In the dark area adjacent to the house is illuminated by a fixtures. Acquiring light barrier for street lighting, we can ensure that fixtures at dusk. Offer understand the design features, the principle of operation of the device, features of the installation and the average prices for individual models.
Photo- itself includes lighting
Read article
1 What is a light barrier for street lighting, and why we need it
2 Advantages of the use of a light barrier for street lighting
3 Design and function photo-
4 Main technical characteristics of the street light sensors to activate the light
5 The main types of photoelectric
6 What is astrotaymer
7 Choosing the right place for the solar cell to turn on the light
8 photoelectric wiring diagrams for street lighting
9 How to connect a light sensor for street lighting
9.1 With built-in power unit
9.2 Connecting the light barrier with remote sensor
10 How to set up a light sensor for street lighting
11 Is it possible to make a light barrier for street lighting with their own hands
12 Review of prices, manufacturers and photoelectric models
What is a light barrier for street lighting, and why we need it
Photorelay is a device by which the light intensity can be adjusted. Thanks to his presence can automatically feed the light inside the house or on the street. Proper adjustment device lets the light in the dark or off during daylight exposed in accordance with operation modes.
Street lighting is activated at nightfall
Advantages of the use of a light barrier for street lighting
Photo- has several advantages. Thanks to its compact size can be mounted in different locations. The absence of mechanical contacts ensures a long service life of devices. It works fast enough with good performance.
Lamp photocell for street lighting:
reducing energy costs;
It runs quietly;
easy to manage;
illuminates the area at the right time;
It creates the illusion of the presence of the owners, even if they are in fact not at home. As a result, land is protected from enemies.
street lighting costs are reduced
Design and function photo-
The design of the street relay may differ. In simple models of all major components are in a plastic casing. The unit is mounted on the facade of a building or a lamp post. More complex systems include measuring and switching unit and remote photocell. As a rule, in the light barrier includes:
light sensorFor detecting the light level;
photocell to measure current;
relay, acting as a switch;
Attention! When connecting a high power lighting should provide magnetic starter or contactor designed for the appropriate load.
Works lamp street with photoelectric follows: when the level of illumination within the device contacts are closed. As a result, light is turned on or a few devices. By increasing the light level contacts open, and lightbulb extinguished. To determine the level of illumination in the light barrier can be used:
phototransistorWhich when exposed to light regulates the electrical signal;
photodiode, Based on the work which laid photovoltaic effect;
fototiristoryOn a die which receives the charge from the light flux;
PhototriacSynchronizing current value and transmitting it to the electrode.
Regardless of which element is used to control a light barrier, in the instrument design provides protection against false switching on a signal within a certain period of time.
Photo- activated at dusk
Main technical characteristics of the street light sensors to activate the light
To automate the operation mode of street fixturesInstalled around the house, you should choose a light barrier with the appropriate specifications. For basic settings include:
current frequency;
Rated voltage. It may be 220 V or 380 V. For street lamps around the house enough of the first type. Manufacturers offer a light barrier with a voltage of 12 V and 42 V, but they are of limited use;
power consumption;
rated current. Should relate to the capacity of the network;
temperature RangeWherein the product can be used, and the availability of sufficient levels of protection.
Andrey Vinokurov
5th category Electrician Ltd. "Petroc"
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"The level of protection indicated by the IP and two digits. The first characterizes the degree pylezaschischonnosti (maximum - 6), the second - waterproof (maximum - 8). should choose devices with IP44 protection level and above "for street lighting.
Technical characteristics of the device must meet the system requirements
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The main types of photoelectric
The composition of any light barrier designed for street lighting control, includes three main elements: the perceiver, and interim executive. The last two are most commonly found in the same block, and perceiving - either in the unit or outside it. Depending on this, it decided to allocate a light barrier with a built-in and remote unit.
Devices can vary in the type of installation. For example, products with an external photocell mounted on a DIN-rail, which is in the electrical panel inside the house. Devices with built-in photo sensor can be mounted directly on the street.
In light sensor to turn on the street lights can also be a number of additional functions. Some models have timerThat allows you to set the time in which to be switched on and off lights. In programmable devices on the digital controller can be configured mode of operation for a week, month or year. Some models allow you to adjust light levels. They alone are included not only in total darkness, but as soon starts to get dark, or in cloudy weather.
There are various kinds of devices
What is astrotaymer
Astronomical timer is sometimes used for the automation of street lighting. Its working principle is different from the light barrier, but allows for switching on and off at the right time. Astrotaymer has data on the rising and setting of the sun in a particular region is working on the program, which was laid in it at the time of production. Installation administered:
the current time.
The advantages of the device include:
Regardless of the weather. Astrotaymer turn on and off lights at a certain time, and produces a light barrier system shut down when exposed to light on an element, even the dark night;
installation anywhere;
the ability to change the time schedule. On / off time can be shifted for 2-4 hours, depending on the design features of a particular model.
Despite these advantages, many opt for a light barrier, as the latter is cheaper.
Astrotaymer running the program
Choosing the right place for the solar cell to turn on the light
To street lighting system to work properly, it is important not only to know how to connect the light barrier, but also where it can be installed. When choosing the location it should be remembered that the instrument should be:
under the open sky to fall on the surface of the sun's rays, but away from artificial light sources;
away from combustible and flammable materials;
away from light range;
at a height convenient for maintenance photocell to turn on the light. On the surface of the latter should periodically remove the dust and snow.
Attention! Often the location of the device is changed several times, until you find the optimum.
Place setting photoelectric selected according to a set of rules
photoelectric wiring diagrams for street lighting
From the correct connection of the device depends on the stability of the system. In accordance with the wiring diagram photorelay for street lighting, the input device must be supplied and zero phase. On lamp phase is fed from the device and from the machine zero (tires).
Driving light barrier connection
Andrey Vinokurov
5th category Electrician Ltd. "Petroc"
Ask a Question
"The wires should be connected in the junction box with sufficient tightness."
at connecting the lamp high power in the circuit diagram of the starter is added. Such a device is capable of switching on and partial carry inrush currents. If, street lighting will work only at the time of finding a person near the lamp circuit includes a motion sensor. It is placed after the light barrier. With this arrangement, the lighting system will operate only at dusk and at night.
The motion sensor will be triggered only when the next person
How to connect a light sensor for street lighting
Before you start work, you should read the instructions issued by the manufacturer, how to connect a light sensor for street lighting. It will reflect the nuances that are characteristic for a particular model. Consider a typical order of connecting a light barrier of both types.
When wiring scheme
With built-in power unit
Connect street lamp with a light sensor in the following way:
Description of work
Before connecting we clean the contacts.
Brown wire, which will be supplied the voltage across the relayIs connected to the phase of the switch board.
Red the wire combine with the street lamp phase.
Blue the wire (Zero) of the switch board, photoelectric and street lamp are connected together.
Adjustable device by adjusting the operation mode.
We check the performance of the assembled system, connecting to the LED lamp.
Connecting the light barrier with remote sensor
How to connect the light barrier with remote sensor is a small difference. Installation works are made in the following sequence:
Connect the remote sensor to the corresponding terminals light barriers (B1 and B2).
Connecting the phase of the lamp in the terminal indicated by the letter C, and a phase from the power source to the terminal, designated by the letter L.
Connecting the zero conductor to the terminal, designated by the letter N in the photorelay.
The second end of the zero wires are connected either to zero power supplyOr zero load. We check the availability of the system.
How to set up a light sensor for street lighting
light sensor setting for street lighting is done after the entire scheme will be fully collected. Adjust tripping limit can with a small plastic turntable, located in the lower housing. Its position determines the sensitivity of the device.
The sensitivity of the instrument can be adjusted
To select the direction of rotation can be guided by the arrow, a light barrier located on the housing. Rotation direction will increase the sensitivity, against - to reduce. Initially should exhibit the lowest sensitivity. Final adjustment should be performed directly at the installation site in the evening light barrier. As soon as the evening comes the time at which it is desirable to include street lighting, you can adjust the position of the disk, achieving the inclusion of the lamp.
Is it possible to make a light barrier for street lighting with their own hands
It can be quite difficult to buy the right model. In this case it is possible to assemble a light barrier for street lighting by hand. For this purpose it is necessary to determine which lights will be connected to the instrument, and what characteristics he would have. After that, it will be necessary to collect only photoelectric circuit with his own hands. To demonstrate the process, we offer watch a video that is sure to help to clarify all ambiguities.
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Review of prices, manufacturers and photoelectric models
Quality products are offered by many manufacturers. The main criterion for choosing an appropriate model is the rated voltage. For domestic purposes are most commonly used light barrier running from a network of 220 V. The most popular instruments issued under the trademarks:
product price depends not only from the manufacturer, but also on the type of sensor, which is part of the design. If you decide to buy a light barrier for street lighting, offer to find out the features and the average price of the most popular models:
Type of
The average price (as of April 2018), rub.
Photo- DF 601
Designed for single-phase network.
GOST R 51324.2.1.
The level of protection - IP 44.
It can be operated at a temperature of from -25 to + 40 ° C.
Calculated load of 2.2 kW.
Photo- FR 602
Designed for single-phase network.
GOST R 51324.2.1.
The level of protection - IP 44.
Calculated load of 4.4 kW.
Operation at a temperature of from -25 to + 40 ° C.
The level of protection - IP 44.
The electromechanical relay is used as a switching element.
Designed for single-phase network.
The product in a plastic housing with a mechanical relay.
Designed for single-phase network.
Operation at a temperature of from -40 to + 50 ° C.
It allows the use of sensors and timers.
Photo- FR 2
As the switching device using the relay K1.
Designed for single-phase network.
With remote sensor, as which type photosensor D1 CSF may be used.
Photo- FR 7
Designed for single-phase network.
Operation at a temperature of from -20 to + 45 ° C.
The level of protection - IP 40.
The photosensor may be located at a distance of 1.5 m.
Photo- TDM FRL-11
The level of protection - IP 20.
Operation at a temperature of from -20do + 45 ° C.
The photosensor may be located at a distance of 1 m.
The final choice is often to help make real-world customer feedback, which you can explore below.
Review photoelectric IEK FR-601:
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Another review of the photoelectric IEK FR-601:
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Review of photo- TDM Electric FRL-T-E27:
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Review of photo- IEK FR-600:
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Feedback on fotorele EKF PS:
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Knowing how to connect a time switch for the light, you can manually perform the necessary scope of work. Share in the comments, if you could automate the lighting around your home, and if so, what photo- preferred.