Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: schemes, calculations, installation

Fresh air is needed to ensure healthy living conditions, a good quality of plant maintenance and operation of technical systems. Simultaneously it is necessary to remove the various harmful impurities. These objectives will help to solve the complex productive ventilation in a private house with his own hands. Scheme, calculations, methods of installation - all in today's review.

Ventilation in a private house with his own hands
A good ventilation system - an indispensable element of modern engineering equipment of a private house

Read article

  • 1 Construction of the ventilation system in a private home: the general parameters and requirements
  • 2 Types of ventilation systems
    • 2.1 Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation in a private house
    • 2.2 What is the system of forced ventilation in a private house
  • 3 What schemes are used for effective ventilation in a private house
    • 3.1 Ventilation in a private home: working principle
    • 3.2 Features of ventilation in a private house
    • 3.3 Enhanced quality of ventilation in a private house
  • 4 What should be considered when equipping the individual rooms
    • 4.1 Ventilation in the kitchen in a private home: the rational solutions to complex problems
    • 4.2 How to create good ventilation in the toilet and bathroom
    • 4.3 Special ventilation in the basement of a private home: reliable protection against mold and dampness
    • 4.4 Mandatory requirements for the boiler room ventilation
    • 4.5 Features of attic ventilation
    • 4.6 How to perform its functions ventilation sewage system in a private home
    • 4.7 Ventilation cap: important nuances
    • 4.8 Normalization moisture level in the pool via productive ventilation
  • 5 How to make the ventilation in a private home: the preparation of calculations, project documentation
    • 5.1 Schemes of ventilation in a private house with his own hands: a review of standard solutions
  • 6 Creating high-quality ventilation in a private house with his own hands
    • 6.1 The correct solution of individual tasks during system installation
    • 6.2 How to choose the pipes and other components of the ventilation system without errors
    • 6.3 Step by step installation with comments
  • 7 Features professional installation of ventilation in a private home: price, scope of work, control operations
  • 8 Conclusions and further recommendations

Construction of the ventilation system in a private home: the general parameters and requirements

Modern buildings provide with improved tightness window and door blocks. This improves the economic performance during the operation, but blocks access to fresh air. This example illustrates the need for a comprehensive approach to addressing the functionality of systems engineering.

Special air inlet to the window frame
Special air inlet to the window frame

You should also note the following for the correct formulation of requirements for good ventilation design of a private house:

  • On the composition of the atmosphere in the room is able to change the state of the air in the street, the availability of sources of harmful impurities and unpleasant in the object property.
  • Are essential control methods heating, conditioning, Ventilation.
  • It is not excluded from entering the air pollution from household chemicals, construction and finishing materials.
  • For the calculation of the ventilation device in a private home can be used technique accounting maximum allowable concentrations of impurities or indicators normal air exchange.
  • We must not forget about the various needs bedroom and the kitchenIn the gym and living room.
  • boilers, gas cookers and other equipment to actively consume oxygen.
  • It is necessary to take into account individual physiological features and user preferences. Special attention should be exercised in the presence of allergic reactions.

It should be emphasized that the current domestic and foreign regulations, trade and sanitary standards contain inconsistent data. The above information explains the real complexity of the problem. Too many factors influence the parameters of the air in the room. In addition to objective indicators need to take into account individual preferences.

Note! For premises full exchange of multiplicity is calculated using the proportion of 30 cubic meters. m. per hour per person. Below are the correction data for different rooms and special operating conditions.

That is why, when performing the calculations for the installation of ventilation in a private house by experienced specialists make an adequate supply performance. It helps to make the necessary correction of peak loads.

Types of ventilation systems

fresh air into the room arrange the time. Changes only the intensity of the respective operations. This means that the most convenient and cost-effective is the system that performs its functions without scrutiny and electricity consumption. On the other hand, the use of forced ventilation of rooms simplifies mechanisms.

Advantages and disadvantages of natural ventilation in a private house

The operating principle of the system
The operating principle of the system

This simplified scheme of natural ventilation in a private house indicated the main part of the engineering structure. Here the walls are made holes through which air enters from the street. Established path for free flow movement between rooms, output channels.

To ensure the breathability of the standard (30 m above. Cu. per person per hour) is sufficient to establish the inflow and outflow pipe diameter of 150 mm or more. The height of the vertical part of doing from 300 cm and more. This typical example can be used for the calculation, taking into account the architectural features of the property.

Important notes:

  • The same length of vertical tubes allow equalize drawing performance.
  • Reduce the effectiveness of the system: branch, horizontal sections, the sections change.
  • For ease of construction, the channels of the rooms on different floors are combined into a single ventilation shaft or mounted nearby.
Inlets closed lattice and fine mesh to prevent the penetration of rodents, insects
Inlets closed lattice and fine mesh to prevent the penetration of rodents, insects
At high altitude cold air channel goes down in winter. That he did not get into the room, install non-return valves
At high altitude cold air channel goes down in winter. That he did not get into the room, install non-return valves
Significant differences of temperatures provoke the formation of condensate. This negative process using the slow channels heaters
Significant differences of temperatures provoke the formation of condensate. This negative process using the slow channels heaters
At the bottom of the natural ventilation in a private house with his own hands establish a special unit with a crane for the collection and removal of accumulated liquid
At the bottom of the natural ventilation in a private house with his own hands establish a special unit with a crane for the collection and removal of accumulated liquid

In some of the input channels for retention of dust and other mechanical admixtures mounted filter elements. Such parts can significantly reduce system performance.

Proper installation of chimneys
Proper installation of chimneys

Note! The height of the ventilation pipe is not regulated SNIP. In practice, however, you can apply the standards for chimneys. If you perform the above rules will be minimized the obstacles to free movement of air in the right direction at a different direction and wind strength.

What is the system of forced ventilation in a private house

The air moving systems discussed above is carried out due to the different air pressure at different heights, when heated under the influence of wind gusts. The main advantage of these techniques is energy independence. However, they are extremely vulnerable to all kinds of external factors. The task is complicated by increasing the channel height.

Installation of forced ventilation in the basement of a private home
Installation of forced ventilation in the basement of a private home

To ensure in all circumstances the necessary performance impeller used with different types of actuators.

Installation of technological equipment outside the building
Installation of technological equipment outside the building
This fan can be installed in the shower, bathroom, another room to reduce humidity
This fan can be installed in the shower, bathroom, another room to reduce humidity
Cooker hood helps remove impurities locally on the Stage
Cooker hood helps remove impurities locally on the Stage
Special fan inside the channel length is set at a large horizontal areas, to improve performance in some parts of the system
Special fan inside the channel length is set at a large horizontal areas, to improve performance in some parts of the system
Forced aeration and ventilation
Forced aeration and ventilation

This figure shows the central equipment of the object. There is used a power unit which supplies and air outlet. When installing the sensors and control devices change the performance of ventilation of individual rooms. When combined with air conditioning, heating solve the problem of maintaining a comfortable temperature conditions.

Further processing is performed with the use of filters, absorbers noise ionization, fragrances, moisturizers, and other specialized devices
Further processing is performed with the use of filters, absorbers noise ionization, fragrances, moisturizers, and other specialized devices

Air handling unit

What schemes are used for effective ventilation in a private house

In practice, use various combinations of natural and forced techniques. To clarify the requirements specification necessary to examine in detail the typical design solutions.

The scheme of the ventilation system in a private house on the same floor
The scheme of the ventilation system in a private house on the same floor

Ventilation in a private home: working principle

Kit for one room
Kit for one room

With this set can provide dosing of the purified air into the room:

  • For protection against the ingress of insects and leaves there is a removable grille (1).
  • Moving air provides an electrical fan (2). Rotor speed is regulated by the model selector (5) stepwise.
  • The insert (3) of porous material retains small mechanical impurities.
  • Internal grille (4) performs a decorative function.
  • The sliding tube structure (6) provides a detailed view of a particular assembly with a wall thickness.

In standard definition inflow It referred to such a system which is capable of changing air temperature. Therefore, the corresponding full-type device fitted with heating elements, combined with air conditioning.

Installing a liquid type heat exchangers
Installing a liquid type heat exchangers
"Breather" - specialized equipment for ventilation and improve the atmospheric parameters in a separate room
"Breather" - specialized equipment for ventilation and improve the atmospheric parameters in a separate room

In such multi-stage apparatus set speed adjusters, fine filters, heaters. Integrated electronics allows the user modes for time, temperature operation. Simplify operation via remote control.

Such a device continuously checks the carbon dioxide content, temperature, humidity. from it signals used to automatically adjust the ventilation and air conditioning systems
Such a device continuously checks the carbon dioxide content, temperature, humidity. from it signals used to automatically adjust the ventilation and air conditioning systems
These powerful units with built-in filters and heaters take up much space. To accommodate them need to find a suitable space in the basement or the attic
These powerful units with built-in filters and heaters take up much space. To accommodate them need to find a suitable space in the basement or the attic
Ventilation scheme (red in the diagram) should be created, taking into account the parameters of exhaust ducts (blue)
Ventilation scheme (red in the diagram) should be created, taking into account the parameters of exhaust ducts (blue)

Modern systems combined with intelligent solutions "smart home" category for monitoring and control. This simplifies the optimization of the equipment, allows you to organize remote remote control appliances via a network the Internet.

Features of ventilation in a private house

This system is necessary for the efficient removal of waste and polluted air of the premises. With its help eliminate from the atmosphere of residential houses a gas combustion products during operation cooking and heating equipment.

Sanitary equipment unit
Sanitary equipment unit

In this example, we can study the solution of typical problems in a single functional unit. This system removes the damp air of the bathroom and the smell from the toilet with mechanical ventilation. The actuators are connected to the power supply separately. The toilet is installed timer. He turns off the ventilator automatically after a desired period of time after switching off the lighting in the room. Reverse air promotion blocked two valves. Contaminants are ejected through a common shaft.

In a private home can lead exhaust ventilation over the wall into the street
In a private home can lead exhaust ventilation over the wall into the street

This embodiment should not be increased excessively long side channels to apply a few turns. This will increase the resistance, so you will need a more powerful fan.

Note! In such systems, there are significant changes in temperature in a small area of ​​the track. This stimulates the appearance of moisture on the inner surfaces. So that condensate does not get inside the premises, you should make a slight slope toward the street for free discharge.

Circuit drawing in the house with his own hands is convenient to create in 3D
Circuit drawing in the house with his own hands is convenient to create in 3D

On a volume layout is simpler than on a flat drawing, to study the relative position of engineering systems, decorative and functional elements of the house. Such an approach minimizes the errors. In particular, for better ventilation supply and exhaust set in the room diagonally. Around the vents free space, not to create artificial barriers of air movement.

Enhanced quality of ventilation in a private house

As the name implies, this system provides a supply of fresh and exhaust air. An integrated approach allows the economical use of energy resources, consistently perform tasks.

Heat exchanger installed to improve the performance characteristics of the equipment
Heat exchanger installed to improve the performance characteristics of the equipment

The operating principle of this technique is clear from the figure. In the heat exchanger combine two channels (suction and delivery) without mixing. This solution helps to make the pre-heating / cooling air without using extra energy.

Air handling unit with heat recovery

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Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectHeat exchanger for private homes It helps to provide sufficient fresh air. This article describes the principles of operation, the factory model, manufacturing technology and the installation of equipment on their own.

In the scheme of ventilation of private homes should take into account the special conditions in the residential, industrial and utility room
In the scheme of ventilation of private homes should take into account the special conditions in the residential, industrial and utility room

Below are some important facts that deserve attention:

  • It is acceptable to use the same object multiple dependent and autonomous systems. In the above example shows that adjoined to the house garage better to equip a separate ventilation.
  • In some rooms it is more convenient to mount individual sets of equipment. Breather can be installed in an hour. It should not be connected to the central ventilation duct. All work is done without changing the room trim.
  • In assessing the level of channel noise units experienced specialists recommend making measurements in the area of ​​the inlet and outlet openings, about units equipped with electric drives. Manufacturers indicate the acoustic power and sound pressure in the accompanying documentation. For comparison, we must take the same parameters.
  • Full-power heating elements exceeds 3 kW. This allows you to quickly raise the temperature at any time of the year. But we must make sure that the wiring and other network components are designed for the respective load. If necessary - adjusted liquid heat exchanger.
  • Automation parameters should be checked carefully. Make sure to use the remote control convenience, ease of configuration. Also typical speed change fan useful ability to set individual time schedule. At night, for example, lower the temperature, the intensity of ventilation.
  • Useful to save user settings in memory. Maintenance is simplified if there is a differential type pressure sensor. This instrument measures the pressure change before and after the filter. Increasing the difference in readings will report excessive pollution. The cheap versions set alarms "on time", that do not provide high accuracy control.
  • Self-diagnosis by means of software and electronic media help to know in good time about the problems of equipment. Additional features provide the user with an alert message forwarding on your smartphone, or other mobile device, a desktop computer.
  • As standard equipment household purposes set G4 filters, which are capable of fluff poplar, bird feathers, and other larger impurities. If necessary, instead, or sequentially set elements with small channels. Acceptable detainment particle size less than one micrometer. We must remember that this modernization will increase the load on the air handling units.

In the development of design documentation necessary to separately examine the question of the future operation. Ventilation equipment will have to serve. It is necessary to avoid situations when the inspection and performing routine maintenance necessary to dismantle part of the decorative finish, building structures. For this reason, it is more convenient to place the fans, filters and other components of the system in a special technological area. This solution will simplify the creation of an effective isolation of noise ventilation unit.

What should be considered when equipping the individual rooms

In the course of flow distribution is necessary to provide the initial penetration of air from outside into the living room, bedroom and other living room. From there - it is sent to the technical premises, on the kitchenIn closet, restroom, bathroom. This decision will create a positive pressure in the places of permanent residence, which prevents ingress to odors and other contaminants.

Note! According to current regulations bathrooms with "constant presence" are spaces in which people are more than 6 hours for one day, or 2 hours continuously.

The following guidelines will help you choose the right equipment for different parts of the property.

Ventilation in the kitchen in a private home: the rational solutions to complex problems

In this room in a wide range temperature changes, humidity level. The process of cooking is accompanied by the appearance of odors, air pollution hazardous to health and persistent impurities. It should take into account not only the intensity but also a greater incidence of a variety of negative effects.

Also need to be aware of the features of the kitchen appliances. If you have installed electric hob, Should ensure that the exchange of air not less than 60 m. Cu. per person per hour. When mounting this standard gas plates is increased by 50% (up to 90 m. Cu.).

air supply can be provided via openings in the wall
air supply can be provided via openings in the wall

supply valve infiltration

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Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectFresh air valve in the wall.Ensure a healthy state of the atmosphere can be a variety of ways. If you set the air inlet in the wall - the problem will be resolved quickly. The special publication will consider how to properly select and install.

The same problem can be solved as follows:
The same problem can be solved as follows:
Centralized system with heat recovery
Centralized system with heat recovery
Wiring diagram hoods in the kitchen in a private home to the vent
Wiring diagram hoods in the kitchen in a private home to the vent
Manufacturers indicate the best settings in the accompanying documentation
Manufacturers indicate the best settings in the accompanying documentation

Note! The minimum distance from the hood body to a gas / electric oven must be at least 65/75 cm, respectively.

The combined use of forced ventilation and natural
The combined use of forced ventilation and natural

The principles of coordinated work between the two systems:

  • Fig. "BUT". Initially, the construction of the house is provided only natural ventilation with openings (2). It can be seen that part of the exhaust duct (1) after mounting will reduce the common channel section (3).
  • Fig. "B" shows the work check valve (5), which is set for decorative grille (4). When drawing the fan is turned on it is closed, overlaps the air movement in the opposite direction.
  • The following figure "C" shows the work of natural ventilation.
Determining the height of the hood island type of installation based on user growth
Determining the height of the hood island type of installation based on user growth
Inclined position panel provides easy access to the plate. However, this technique has a lower efficiency compared to the classical models
Inclined position panel provides easy access to the plate. However, this technique has a lower efficiency compared to the classical models
Such modifications are inserted near hobs
Such modifications are inserted near hobs

Desktop drawing down inside of furniture when turned off. It can be connected to the ventilation shafts on the template, top. But the proper channels if necessary to create a floor screed. The latter variant is associated with significant changes in the architectural designs. It is used in the construction of the house, in the course of renovation.

hoods for kitchens

To maintain high performance in the design of the connection hood must take into account the following details:

  • work is not difficult with the corrugated pipe. However, these products provide a greater resistance to air flow compared to the smooth channel walls.
  • Duct-section is selected in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. It should not get less than the specified value.
  • When laying track is necessary to prevent collapsing of flexible pipes, and other significant deformations. Minimize the number of turns.

Approximate calculation of the required extraction performance can be made according to the formula P = (L x W x H) x 12 x 1.25where

  • P - the maximum amount of air removed from the room per hour in cubic meters;.
  • D, W and AT - length, width and height of the room in meters;
  • 12 - standard correction factor;
  • 1,25 - additional headroom, which is useful for the rapid removal of fumes from the burnt food.
Prompt cleaning of the grille of the fat allows to maintain a minimum resistance to air flow
Prompt cleaning of the grille of the fat allows to maintain a minimum resistance to air flow

This operation can be performed safely with steam over boiling water. Special detergents are also used. For a reminder of the regulatory procedures hoods equipped with electronic timers with audible and visual alarms.

The design of complex equipment
The design of complex equipment

Here hood complemented by air conditioning. This technique is more expensive than standard models. But it is able to maintain the room temperature set by the user mode.

If the connection to the duct is not possible or is not economically feasible, use circulation type technique
If the connection to the duct is not possible or is not economically feasible, use circulation type technique

This equipment acts as a filter. With the help of delayed pollution. As a general rule, apply the additional elements with carbon fillers. These sorption technology helps remove the smallest impurities and odors. But in any case it is necessary to provide job ventilation system. In the present embodiment uses the existing shaft. To improve performance, set enforcement mechanisms in the inlet (outlet) tract.

Kitchen equipment without connecting the hood to the ductwork
Kitchen equipment without connecting the hood to the ductwork

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Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectTo find out, how to choose a hood in the kitchen, professional adviceIt must be supplemented with deep subject knowledge. This article contains information to help you make a comprehensive analysis and make the right decision to purchase a particular product.

How to create good ventilation in the toilet and bathroom

For the calculation of the needs of those parts of the property use the following air exchange regulations in m. Cu. in an hour:

  • 25 - for every single room;
  • 50 - combined bathroom.

Lack of efficiency of ventilation in the bathroom in a private house contributes to the appearance of mold, fungal colonies. Also an unsightly appearance deteriorates atmospheric composition. Some microorganisms provoke dangerous for health diseases, so that preventative measures can be called a binding. Of course, we must not forget about peeling paint and damaged other decorative coatings, the intensification of the destructive processes of corrosion.

The air here can be fed from the living rooms, corridors. If not enough available slots in the door leaves do through holes with plastic inserts.

To open a window in a room for ventilation is not always convenient
To open a window in a room for ventilation is not always convenient
Special adjustment valve mounted in the frame for the inflow of fresh air
Special adjustment valve mounted in the frame for the inflow of fresh air

the supply valve on the window

Features natural ventilation for such spaces is not enough. Therefore use more efficient enforcement system. Selection of fan do to suit individual circumstances. The above are the minimum regulatory requirements. They are not enough, if you often take a shower, when a lot of people living in the home. As in the case of the kitchen, there is better to install an adequate supply of power.

Note! instead of "12" for an exemplary calculation of the above formula can be used to "5" coefficient.

The opening in the shaft to create a fan according to the dimensions
The opening in the shaft to create a fan according to the dimensions

Reinforcing wall a scrap plastic pipe. The mounting location is chosen at a distance from the plumbing fixtures in order to prevent accidental splashes on body art.

The range of specialized trading company offers a wide range of fans. It will not be difficult to pick up equipment on certain technical and aesthetic criteria
The range of specialized trading company offers a wide range of fans. It will not be difficult to pick up equipment on certain technical and aesthetic criteria
Circuitry for connecting the fan and lamp
Circuitry for connecting the fan and lamp
Automate ventilation work in the toilet of a private house and protect against voltage surges can be with the use of specialized electronics kits
Automate ventilation work in the toilet of a private house and protect against voltage surges can be with the use of specialized electronics kits

When choosing a technology is necessary to pay attention to the features of modern models:

  • The grille and the body of solid polymers are not damaged under conditions of high humidity, temperature changes.
  • Wind vane with a large number of blades creates a strong flow of air at relatively low speeds, with minimal noise.
  • The vibrations from the electric actuator to effectively quenched with damping inserts.
  • rotor support on ball bearings are designed for continuous heavy-duty use.
  • Good sealing of joints of individual parts prevents ingress of moisture.
  • Low weight simplifies installation.
  • Some models, or out of the box, fitted with non-return valves.

Note! When choosing a small room fan pay attention to the noise level. The value of 35 dB or below can be called entirely acceptable. If the manufacturer have less than 25 dB, the sound of the electric drive will not be heard at a distance of several meters.

the exhaust fan in the toilet

Special ventilation in the basement of a private home: reliable protection against mold and dampness

to system design requirements are formulated taking into account the purpose of the premises in the building. When the area of ​​40-50 m. M. in low-rise structure is sufficient to establish a natural ventilation.

Typical basement ventilation project in the garage
Typical basement ventilation project in the garage

This figure can be used to explain the basic system parameters:

  • Inlet cover grate against rodents.
  • Hole inflow pipe is mounted in the basement in the region of 20-30 cm from the floor level.
  • Hood mounted diagonally. Login tube - 20 cm below the ceiling.
  • Overlap the channel stopper winter, preventing the infiltration of cold air.
  • "Umbrella" roof protects against the ingress of precipitation systems.

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Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectIn the review, we will talk about how to be arranged ventilation in the garage with his handsAir circulation pattern in these areas, as well as what its views are. After all, in the garage it is not only necessary venting, but also to maintain the humidity at the required level - its excess reduces the lifetime of the car.

Installation of the cellar next to the house. There used auxiliary ventilation
Installation of the cellar next to the house. There used auxiliary ventilation

The above examples are suitable for the organization in the lower part of the building suitable conditions for storage of vegetables, conservation, gardening equipment, consumables.

The situation changes if the assumed long presence of people in the basement
The situation changes if the assumed long presence of people in the basement

In this case, for calculation of the system and the individual parts used standard rules for living rooms. Make an additional margin for the sports hall, shower room, kitchen block. Performance increase via forced ventilation.

Instead of connecting to a central vertical channel, you can use a dedicated ground deflector. The height of this apparatus is regulated if required
Instead of connecting to a central vertical channel, you can use a dedicated ground deflector. The height of this apparatus is regulated if required

Important! To find out how to make the ventilation in the basement of a private home, it is necessary beforehand to create a list of requirements, taking into account the characteristics of individual facilities. It is also important mode of operation.

Mandatory requirements for the boiler room ventilation

ventilation system parameters when installing gas appliances are well established existing building codes and regulations:

  • Minimum inflow performance is determined by the boiler characteristics. Normalized input channel cross-sectional area (cm. sq. 1 kW of heating equipment):
  1. 8 and, if the inflow is made directly from the street;
  2. more than 30, when the air flows from adjacent spaces.
  • The outlet on the ceiling do. It is connected to the central ventilation shaft at home.
  • Besides the main chimney necessary to set the second channel (below 25-30 cm) for routine inspection and contaminant removal.
  • The volume of the room do not less than 7.5 m. Cu. with a total capacity of heating equipment up to 30 kW.

Suitable for ventilation gas boilers in a private home must provide at least three complete cycles of air exchange per hour.

Exhaust ducts for gas equipment does not combine with other systems of similar purpose. This prevents ingress of unsafe combustion products in the premises
Exhaust ducts for gas equipment does not combine with other systems of similar purpose. This prevents ingress of unsafe combustion products in the premises

Important! Calculation of the boiler room ventilation must exactly match the current regulations SNIP. If the home make it too complicated - check with the experts for help. Keep in mind that non-compliance is punishable by substantial fines. Alterations incorrect project will cost more than the cost of training of the design documentation.

Features of attic ventilation

This part of the building is suitable for process equipment
This part of the building is suitable for process equipment

To maintain the high temperature here year-round will require too much energy. Instead, use high-quality warming ventilation ducts.

Used for ventilation skylights
Used for ventilation skylights

These elements are mounted on the same distance from the eave side faces, the ridge. The distance between them made more than 1.5 meters. Should give sufficient attention to aesthetic qualities windowThat they do not violate the harmony of appearance. The overall dimensions of such openings shall not be less than 1/500 with respect to the total area attic.

Note! This heated loft in a private house ventilated by conventional standards for premises.

Such fresh air flow passage prevents damage to the roofing and other negative corrosive processes
Such fresh air flow passage prevents damage to the roofing and other negative corrosive processes

How to perform its functions ventilation sewage system in a private home

With these tubes withdrawn gases are formed during fermentation
With these tubes withdrawn gases are formed during fermentation

In sewage ventilation scheme in a private home it can be seen that the number of output channels is determined by the design of the sewer system. Here one pipe installed before septic tank. The second - on the far side Infiltrator.

Connecting ventilation
Connecting ventilation

If you can not install vents on all risers, concluded on the roof is connected only to a distal portion. Deflector retraction increases efficiency of contaminated air.

Driving ventilation sump in a private home with central heating
Driving ventilation sump in a private home with central heating

In this figure the following details:

  • chimney (1) connected to the heating equipment;
  • "Backlash-channel" (2);
  • wood (3) iron and (4) a cover;
  • the output portion of the ventilation system (5);
  • brickwork (6);
  • clay locking (7), which prevents the penetration of dirt into the soil.

Ventilation cap: important nuances

If this part of the building is not in use because of the low altitude, or for other reasons, appropriate protective measures. good ventilation Organization foundation in a private home without a basement prevents damage to the wooden parts of the construction process of putrefaction, the emergence of dangerous to human fungal spores.

Aeration can be done using the supply-exhaust systems of channels or using special holes ( "air holes")
Aeration can be done using the supply-exhaust systems of channels or using special holes ( "air holes")

Note! Installation of the ventilation of a private house basement is necessary for the timely removal of radon. This radioactive gas was not determined by the senses of human.

Normalization moisture level in the pool via productive ventilation

This information will help formulate the right requirements for the airing of the relevant premises:

  • Experts recommend not to increase the water content in the atmosphere over the level of 14 g per kg of air.
  • Normal relative humidity range from 40 to 655.
  • If the surface temperature is lower than the dew point, condensation occurs intensively. Such processes in particular, can be observed on the outer walls of the pipe duct.
  • In order to prevent drafts and respiratory disease caused by them, the velocity of air flow should not exceed 0.15 meters per second.
  • Increased pressure in the room (a special adjustment of supply and exhaust) will prevent the ingress of chlorine chemicals in the other rooms. If this backwater establish a 15-25 Pa can be obstacles when the doors are opened.
Setting the quality of ventilation in a private house pool will create a healthy environment for users, extend the life of the process equipment, trim
Setting the quality of ventilation in a private house pool will create a healthy environment for users, extend the life of the process equipment, trim

How to make the ventilation in a private home: the preparation of calculations, project documentation

During the calculation of ventilation in a private house professionals determine the following important parameters:

  • System performance for air exchange in m. Cu. in an hour. It is determined for each functional space individually, based on the existing rules and features of operation.
  • Next specify characteristics of individual components of the air distribution network:
  1. channel size;
  2. size distribution devices;
  3. resistance to air movement;
  4. power heating units;
  5. consumption of electrical energy.
  • The resulting data is used to select a suitable supply installation.

Note! Not to understand how to make a proper ventilation in a private home, you can take the help of experienced professionals. When purchasing equipment, such services are provided free specialty stores.

Placed in this article, the materials will help to understand how to make the hood in a private home on their own. It should be noted that in any event of decisive importance have personal preferences. Demanding the user may not be sufficient volume of fresh air which are provided in the building regulations.

Schemes of ventilation in a private house with his own hands: a review of standard solutions

Drawing duct systems and equipment connected to a single floor of a building
Drawing duct systems and equipment connected to a single floor of a building
The ventilation system in a private home: pool equipment scheme
The ventilation system in a private home: pool equipment scheme
Installation of air ducts and other parts of the system in the boiler room
Installation of air ducts and other parts of the system in the boiler room

Creating high-quality ventilation in a private house with his own hands

The ventilation system of the modern level
The ventilation system of the modern level

Such a forced-air ventilation with their hands can be created. But for the realization of the ambitious plans will have to study design issues at the professional level. You need knowledge of the proper setup of joint work of all engineering systems in the house.

Proper allocation of labor and other resources to help solve the difficult tasks without error. The performance of individual works and the most difficult stages can be entrusted to specialized professionals. Some of the fresh air with your hands can be installed without attracting mates.

The correct solution of individual tasks during system installation

When installing the ventilation in a private house through the wall into account the structure of certain structures
When installing the ventilation in a private house through the wall into account the structure of certain structures

Setting the channel must not violate sealing layers. Should be deleted wiring damage, heating pipes, Water and gas. In order not to disturb the hidden communication, use precise plans, incremental snapshots of construction processes. must prepare the necessary material in advance. Similar precautions will be useful when installing under floor ventilation in a private home. If possible, set the track under the removable panels of false ceilings. dismantling plasterboard and wooden cladding will not be overly complicated.

Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the project
To display the ventilation on the roof of a private home, you can pick up the deflector suitable specifications and appearance
Special laths are used for sealing joint surfaces of complex shape
Special laths are used for sealing joint surfaces of complex shape

deflector on the roof

How to choose the pipes and other components of the ventilation system without errors

Furthermore vent pipe for drawing plastic release couplers, tees, lattice, transitions and other specialized elements
Furthermore vent pipe for drawing plastic release couplers, tees, lattice, transitions and other specialized elements

With these details a complex track configuration can be set up quickly, without errors.

To cleanse contaminants from the incoming air used different devices. Also mechanical (and volumetric mesh) can be installed photocatalytic, coal and other types of filters. Some of them carry out their functions efficiently, but do not increase the resistance to air flow.

Ventilation in the private house of sewer pipes made in order to save cash
Ventilation in the private house of sewer pipes made in order to save cash

Such products can be used if they are suitable for the diameter. Products in this category (gray) are designed for indoor installation. It should prevent excessive heat (above + 60 ° C), strong mechanical effects.

The fire damper interrupts the movement of air through the pipes for ventilation in a private home in emergency
The fire damper interrupts the movement of air through the pipes for ventilation in a private home in emergency

Step by step installation with comments

How to ventilation in the building with the use of specialized components described in the following table:

Photo Working operations, explanations, comments
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectTo work comfortably use the system plastic ducts. Specially reduced height helps save space.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectSuch articles are set in the horizontal and vertical position.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectIt has ducts with different channels in the range of manufacturers: circular (diameter - 100; 125; 150 mm); rectangular (dimensions - 60 x 120; 60 x 204 mm).
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectFast and accurate installation will ensure compliance with the abutting parts of the size, a large variety of additional elements. With light products are not difficult to handle in tight spaces, on top. They are joined into a single structure without special tools. To size of their hand-cut hacksaw a blade for wood.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectBefore installation work necessary to prepare the project documentation. In accordance with the drawings in certain areas of building construction make holes.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectNext, pick up the necessary fittings.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectTee.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectThus the product is performed the transition from the rectangular section of the channel on a round pipe.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectThese bends are used to change the passage of a line in different planes.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectTo speed up the assembly of ventilation in the house with his own hands, pre-connect function modules of several elements.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectSuch blanks are mounted in the right places. Special mounting is used for the fixation of the vertical and horizontal sections. This inlet is arranged in view of the top of the casing is installed with gipsokatrona decorative grille.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectIn order to accelerate work operations, the size of the circumcision done using Bulgarian. But it is quite possible the use of hand tools.
Ventilation in a private house with his own hands: the scheme, the proper preparation and implementation of the projectstrengthen connections screws.

Note! Installation of ventilation in a private home is often accompanied by drilling holes in the exterior walls to create a supply duct. These complicated operations are performed using a diamond nozzles. For cooling the work zone is supplied with water which, together with the debris flows down, forming unpleasant stains. This procedure is necessary to schedule up to finishing, in order to prevent additional costs to restore the perfect appearance of the facade.

Features professional installation of ventilation in a private home: price, scope of work, control operations

Installation and other work operationsService Cost, rub.
Design of calculation per 1 sq. M. floor area55-70
Installation flexible / rigid channels (1 sq. M.)99-120/300-850
Mounting the recovery installation with capacity of up to two thousand. m. cu. in hour8000-35000
Set channel / power roof ventilator4000-7000/3500-5000
Installation and adjustment of automation cabinet5000-10000
Departure of experts for maintenance3000-6000

These data will help to calculate the cost of ventilation in a private house under the key. To these must be added the results of general construction, repair and other associated costs.

Check the validity of the installed system using such a simple technique, flame deviation
Check the validity of the installed system using such a simple technique, flame deviation

Conclusions and further recommendations

Properly chosen ventilation system in the private scrap their own hands - a solid foundation for future success. Careful preparation will allow to choose the best option for a particular structure and specific needs. Useful objective assessment of their own financial capabilities, installation skills. If necessary, specialized professionals can be attracted to perform certain operations. It is necessary to carefully examine the technical innovations, advanced materials, so as not to miss the current advantages in their respective market segments.

In comments to the article - ask questions on this topic, share your experiences. In order to successfully meet the challenges useful professional advice and expertise on the practical implementation of similar projects.