Spunbond material: what is it and which can be used

If you plan to grow a large crop, build a house or other building, so you just need a spunbond material. What it is, what properties and characteristics have what can be and how much it costs: the answers to these and other important questions you'll find in this article.

Spunbond - material demanded in various fields
Spunbond - material demanded in various fields

Read article

  • 1 Technology of production of spunbond
  • 2 Geometrical and physical properties of spunbond
  • 3 Spunbond material: what is it and where is used in agriculture and in the country
    • 3.1 What is the covering material spunbond
    • 3.2 Technical characteristics of the covering material spunbond: basic positions
    • 3.3 Use of a covering material spunbond depending on the type of
      • 3.3.1 white spunbond
      • 3.3.2 Black spunbond
    • 3.4 Hotbeds of spunbond: finished products and manufactured their own hands
    • 3.5 Differences spunbond different brands: Lutrasil, Agrospan, Agrotex
    • 3.6 Answers to frequently asked questions about Agrotextile
      • 3.6.1 Do spunbond water flow: an important nuance
      • 3.6.2 Which side of the bed of spunbond cover: this is interesting
      • 3.6.3 What better spunbond or a film: an authoritative opinion
  • 4 Spunbond non-woven material in construction
    • 4.1 Wind insulation of façade and roof systems
    • 4.2 Vapor in the roof and wall structures
    • 4.3 Waterproofing membranes for building structures and elements
  • 5 Other applications spunbond
  • 6 How much is a spunbond - Review of prices per square meter

Technology of production of spunbond

When producing spunbond spinneret used method to receive a web of molten resin without looms. This method is implemented as follows:

  • polypropylene in a liquid state is passed through spinnerets of the spinning machine. The result is a fiber or yarn;
  • polypropylene filaments or fibers are laid onto a conveyor to form a web;
  • the integrity of the material attached to one of the following ways: by chemical impregnation, needling or thermal bonding. In the latter case the future web is passed between rotating shafts, in a zone where hot air is supplied, providing a reliable connection elements.
Technology of production may differ
Technology of production may differ

Geometrical and physical properties of spunbond

Manufacturers offer a material with different geometrical parameters. Roll width can be up to 4 m. In agriculture most claimed spunbond width of 3.2 m. material can always be cut if necessary to obtain the right size bands.

Geometric parameters of the paintings may differ materially
Geometric parameters of the paintings may differ materially

From the standpoint of performance, the most important is the density of the web, determines the area of ​​its possible use. It can range from 10 to 600 g / m2. From this value depends not only on the density of the material, but also its strength and thickness.

We spunbond low conductivity. Resistant to abrasion and crease. It has a high breaking strength in the dry and wet state. It retains its properties at low temperature. At elevated temperatures the material can change its physical and mechanical properties. Some brands, thanks to special additives, able to withstand heating up to 130 C. It does not rot. Withstands aggressive substances.

The canvas is easily dyed in the desired color in the manufacturing process and subsequent operation. It has high hygienic properties. It does not emit toxic substances.

Presented in a variety of colors
Presented in a variety of colors

Spunbond material: what is it and where is used in agriculture and in the country

If you are interested in gardening use spunbond, we offer to find out what it is and how it can be used. Pre-acquainted with the existing species and their distinctive features.

An indispensable tool in the garden area
An indispensable tool in the garden area

What is the covering material spunbond

If you do not know what a spunbond, this covering material, consisting of polypropylene fibers. Accessibility, ease and durability make it popular on each plot. It is used to reduce the ripening of crops and protect it from negative external factors

Harvest can be much earlier
Harvest can be much earlier

Technical characteristics of the covering material spunbond: basic positions

The main technical characteristics of sheltered spunbond should include the following:

  • light weight. One square material can weigh 10 - 15 g;
Low weight excludes damage plants
Low weight excludes damage plants
  • sufficient strength not only in the dry but also in wet condition;
  • the presence of a non-woven substrate;
  • compliance with environmental requirements;
  • protect vegetation from large temperature fluctuations;
  • shape retention during external impact;
  • ability to pass moisture and oxygen.
For plants are optimal conditions
For plants are optimal conditions

Attention! In agriculture demand 17 spunbond - 60 g / m2.

To protect early sprouts inside the greenhouse
To protect early sprouts inside the greenhouse

Use of a covering material spunbond depending on the type of

Field of application of a particular material is often limited by its kind. We offer to find out what is used spunbond specific color to make it easier to make a choice at the time of purchase.

Black and white have different meanings
Black and white have different meanings

white spunbond

White cloth density 17 g / m2 can be used for hiding beds in summer time. Material 30 - 42 g / m2 is suitable for greenhouse or greenhouses. He will be able to defend inside the plant from cold and hail, but will miss the sun.

Optimal variant spring when temperature fluctuations
Optimal variant spring when temperature fluctuations

White spunbond with a density of 60 g / m2 to protect seedlings from extreme cold. With it often protect trees and shrubs during the winter.

Qualitative Case - reliable protection
Qualitative Case - reliable protection

Black spunbond

Scope spunbond black depends on its density. The web 50 g / m2 optimally for mulching. Is under the shelter of this earth will be able to obtain the necessary moisture and weed growth will slow down significantly.

On weed control will have to spend less time
On weed control will have to spend less time

More dense material (60 g / m2) will heat the soil in the spring and prevent re-freezing. I think you might be interested in the following video:

Hotbeds of spunbond: finished products and manufactured their own hands

Many manufacturers offer to buy ready-made greenhouse of spunbond. It may be plastic or metal arcs of length 4, 6 or 8 meters and equipped with covering materials of different densities. The product with the plastic bases can be called universal, since thanks to the flexibility of supports such structures may be mounted on beds of different widths.

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Why is it so popular spunbond material, what it is and where it can be used
Why is it so popular spunbond material, what it is and where it can be used
Why is it so popular spunbond material, what it is and where it can be used
Why is it so popular spunbond material, what it is and where it can be used

If you need a hothouse of spunbond with dimensions different from the standard, it can be made with your own hands. We offer watch a thematic video:

Differences spunbond different brands: Lutrasil, Agrospan, Agrotex

The presence on the market of products from different vendors makes you wonder what is better: Agrospan or spunbond, released under a different trademark.

Agrospan able to last 6 years. Has a characteristic porous structure, creates an optimum microclimate for growing plants. Agrospan covering material may have a different density.

Tip! To find the density of a particular agrovoloknom, you should pay attention to the numbers, which are part of the name. Thus, the "Agrospana 60" it is 6o g / m2.

"Agrospan mulch" to help cope with weeds
"Agrospan mulch" to help cope with weeds

Under the trademark Agrotex produced porous web with different densities. Included in the material stabilizers ensure unimpeded passage of sunlight. Use it improve productivity protect and weatherproof plants. Sold in rolls and packaged form. The standard width of 1.6 and 3.2 m.

Unlike Lutrasila spunbond and other manufacturers in the way weave. The special manufacturing technology used by the German manufacturer, provides a high-quality and reliable material in black and white.

Answers to frequently asked questions about Agrotextile

Any summer resident mandatory raises questions about the non-woven fabric. Everyone wants to know what to buy or spunbond geotextilesThe difference between these materials. The latter has a three-dimensional structure, which provides generation of higher performance. He is able to last for 30 years, while the spunbond often uses 2-3 season. We offer to find out answers to other important questions.

Agrotextile density is much higher
Agrotextile density is much higher

Do spunbond water flow: an important nuance

If the covering material used film, every gardener knows that it must be removed first, and then water plants. Due to the porous structure of the nonwoven fabric question arises: Water spunbond passes and how to water the plants. The answer is simple: skips, but how well depends on its density. Watering seedlings it is possible, without removing the cover, if the density of at least 20 g / m2. In other cases, there may be some difficulties.

When watering the plant cover may remain in place
When watering the plant cover may remain in place

Which side of the bed of spunbond cover: this is interesting

To create an optimal climate, it is necessary to know which side of the greenhouse cover spunbond. Typically, such information is provided directly on the packaging. Covering greenhouse, shelter should be located so that the smooth side was inside, and the more rough - out. In this case, the heat remains inside, and the water can penetrate from the outside.

The rough side should be on top
The rough side should be on top

Now, about which side lay spunbond, if you plan to use as mulch. It should be laid in the same way. In this case, it is sure to be able to prevent the growth of weeds.

When planting leaf plants should put right
When planting leaf plants should put right

What better spunbond or a film: an authoritative opinion

When choosing a covering material for your garden every summer visitor could not help think that the better: spunbond or a film. The answer depends on the purpose for which purchased a particular roll.

Spunbond is a porous material, and therefore allows moisture, air. It has a low weight. Used to protect the crop from birds, vermin, create optimal growing conditions. It may reside on a bed.

Greenhouse with nonwoven shelter "breathes"
Greenhouse with nonwoven shelter "breathes"

The film well transmits light, but reliably protects from water. Much better to keep warm, sometimes even causing overheating grown seedlings. It must be removed periodically to water and ventilate the plant.

In the spring of better plastic film
In the spring of better plastic film

Considering all the above, it can be argued that in the beginning of the season the best film which will help to better warmed up the soil to retain moisture and protect young seedlings. In the warmer months better spunbond.

The summer is better to leave spunbond
The summer is better to leave spunbond

Spunbond non-woven material in construction

The construction industry is also actively used spunbond nonwoven material. It is used to perform various types of work. Please find their distinctive features.

The nonwoven fabric demand in construction
The nonwoven fabric demand in construction

Wind insulation of façade and roof systems

Material with UV stabilizers can reliably protect facade and roof building from blowing off. It must be made by termokrepleniya and of sufficient density.

The density of the material should be sufficient
The density of the material should be sufficient

Vapor in the roof and wall structures

Quality vapor barrier to protect insulation of walls or roof of water vapor. As a result, there is no condensation inside the heat insulator, and he keeps his performance. Material coated with a special "breathable" film, perfectly copes with the task.

Positioning a vapor barrier must be properly
Positioning a vapor barrier must be properly

Waterproofing membranes for building structures and elements

Construction membrane help protect the building from negative external factors. As a result, not only increases the life of the materials used for its construction and decoration. In the process of their manufacture is applied to the reinforcing material a moisture barrier. Using as a basis a non-woven material is limited because of its properties. It is used only in the lung structures or as protection when working in bad weather conditions.

Laying membrane
Laying membrane

Other applications spunbond

Scope spunbond quite extensive:

  • in medicine. Due to the low cost of the material used in the manufacture of disposable kits and articles: shoe covers, gowns, masks, caps, etc .;
Disposable Clothing enough demand
Disposable Clothing enough demand
  • in the manufacture of protective clothing for organizations catering and beauty salons. Disposable aprons, gowns, trousers of spunbond are in steady demand;
The optimal solution for beauty salon
The optimal solution for beauty salon
  • when sewing everyday clothing as cushioning material;
  • in the manufacture of hygiene products;
  • at the furniture industries. Do not be surprised, having met in the spunbond mattressAnd find out what it is. In these articles, he serves as a separator is placed between the filler and upholstery;
All elements of the mattress are divided
All elements of the mattress are divided
  • in the manufacture of promotional items.
Bags with the logo are in demand
Bags with the logo are in demand

How much is a spunbond - Review of prices per square meter

What will be the price per square meter spunbond, depends on its density and the producer. in the summer to cover the beds can be purchased FMS 17. This material is well cope with the task assigned to it by, and low cost of purchase will allow the segment size. Reviews indicate the high quality of the brand:

Why is it so popular spunbond material, what it is and where it can be used
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3322260.html

Spunbond SUF 17

From extra weeding will help get rid of SF 60, which can be installed not only in beds, but also in certain areas. Given that the density of the material is greater than its price higher. As the reviews, the results you are sure to please.

Why is it so popular spunbond material, what it is and where it can be used
More on Otzovik: http://otzovik.com/review_580375.html

Covering material spunbond hydroprene "SUF"

Cost Ekospan Geo 60 comparable, and its counterpart Ekospan Geo 120 more expensive.

Share in the comments, a nonwoven fabric, and where you used, and whether there were satisfied with his performance.