How quickly and efficiently warm bath using panels PIR

What Russian does not like to bathe in a bath? One of the oldest local traditions alive and active to this day. Build a real guy under the force of each. It is only necessary to competently approach the issue. The fact that you need to consider to Bath pleasing for years to come, we will describe in this article.

Modern insulation reliable easy to assemble
Modern insulation is reliable and easy to assemble

Read article

  • 1 Foundation - an energy-efficient basis
  • 2 Wood vs stone
  • 3 Warm roof in a few steps
  • 4 To warm their hands

Foundation - an energy-efficient basis

Along with the windows, the roof and walls of the foundation also serves as a source of heat loss. For this reason, even at the stage of the project it is very important to think about what will be the foundation, take into account the specifics of soil, groundwater level, to provide a layer of insulation.

One of the most well-known energy-efficient foundation is considered UWB - insulated Swedish stove. It is perfect for light wooden structures. By a layer of insulation and floor heating system UWB functions as a thermal battery, accumulating heat during operation. This design will not allow the house to cool quickly at the sudden heating is turned off.

Life hacking! If the room is designed for occasional use, it makes sense to install the floor heating system elektrokotol with GPS sensor. It can be used at a distance in advance to signal a warming startup.

Wood vs stone

Traditional construction material bath was considered a tree. This is due primarily to the fact that the tree for many years in our country was the major construction resources. Until now, most of the bath built of logs or timber. Such buildings are going pretty fast, like a constructor, since the workpiece advance made on special industries.

Bath made of wood can be a very long time, for it is important to choose a dry material, process it means ognebiozaschity in mandatory use waterproofing cut-off between the foundation and the first crown, do not forget to lay between crowns insulation.

In connection with the development of technology in the construction industry gained popularity solutions from small stone or concrete materials: bricks and blocks. At a cost of a little more expensive, they also need to take into account the specifics of the material. The blocks may generally absorb moisture. For this reason, during the construction of the bath is necessary to provide a vapor barrier and inside layer consider air recovery system.

Steam Dream
Steam Dream

Warm roof in a few steps

Mauerlat pitched roof can be made of the same timber, and then made the installation of vertical posts and rafters. But it makes sense to carry out insulation using nadstropilnogo method. Why?

Firstly, it is energy-efficient solution. Secondly, it's beautiful. But first things first.

In this case, based on polyisocyanurate plate mounted on top of the rafters, thus creating a continuous insulating layer without cold bridges. A plate LOGICPIR TECHNONICOL added to this, and another important bonus: they eliminate the need to mount an additional waterproof membrane.

The fact that the plate LOGICPIR is lined on both sides of the foil, which is known to be an excellent vetrovlagozaschitoy. Foil 100% is moisture and vapor. After the end of the installation joints plates enough glue foiled tape to create a closed gidrobarer.

Modern technology in just three layers
Modern technology in just three layers

Due to the low thermal conductivity - 0.021 W / (m Γ— K) * - even a small plate thickness protects the bath from the heat leakage.

Rafters in this case will be a full part of the decor, and if they are marked with natural shades, they may well be the highlight of the whole project.

* The thermal conductivity, measured within 24 hours of production.

To warm their hands

Isolation of a bath - a process responsible, durability depends on it, microclimate inside, and hence the quality of the rest. Excessive moisture and extreme temperatures is subjected to a serious test materials. Insulation must not only withstand the load described, but also to be environmentally safe and healthy.

It must maintain the geometry, without fear of moisture to be fireproof, heat retention, to be resistant to mildew - that's a priority list of requirements that must necessarily conform to insulation bath.

Insulation of steam produced on the principle of the thermos. This means that the heat in the bath should be good only in the steam room. In the shower and rest room it is important to maintain a comfortable microclimate.

Frost-protected circuit will be sealed if warmed in a steam room walls, floor and ceiling. With a special insulation LOGICPIR Banja make it pretty easy. Material on both sides with foil, which does not pass steam and moisture. A low thermal conductivity allows the use of plate thickness of 20-50 mm.

Scheme insulation of walls and ceilings with further casing lining
Scheme insulation of walls and ceilings with further casing lining

Before purchasing the material necessary to perform the calculation of the amount of insulation. For this insulation area divided by the area of ​​one plate, the result is rounded. The resulting number is the same as the number of plates.

Before installing the insulation need to make sure that the walls are smooth, it can be done with the help of a two-meter rack or regulations. Clearance between them and the wall shall not exceed 5 mm.

To the wall plate attached with mechanical fasteners or adhesive LOGICPIR foam. During installation it is important to follow the displacement of the joints in adjacent rows.

The standard of the 21st century: to warm bath using panels PIR
Fixing with dowels Belleville
The standard of the 21st century: to warm bath using panels PIR
Fixing by adhesive foam

To create a continuous vapor barrier joints should glue steam insulating tape. The fact that the plate LOGICPIR is lined on both sides of the foil, which is known to be one of the best paroizolyatorov. Foil 100% is moisture and vapor. After the closure assembly of plates sufficiently glue joints foiled tape to create a closed vapor barrier.

The standard of the 21st century: to warm bath using panels PIR
Sizing joints steam insulating tape

The next step is mounted wooden sheathing. Reiki attached to the wall through the plates vertically, forming an air gap. Thus, LOGICPIR plate disclose including their reflectivity, but due to the vertical arrangement of a possible condensate will not dwell on the wooden structure.

mount crate
mount crate

If the rail sheathing are fastened vertically, the lining in this case is mounted horizontally.

Battens on top of mount
Battens on top of mount

After installation lath temporary fixing can be removed, and the resulting polyurethane foam fill hole. The ceiling is mounted on a similar basis.

Technology warming bath using plates PIR equally applicable to both the professional and novice builders. Simple manipulation, high-quality material, as well as compliance guidelines will help you to build a sauna in which you can enjoy high-quality steam for at least 50 years.



The standard of the 21st century: to warm bath using panels PIR