The whole complex Thermal insulation work It may not be feasible if the heat will escape through the house the front door. Rectify the situation helps a special device: the air curtain at the front door. We offer to meet with the principle of work, varieties and features of operation of such equipment.
Platten - the best way to preserve the heat in the room
Read article
1 Platten - what is it
2 The air curtain at the front door: the working principle and main technical characteristics
3 Varieties of curtains for the house on the location and type of installation
4 Types of household curtains on the presence and type of heat exchanger
4.1 Electric air-heat exchanger for the air curtain
4.2 Water air curtain at the front door
4.3 Models not equipped with a heat exchanger
5 How to choose a veil of heat power
6 As the air curtain installation is carried out
7 Features connecting curtains
8 Terms of Service air curtains
9 Nuances repair curtains
10 How to choose a thermal curtain: popular manufacturers
10.1 Curtains Teplomash
10.2 Curtains Ballu
10.3 Curtains Tropic
11 At what price and where to buy a thermal curtain at the front door - an overview of current market offerings
12 Customer Reviews curtains for entrance door
Platten - what is it
Considering the existing types heatersYou can see the thermal curtains. What is it can be understood in functional characteristics of the device. It is installed directly above the front door and prevents cold air from outside. At the same time, the air curtain - a heaterWhich allows to heat the air in the room.
Attention! Setting the air curtain allows to reduce by one third the cost of heating.
Topical solution for industrial premises
The air curtain at the front door: the working principle and main technical characteristics
According to its constructive performance air curtain close to a household conditioner with characteristic elongated rectangular shape. Openings in the upper and lower housing portion are used to create air flow. Air intake is performed through openings in the upper part. Inside the ventilator ensures the formation of an air flow directed downwards. Located around the heat exchanger unit heats the passing air flow, which extends outwardly through the openings in the bottom of the unit.
Cold air will remain outside
In the selection of thermal curtains should be guided by technical specifications, which should include:
device performance, showing how the amount of cold air may be heated with it;
attachment type;
degree of protection;
air curtain power.
Varieties of curtains for the house on the location and type of installation
When selecting the air curtain for home, be aware that these devices can be variously positioned relative aperture and have a different type of installation. By arrangement of devices can be:
horizontal. The classic version with the highest circulation. They are mounted directly above the front door or window;
Horizontal models most popular
vertical. This embodiment is overdue at impossibility or irrationality horizontal installation model. Vertical products can be placed on only one side of the front door or on both sides;
Vertical allow rationally dispose of free space
universalAdmitting the horizontal and vertical mounting.
By type of installation division is made on the model, which are mounted directly on the wall, and assemblies, embedded in the ceiling or wall. The latter option is relevant in the regeneration areas, to which the registration of increased requirements.
Possible to mount to the ceiling
Types of household curtains on the presence and type of heat exchanger
Design household curtains might differ. Manufacturers offer devices equipped with various types of heat exchangers, as well as without them. We offer to meet with the existing species and their distinctive features.
For each door has its own design
Electric air-heat exchanger for the air curtain
The most efficient model. Easily installed and maintained. Permissible installation not only on the front doorBut also in any other place. Allow to smoothly adjust the temperature of the outgoing air.
Most modern air curtains equipped with tubular eletronagrevatelyami (TANS). Cheaper counterparts - semiconductor heaters (RTS). They have the function of self-control of energy consumption and temperature to optimize energy costs.
Attention! The air curtain at the front door 220 is capable of becoming the best option for private homes and public buildings.
Electric model units for salesrooms
Water air curtain at the front door
Any electric heat exchanger is characterized by high operating costs. Water air curtain at the door, from this standpoint, is preferred as it can be connected directly to heating circuit. Efficiency of service and lack of harmful effects on the environment - important advantages of this type of devices. But by installing them in some cases refused because of the large size, the complexity of installation and increased requirements to the state heating system. At low coolant used as a risk of falling into shallow tubular device structure which can cause device failure.
Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
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"Installation water heat curtain should be performed in conjunction with a filter or initially choose a model, complete with this element."
Water different lower cost of operation
Models not equipped with a heat exchanger
Such devices are relevant in situations where it is not necessary to produce additional heating of air. Scheme thermal RV series curtain to protect inner space from street dust, dirt, insects, preventing leakage conditioned air outside the home. most of these devices are installed in the territory of industrial plants, acting as a zoning member large room or freezer protecting against ingress of external warm air. Other applications availability.
Models without heat exchanger do not produce warm air
How to choose a veil of heat power
To install the unit coped with the task assigned to it by its power must be appropriate. Thermal devices are divided into the following series:
The first set has a limited field of application. With its help, you can protect only a relatively small aperture, such as a window service at the box office or street stall. In domestic purposes, they practically do not apply. Characterized by low productivity. Used for apertures up to 1.5 m width and 0.8 m.
Power air curtain series RM is sufficient for installation over standard doorways, having a height of 3.5 m. May be mounted above the door. This series is the most popular of a large number of consumers. Often it comes with a remote control or special remote unit, simplifying the management process.
Series RT is the most powerful. With it can protect aperture height of 7 m. This is a suitable option for gatesInstalled in different rooms, such as storage or production.
Power and a series of devices depends on the height of the front door
As the air curtain installation is carried out
Mounting the air curtain should be carried out in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Works are carried out in the following sequence:
chosen place of installation with the air curtain into account its structural characteristics;
base counting is performed;
mounted brackets;
mounted equipment;
the control unit is mounted;
connection to the electricity system and security elements;
System Health Validator.
Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
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"The installation of some models will need to remove the front panel during installation of the control unit."
Installation must be carried out according to the instructions
Features connecting curtains
Typically, the kit includes a flexible cable and plug with ground. When connecting the stationary platten is connected via a central switch. Necessarily leave a gap of 3 mm. The work can only be done by a professional.
Attention! To connect, use a special type of wire.
Connecting best left to professionals
Terms of Service air curtains
To prolong the life of the equipment, should follow the manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance curtains. Each month, should produce a visual inspection device, check the quality of attachment, no visible defects, test operating current and voltage. The apparatus requires monthly cleaning housing, air filters, shutters input from the accumulated dirt and dust.
Quarterly via specialists controlled quality of threaded connections, pins are stripped, inspected fuses and lugs. If necessary, change the damaged elements with new ones. Controlled fan status.
Every six months, changing the operating mode in connection with the change of season. Implemented pneumatic cleaning base nodes including the heat exchanger. Once a year, the heat exchanger is cleaned with a special chemical composition. Controlled by the bearings of the fan motor.
The order of service is registered in the user manual
Nuances repair curtains
More often than not establish the cause of their failure is difficult enough forces. For the diagnosis may require professional help. Often results in damage to the equipment failure to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations on the mode of operation of thermal barrier, which causes it to overheat. As a consequence, you may need replacement relay, The heating element, switch or electrical contacts.
Attention! Not always repair curtains can be made in the places of their installation.
Repair work could be carried out as follows:
verified the presence of electricity. If the network is stable, heat curtains must be disconnected from the network;
checked the fuses and contacts. Faulty components are replaced by new ones;
check the efficiency and quality of switch contacts in the electrical circuit. Refusal switch may be indicative of the fact that after his transfer to the "Heat" heating of the air is performed.
If you violate the rules you may need to repair
How to choose a thermal curtain: popular manufacturers
A large range of equipment available on the market, inadvertently begs the question: "How to choose a veil of heat, corresponding to the requirements?". The answer is obvious: it is necessary to pay attention to the equipment trusted manufacturers whose products are in steady consumer demand. Consider the popular trademarks.
Curtains Teplomash
Russian company offers a wide range of quality equipment with different capacities, dimensions and design. There are models with water and electric heating. All curtains Teplomash combined in series and have a numerical designation. More powerful devices correspond to higher numbers.
For low-power and medium-power models are a series of 100-300, the performance of which can reach 2800 m³ / h. This is a suitable option for domestic and semi-industrial use. For industry relevant series - from 400 to 1000.
Curtains Ballu
Chinese manufacturer plants located on the territory of Russia. The company's catalog includes low-end models with high energy efficiency. The entire range is divided into several series.
To budget series S1 relates platten Ballu BHC CE 3 with a capacity of 300 m³ / hour. It can be installed above the door cafes, trade halls with a height of the opening -. A maximum of 2.5 meters can operate at full and half power.
S2 Series needle equipped with heating "Stitch-elements" thermostat and noise reduction system. At the T-series is used as a heater heater. Provided the thermostat.
Ballu - An Affordable Solution
Curtains Tropic
Popular domestic manufacturer, offering a wide range of devices and semi-domestic purposes. You can choose models with different dimensions, the type of coolant capacity. Products are of a high level of reliability and availability.
For doorways with a height less than 2 m, the manufacturer offers a "K" series models with capacities up to 350 m³ / h. The compact dimensions make it possible to use devices such as heaters.
Series "A" is represented accessible, compact and low-noise units, equipped with "Stitch-element" and aluminum impeller. Such an air curtain is capable of protecting tropic aperture in height and 2.2 m.
"M" series have an aesthetically attractive appearance. Suitable for door height and 2.3 m. Universal. Complete with "Stitch-element".
"T" series has a power of 3-12 kW. Relevant for entrance doors in height and 2.5 m. Equipped Finned TAN. It has a built-in thermostat.
"Tropic" - high-quality domestic products
At what price and where to buy a thermal curtain at the front door - an overview of current market offerings
If you decide to buy a heat curtain at the door, we suggest to familiarize with the average cost of popular models. The average price of the air curtain at the front door shown in the table.
The average price (as of May 2018), rub.
NeoClima CTM-306
Power - 3 kW.
2 800
Ballu BHC-L06-S03
Power - 3 kW. wall
3 900
Timberk THC WS8 3M
Power - 3 kW. Mechanical control.
5 300
Resanta TK-3C
Power - 3 kW. Switch with light indicator.
3 400
Teplomash KEV-1.5P1122E
Power - 1.5 kW. Mechanical control.
2 100
M-tropic 3
Power - 3 kW. Remote control.
4 900
Customer Reviews curtains for entrance door
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The air curtain at the front door - an essential element of the input group, especially if you live in an area where frost is not uncommon. Particularly relevant are curtains for small shops, where the room cools quickly due to the constant flow of incoming visitors. In addition, you will be sure that the equipment, standing in the "waiting room", for example, ATMs or cash payment, will not fail.
If you have already purchased such equipment, or have not yet decided on the model, ask the questions below under the article. In the meantime, you can watch video useful: