Gone are the days when the phrase "the Chinese manufacturing" caused a negative emotions. Today, manufacturers of high places offer cheap and fairly high-quality products. Among Russian buyers are almost no people who at least once did not order products on the relevant Internet resources. At the same time, in addition to a variety of small things, such sites can be found really useful things. In this article we will focus on goods from China, which will be useful in each workshop, Whether plant, garage or even ordinary balcony.
China today offers consumers a tool for every taste PHOTO: sobolev-finance.ru
Read article
1 Some recommendations for the purchase of goods from China
1.1 The credibility of the seller
1.2 Number of sales
1.3 Ratings and reviews
2 Useful products in the Chinese resources for the workshop
2.1 Step drill for metal: particular application
2.2 Electronic caliper with a liquid crystal display
2.3 Multimeter: A device that is useful not only for the electrician
2.4 Mounting brackets for different stapler
2.5 Any of the eight sets of tools to choose from
2.6 The most interesting thing for today device from China required in any workshop
3 To summarize
Some recommendations for the purchase of goods from China
Tool for the workshop need to choose wisely, examining its performance closely. This rule applies even when the buyer gets the goods "live", that is, can not only see but also touch it, check it out. What can we then talk about buying a tool blind, seeing only the image. And not the fact that it simply is not downloaded from the internet. So, should somehow protect themselves. There are several rules that must be followed.
Approximately so you can check the seller in the Chinese resource PHOTO: aliexpa.ru
The credibility of the seller
Such services offer themselves a platform on which the goods are sold from China. He is absolutely free. Connecting it, you can always see on which account one or the other seller is at the site of administration. It is very convenient - unwanted, suspicious sellers can "push" to the side.
Number of sales
If the seller has recently put their goods, the buyer had to be a little bit. Worth a look, which he offers goods except those I select, and how well they are sold. So you can make for yourself a rough portrait of the seller.
One of the many shops in China, working exclusively on the Russian consumer PHOTO: theglobeandmail.com
Ratings and reviews
It is the most effective way to understand whether or not to order a product from a particular vendor. After all, the buyer will not be silent if he received defective goods and be sure to write about it, lowering the rating of the seller. Therefore, choose the following products, which reviews the most.
To manufacturers to pay attention to is not worth it. To date, they divorced in China, so many that remember all simply unrealistic. But it makes sense to look for reviews is about a particular product selected at the major Russian resources, like "Otzovik» or «Irecommend».
Many will remember the creative Chinese in dashing the nineties PHOTO: 56.rodina.news
Useful products in the Chinese resources for the workshop
Now we look at 6 of Chinese goods, which will be useful in every workshop. In fact, the list of such products is endless, but our editors select those that are most in demand among Russian consumers. And we'll start with the most useful tools that will never lie idle.
Step drill for metal: particular application
It really is a unique tool that allows you not to change drill bits in the process, if required holes of different diameters. It is recommended to work with a metal up to 5 mm thick, but also is suitable for plastic, wood, PCB and even drywall.
Irreplaceable thing in China for skilled craftsmen, which is inexpensive PHOTO: vseinstrumenti.ru
After similar tool drilled, it should not be processed further. Conical shape of the stepped drill itself does the job. It is also convenient that some types of treatment, requires the installation of centering drills, step tools to cope without any problems.
Five millimeter steel drill takes a "bang" PHOTO: thewalls.ru
Longevity step drill far exceeds normal due to special cutting edge. They also help to remove the sawdust that protects the instrument from excessive overheating. And that's what users are saying about Step drill acquisitions in the Chinese resource.
Reviews of step drills:
More details on AliExpress: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32885676479.html
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Electronic caliper with a liquid crystal display
Another very useful thing for all those who work for requires accurate measurements. The advantage of an electronic instrument that there is no need to strain your eyes to read data. The numbers on the display are large and clear.
Calipers It is a universal measuring instrument. It can be used to define an exterior, an inner diameter and a depth of drilled holes. The data can be displayed on the display in various measuring systems.
Electronic calipers will be very useful for beginners for learning PHOTO: chelyabinsk.vseinstrumenti.ru
Among the additional advantages of electronic calipers from China, in addition to low cost, include the ability to save data to the device memory, transfer them to a computer. But when you use any tool can be called the main security. Here calipers all right.
The most convenient electronic calliper is for beginners. This professional easily transfer data from one system to another and vice versa (e.g., centimeters in inches), and a beginning each time the master will look into the table. The electronic device carries out this work yourself, saving time.
Reviews on Electronic Calipers:
More details on AliExpress: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32956215689.html
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Multimeter: A device that is useful not only for the electrician
multimeter or tester (as some call it) - sometimes very necessary device in a home repair or in the workshop. Check the heater kettle, ping matte bulb, spiral which can not be seen, or to check the charge level, issued by the battery or adapter - the list is long. It can be used to determine the constant or variable voltage, current, resistance, ping and circuit integrity even check capacitance capacitors. Some models allow us to determine the temperature at a given point.
Meter - a multifunctional device for various works in electronics and electrical engineering PHOTO: citilink.ru
Working with a multimeter is very simple. Enough to know what difference voltage detection and current strength (how to connect probes). Setting up the device is clear and simple. Each position toggle switch marked, so even a beginner can master to work with him.
Reviews of multimeters:
More details on AliExpress: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/33056820289.html
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Mounting brackets for different stapler
Irreplaceable thing, when there is a need to consolidate the fabric, linoleum or sheets Fibreboard to a wooden surface. Help with the hauling of upholstered furniture or if you want to fix the rear wall of the wardrobe. This tool is useful not only in the studio, but also in the production of repairs in the apartment or private home. For temporary fixation can choose staples 4 mm in height, and large suitable for more reliable fastening. Their height may be up to 12 mm.
Stapler can be useful both in the studio and at home PHOTO: vseinstrumenti.ru
Slight drawback can be called that staples are not included in chipboard (bend), although the usual small nails to hammer them hard. But in the end bracket, even the largest, includes without any problems. Complete with a stapler can be purchased and a special device for removing old or bent brackets. Not to say that this product is very cheap, but, judging by the reviews on the net, it is worth the money. Many such installation work staplers more than one year.
Reviews of mounting the stapler:
More details on AliExpress: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32872132205.html
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Any of the eight sets of tools to choose from
Workshop - is a place where the instrument is never enough. But it is difficult to find the right when a large amount. That is why manufacturers from China offer an interesting solution: 8 sets of instruments, which are each in a separate bag or briefcase. Each designed for a specific job. Quite convenient, if you can take one set for woodworking and working with furniture and one for mechanical works on metal, the third debug units and units of the car.
Tool in the workshop is never too much PHOTO: citilink.ru
Steel, which made tools, not bad. Its quality is much higher than that used for the manufacture of keys in China even some 10 years ago. Now the Asian manufacturer is trying to focus on the quality, considering Russia as a very profitable economic partner, hence the change in the quality of the goods.
Reviews of toolboxes:
More details on AliExpress: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32866009108.html
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The most interesting thing for today device from China required in any workshop
Many have called such a device on the name of one of the manufacturers of such equipment - "Dremel". In fact, the device is called an electric engraver. But do not judge its functionality only in name products. Of course, engraving on wood, metal and even glass - its primary purpose. But it is necessary to change the nozzle, and it turns into a drill for small drills, grinder or grinders. For fine detail work is a device indispensable. It sold complete with a support which is mounted on a workbench using a clamp. But the most useful device that are provided with electrical engraver is a flexible shaft (its length may vary by model). It can help you reach the most inaccessible places.
It is similar with this firm such equipment is often called PHOTO: mcgrp.ru
The electric switch is equipped engraver speed without restoring spring. This means that putting the desired speed is not necessary to keep the button in a certain position, or to put it in the lock. Upon completion of work "box" is simply moved to the far left.
Completeness electric engraver following:
a driving device (itself engraver);
a flexible shaft;
2 of different shapes key;
set of cutters, in the amount of 12-20 pcs .;
8 cutting discs, 8 spare emery stones;
for grinding wheels of different grit sandpaper and forms, in an amount of 40-80 pieces.
Reviews of electrical engraver:
More details on AliExpress: https://ru.aliexpress.com/item/32868229692.html
Buy on AliExpress
To summarize
To date, the purchase of goods in the Chinese resources is quite popular, despite the fact that the reputation of the manufacturer of China in the past has been very bad. Now they are rehabilitated and the percentage of the population trusts the Chinese resources is growing steadily. This is not surprising. Pretty reasonable prices, coupled with free shipping (for the Russians the word "free" is often the key) do their thing. And if not always product is of good quality (sometimes come across a marriage), our people are ready to forgive it. Moreover, most often in these cases, disputes are resolved in favor of the buyer, and the money is returned back. This means that the client only runs the risk of unrealistic expectations. The threat loss of money due to the low quality of the goods is practically no.
When ordering goods from China, we can equip the workshop is much cheaper PHOTO: joom.com
We hope that you will help the information contained in our today's article. Arising questions can be asked in the comments below. We will try to answer them as fully as possible and quickly.
Perhaps you are a regular customer at Chinese resources. In this case, please share your opinion, what products simply vital in the workshop. It will be very useful for those who only think about the creation of his "repairman corner."
If you enjoyed today's article, do not forget to rate it. And we, at last, as we have already opened, bring to your attention the video, which is still more fully reveal the current topic of the use of hand-held electric engraver.