Pans - functional products that are used for food preparation and storage of ready-made dishes. When selecting a model, consider the size and volume, wall thickness and material.
- Device
- kinds of pans
- characteristics pans
- Features
- Benefits
- disadvantages
- How to choose a pot
- Exploitation
- Guarantee
- malfunctions
- manufacturers

Pots are used for cooking on an electric or gas stove, and for storing food.
The operating principle of the pressure cooker:
- Pressure cooker comprises a body in which is mounted a bowl or pan, electric heating elements, control devices and hermetically closing lid.
- Products in a pressure cooker subjected to heat treatment under high pressure. The main operating valve discharges vapor at above a certain level of pressure in the device, the alarm is triggered, if the construction is out of order.

Principle of operation Steamers:
- The reservoir, which is located on the housing of the control unit, is filled with water. The heating element heats the water, bringing it to the boil.
- Formed steam which passes through tiny holes in the bottom of the form with food. Through the hole in the lid of it comes out of the condensate settles on the walls of the device.
- The condensate flows down into the sump, which prevents it from entering the evaporable liquid.
kinds of pans

- Pan. Classical deep capacity of the round form with small handles, hinges are used for stewing and cooking food.
- Pressure cooker. Products are equipped with a lid that closes tightly. Pressure-cooker ensures fast cooking retains vitamins and nutrients contained in foods.
The downside is that the process is inconvenient to follow. precautions must be taken when cooking in a pressure cooker.
- Double boiler. This model consists of several tanks that pyramid set on one another. At the bottom of a double boiler accumulated fat and liquid products are at the top.
When cooking keeps useful properties of food steamer is also used for thawing and warming food.
- Insert-steamer. It consists of a perforated bottom of a circular shape, the wall-lobes and removable legs. Such constructions are installed on the bottom of a conventional pan.
- Mantovarke. This pan and looks like a double boiler, equipped with 3-4 tiers, used for cooking dumplings.
Classification of material:

- Cast iron. Designed for dense foods which require a long quenching: pilaf, stew, stew. This eco-friendly material, harmless to health, and therefore ready meals stored in cast iron cookware.
Products are resistant to mechanical damage, but they are afraid of falling from height. Because of an overabundance of moisture iron can rust, so after washing the dishes must be carefully wipe dry.
- Steel. Such products are environmentally friendly, easy to clean, but is not recommended, they may scratch the surface for cleaning abrasives.
Steel pan for a long time keep aesthetic appearance, withstand temperature swings. If we assume overheating dishes, it will appear on the walls of yellow stains from salt solutions remain dark streaks.
- Aluminum. They have high thermal conductivity, the cooking process takes much time. Models of aluminum do not rust on the walls of the pan, a thin oxide film, so the food is not in contact with the metal.
In order not to disturb the protective layer, use soft jaws.
- Ceramic. In these pans are well prepared stew, porridge, nourishing soups. Pottery poor conductor of heat, so cooling down slowly.
Vitrified clay pots and model of refractory porcelain environmentally safe, resistant to shock and temperature extremes. The downside is that the dishes fragile and can easily break.
characteristics pans

- The size of the pot measured at the outer edge. Standard diameter ranges from 10 to 30 cm.
- volume - characteristics indicating the amount of product that can be used for cooking at a time, are taken into account especially cooking dishes.
This value depends on the diameter and height dishes.
To extinguish the poultry, meat or vegetables, enough pans volume of 2-3 liters for cooking side dishes, pasta and soups need a 3-4-liter pot, model 5-6 liters are designed for large families.
- Depth (height) - This parameter is important for storing pots, because high products often do not fit in the refrigerator for cooking, this indicator does not play a role.
- Wall thickness It depends on the material from which the pan is made. For cast iron and enameled articles value is 4.5 mm, stainless steel models - 0.5 mm.

pan coating are:
- Teflon. Practical coating thickness of 3 mm, which protect the dishes from the stick. Less products that due to mechanical damage (scratches, cracks) may lose its non-stick properties.
At high temperatures, the toxic substances are allocated. At these pans should not contain metal accessories.
- Ceramic. Provide uniform cooking products. Material durable, but sensitive to the effects of temperature changes, so that on the surface of the pot can occur microcracks.
- Marble. The material used for pots of cast aluminum, which has good thermal conductivity. These provide uniform heating of the pan, so reduce the time for cooking.
Products withstand high temperature without overheating, so non-stick layer is not destroyed. Marble coating is not afraid of scratches and cracks.
- Enamelled. Enamel requires careful maintenance and careful handling, to cleanse you can not use abrasive cleaners or hard brushes. Cracking of the coating under the influence of high temperatures leads to bases glassware corrosion.
Dishes without non-stick coating is slowly heated, but is heated to a high temperature, long retains heat.
Such pans can not be corrosion resistant to chemicals but rust and moisture from a constant look unattractive.

Materials for the cover:
- Glass. Amenable to cleaning abrasives, scratch resistant. Less material is that it is fragile and can break when careless operation. Covers are equipped with bakelite handles, for which you can take with your bare hands.
- Metal. High-strength stainless steel is resistant to falls and blows, retains heat well. In order not to damage the protective film on the dishes, use a soft sponge and cleaning products.
- Cast iron. Such caps are not amenable to mechanical damage, are suitable for storage of ready-made dishes. Cast iron does not tolerate moisture may corrode due to improper maintenance.
- Ceramics. Cover fragile, can not withstand high temperatures; compatible with microwave ovens, ovens, dishwashers. A material easy to maintain and clean.
- Wood. Eco-friendly material that quickly absorbs moisture. Such caps can be used for storage of prepared food. Wood products require careful maintenance.

Materials for the handles:
- Metal. Handles large less heat from the burner. Materials resistant to high temperatures. It is not recommended to use the handle of the metal in the oven.
- Bakelite. Made of heat-resistant plastics are heated quickly, without slipping and provide a convenient sticking. Withstand temperatures of up to 150 degrees.
When using utensils, make sure that the handle is not proved in the heating zone, it will lead to deformation.
- Cast iron. Durable, do not lend themselves to mechanical damage, resist shock and high temperature, under the influence of moisture rust.
- Ceramics. Convenient cleaning, sensitive to temperature, not too strong, well aligned and with microwave ovens.

- The scale of displacement - measuring scale which indicates the amount of products or liquid suitable for cooking according to the recipe.
- Hole for a couple located on the lid of the product, remove the steam when cooking food.
- Drain hole disposed at the upper edge of the pan directs the liquid into the container when pouring. There are models that are equipped with a special filter netting.
- Funnel for spices - detail that is installed on the handle of the pan lid, used for pouring the oil, vinegar, wine, with the help provided by the uniform flow of liquid seasonings in food.
- Detachable handles - allow the use of pans in the oven, easy to transport and storage of products.

- Compatibility with induction - provides for warming and cooking induction plates. Such dishes are made of materials that absorb the energy of the magnetic field.
- Using the oven - involves the use of pans in the oven when cooking food. These models are made of heat-resistant materials, equipped with a short metal handles, without non-stick coating.
- wash in dishwasher - feature, which is available for most products on the material and size.
- Cover with a temperature sensor - an indicator which is on the pan lid and indicates the internal temperature. Such products are more expensive, incompatible with oven and dishwashers.
- Multilayer bottom - coating consisting of three layers: an inner made of materials with high thermal conductivity, the two outside - of a base material dishes.
Such bottom counteracts deformation and temperature fluctuations, ensures uniform reheating and slow cooling products.
- Capsular bottom also consists of three layers: stainless steel - aluminum - stainless steel. There are models in which the lower layer is used as copper.
- Fusing the bottom includes jacking the metal plate between the layers of stainless steel, which prevent the appearance of air gaps at the bottom of the pan.

Included are:
- cover;
- Stand for dishes;
- removable handle.
In kastryulny set often includes:
- buckets;
- kettles;
- pans;
- dishes.

Among the accessories:
- cover;
- removable handles;
- Stand for dishes;
- napkins;
- other kitchen utensils.
Cast iron pans:

- durable and wear-resistant;
- harmless to health;
- suitable for storage of finished products;
- resistant to mechanical damage, are not afraid of falling from a height;
- are unsightly appearance;
- rust when exposed to moisture;
- require careful maintenance;
- without non-stick coating;
- weighty, heavy.
Steel pans:

- environmental friendliness, non-toxic;
- easy to clean and wash;
- heat resistance;
- durable, keep their appearance;
- resistant to falls and impacts;
- do not tolerate acidic substances;
- warms up quickly.
Aluminum pans:

- good thermal conductivity;
- utensils not rust;
- food prepared quickly;
- do not tolerate acidic environment;
- food can be burnt to the bottom;
- not suitable for storage of prepared food;
Ceramic pots:

- easy to clean from pollution;
- a brittle material which can easily break;
- It has a poor conductivity.
Cast iron pans:

- strength;
- durability;
- environmental friendliness;
- resistant to mechanical damage;
- suitable for storage of prepared food.
Steel pans:

- environmental friendliness;
- easy to clean;
- heat resistance;
- a long time retain the form;
- strength, impact resistance and falls;
- resistant to acidic environments;
- do not require careful maintenance.
Aluminum pans:

- thermal conductivity;
- corrosion resistance;
- quick cooking;
- light weight;
- durability.
Ceramic pots:

- ease of cleaning from contaminants;
- beautiful appearance;
- impact resistance;
- environmentally friendly;
- Useful properties of the products are stored;
- uniform heat distribution.
Cons cast iron pans:

- heavy;
- unaesthetic;
- without non-stick coating;
- rust from moisture;
- It needs special care.
Disadvantages of steel products:
- can not tolerate exposure to acid;
- quickly overheat;
- under heat spots appear.

Cons aluminum models:
- He does not like contact with an acidic medium;
- is peeled from the metal walls of the glassware;
- food can be burnt to the bottom;
- cooked food in these pans, do not store.
Disadvantages of ceramic products:
- a brittle material which can easily break;
- a poor conductor of heat.
How to choose a pot

- The best option - a pan volume of 3 liters, can provide a variety of culinary ideas. Cooking soups and compotes Pick a model with a rate of 1 liter per person.
For cooking garnishes suitable two-liter pan, cookware volume of 1 liter - for the preparation of porridge. It is better to keep a spare set of kitchen utensils of different sizes. Buy such a model that will fit in fridge and a storage cupboard.
- Choose dishes with thick walls and a bottom, with several layers of non-stick coating. Products with thin walls are deformed by overheating or overcooling.
The minimum thickness of cookware - 2 mm. Multilayer coating ensures a uniform heating of the food.
- Buy pots with bolted rather than welded handles. It is better if they are made of heat-resistant material.
- The lid should fit snugly to the pan. If you want to watch the cooking process, choose glass items.
- It is not recommended to buy whole sets of pots, set of dishes you can make yourself. For preparing iron Kazanok pilaf need for dietary cooking dishes - Teflon coated model.
- If you plan to cook in the microwave oven, buy a glass or ceramic ware, metal products for such purposes can not be used.
- Choosing an enamel pan, note the presence of mechanical damage: chips, scratches, cracks, bruises. Hazardous substances can get into the food. The products shall be certified.
- Pay attention to the material of the pan. Pick eco-friendly and wear-resistant products.

Top pan:
- durable, wear-resistant;
- made of environmentally friendly materials;
- resistant to mechanical damage;
- shatterproof;
- They have beautiful appearance;
- with heat-resistant handles;
- evenly warmed;
- withstand extremes of temperature;
- with a durable non-stick coating;
- with an airtight lid;
- suitable for storage of prepared food;
- Lightweight and easy to care for.
Recommendations for care:

- Stainless steel cookware does not require special maintenance, it is enough to wipe the exterior and interior surfaces after washing. Steel products do not like salty solutions.
If a pan formed bright spots, remove them with citric acid or vinegar.
- For non-stick pans are suitable wooden blades. Do not overheat the product, not to deform the bottom. After the food cooking pot conventional soap wash, rinse in hot water and dry, and then apply a thin layer on the wall of an oil.
- Pans with ceramic surface should be washed by hand. Do not use abrasive cleaners. Fill the bowl with water, and an hour later, clean it with a soft sponge. It is recommended to keep the pottery without a lid.
- Do not clean the pan in aluminum with a brush or a brush, use a sponge for this. To clear the dishes from the plaque, fill it with water and leave for 12 hours.

Return the pot shine can be by boiling them in vinegar, apple peel and potato peelings. If blackened aluminum pan, fill it whey or cucumber brine, leave for 2-3 hours.
- Glass and cast iron products can not be cleaned powder or other abrasives. Clean of plaque with a special solution. Preparation: pour liter of water, add a teaspoon of salt and vinegar.
After each wash wipe pan dry towel, glass and ceramic store model separately from other kitchen utensils.
- Before using the quench pot: top to fill with water, dilute salt therein (2 tbsp. tablespoons per liter), bring to the boil. This will prevent cracking the enamel. Do not put in a preheated dish cold water.
You can not use pans with a chipped enamel, such pieces can fall into the food. For cleaning utensils not use sharp metal objects, fine scratches affect the integrity of the enamel.
To purify the product from the inside, it will boil in water with the acid peel or apple vinegar.

Warranty on the pans is 1-3 years of depending on the manufacturer. If there is a factory marriage company is obliged to provide free service on the commodity check or warranty card.
Presentation glassware must be maintained. The company manufactures replacement parts, the complete replacement of the product or repair it.
Warranty is not granted in the following cases:
- on the product there are traces of wear;
- parts during deformation model;
- traces of mechanical damage: scratches, chips, cracks;
- a structure has been amended;
- during the repair by non-specialists;
- were violated basic rules of operation of the product;
- traces of chemicals.
The guarantee does not apply to accessories that are included with the product.

Recommendations for repair dishes:
- To restore the broken pottery to prepare the surface: clear liquid part of the special dish under warm water. The adhesive is applied with a toothpick or a clip to the edge of one of the fragments.
Matter how carefully you promazhete it will depend on the strength of dishes. If you are working with fragments, protect hands from sharp edges. Immediately remove adhesive residues, dried adhesives can be cleaned with a sharp blade.
If the seam is visible, for adjusting the color of paint using ceramic or glass paint.

- To make the pot gloss, use a 9 percent vinegar. Fill the dishes for 2-3 hours with water, then add half cup vinegar, half of the bar of soap and bring the solution to a boil.
Leave for 30-60 minutes, the duration depends on the nature of the contamination.

- To clean the black coating on the dishes, prepare a mixture of: 4 liters of boiling water, add a third of the erased on a coarse grater soap and 1 tbsp. spoon of PVA glue. Bring the solution to a boil, wait 30 minutes.
- The second way - the cleansing of the pan using soda rigid sponge. When heavy soiling the dishes boil in a solution of water with 1 soda glass.
Add 1-2 tbsp. spoons 9 percent vinegar. Use this method to clean enamel ware and stainless steel, aluminum products may darken.

The company is engaged in manufacturing cookware since 1972. production is presented thermosesCutlery, manufactured goods for the garden.
Applied technology three-layer heat-spreading floor, used Japanese experience for the manufacture of thermoses. Canteens company devices are characterized by original design.

The German company involved in the production of cookware. Products represented by pots, kettles, sokovarkami, pans, coffee grinders, Thermoses.
It produced many porcelain, ceramics and glass, stainless steel is used, and aluminum, plastic, and silicone. Dishes can be used in different cookers thanks to the magnetic properties of the floor.

For the production of stainless steel utensils used steel Steelagen. It is a material with good corrosion properties, is resistant to salt and acid solutions, non-toxic, strong and durable.
Non-stick coating formed on innovative technologies and environmentally safe.
Pots mark formed on Technology triple bottom: the top layer - made of steel, medium - from aluminum, the bottom - of magnetic steel. Such utensils structure provides uniform heating of the walls, saves time for the cooking process, improves the taste of food.

Among brand products:
- metal pan of steel and aluminum;
- colored pots with colorful design;
- pan of 1.5, 2, 3, 5 liters;
- Sets of pots of different sizes;
- dishes with a three-layer bottom.

The range includes pots, pans, utyatnitsu, cauldrons, boilers, braziers, barbecues, Smoke oven. Products made of high quality materials, used non-stick coating from the German manufacturer, which is applied by spraying.
rack products to mechanical damage and abrasion resistant, durable. Thick walled body cast product 4.5-6 mm provides thermal stability, uniform heat distribution, prevents the deformation of the housing.

Production totals 7,000 products for home use, provided crepe maker, pans, pans, buckets, there are sets of dummies, crockery and cutlery.
The company manufactures durable and functional products: home appliances, home accessories. Products are popular in Russia and Eastern Europe.
In the production are taken into account popular colors and fashion trends. Suitably, the ratio of prices and quality of goods.

The company is engaged in wholesale deliveries of Serbian products for 14 years. The range of enameled ware, stainless steel products, kitchen sinks made of artificial stone, water heaters.
Annually, the company produces 8-10 new decals (drawings on the product).

Czech company, a manufacturer of kitchen tools and accessories. Production of reliable, durable, wear-resistant and strong, in line with European and international quality standards. Pans brand different chemical and mechanical resistance.
Use of environmentally friendly materials, harmless to health. The products are packed in packaging technology with European design. Goods medium price range.

The brand was founded in Germany in 1988 for the manufacture of professional dishwashing since 2005, started production of kitchen utensils for home. The company uses advanced technology:
- Anodized aluminum - aluminum coated with a special produced electrolytically.
- TRI-PLY technology provides uniform heating utensils and long heat preservation, preserves taste quality.
Pots have lids with automatically adjustable aperture for release vapor on stainless steel models have a mark of displacement. Dishes equipped with a non-stick coating of titanium.
The warranty on steel products - 25 years, bakelite and silicone accessories - 3 years on aluminum models - 2 years.

Manufacturer of dishes in the English style. Products represented cutlery and kitchen accessories, knives sets, a variety of accessories. Product durable, resistant to mechanical damage, with anti-corrosion properties.
Collection cookware with non-stick coating of cast iron is uniformly heated and retains the heat for a long time. Heat-resistant silicone products, used in ovens and microwave ovens.

The brand has been manufacturing small household appliances and utensils in 120 countries. The products are manufactured in France and China, it is available in medium and high price segments. Among the dishes - irons, kettles, Libra, Waffle, pancake makers.
Budget items have a simple design, high quality, but limited functionality. Premium models are functional and original design utensils.

The company is engaged in production of kitchenware and household appliances, it is guided by the current trends. Products shown tea and coffee maker, multivarka, Air conditioning equipment, vacuum cleaners, Products for body care and hair care.
Available dishes for storing food: pan, casserole, frying pans, shredders. Materials for manufacturing steel, aluminum, ceramic, cast iron, heat-resistant glass, plastic.
Models with non-stick coating and little handles allow you to use any hot dishes without tack.

Russian trade mark has been producing steel enamel and stainless steel cookware with non-stick coating. The range - sets of pots, kettles, pots, mugs, bowls.
Enameled products are designed for thermal processing of food, preparation of cold dishes, food storage. Enamel coating does not change the taste of the products, durable and resistant to acidic solutions.

Manufacturer of cookware and kitchen accessories. The range includes pots, pans, kettles, knives, Bakeware. Models durable, with corrosion protection, chemical inertness.
The knives are made of zirconia ceramics, designed for cutting vegetables, fish, meat. Pans of wear-resistant, can withstand the mechanical and thermal loads.