a thin drill hole is made, and then it gradually expanded until there is a thin wall between the internal threads and a pin. After the remains of the bolt gently break and recovered. Here you need to be very attentive and careful not to damage the internal thread, otherwise all efforts to extract fragments will be in vain.

Almost completely drilled bolt chip
Almost completely drilled bolt chip
Remains carefully removed with a screwdriver
Remains carefully removed with a screwdriver

A few words in conclusion

We discussed several ways of extracting broken off bolt. Each of them is used for each case depending on the complexity of the problem and the available tools. Which of these methods is selected, up to you. We hope that our expert tips were helpful to you. If you have your own solutions to the problem, then share them with us and our readers in the form of comments.