- How to eliminate the smell of vinegar?
- Good advice:
Everyone knows that vinegar has a very sharp and persistent flavor, so if it happened that you spilled it, then the question arises: how to get rid of the smell of vinegar? Solve it you will help the advice of our experts. They prepared a list of the most popular methods, how to do it most effectively, and outlined in this article.
to the contents ↑How to eliminate the smell of vinegar?
There are quite a lot of folk methods how to get rid of the smell of vinegar. Choose and apply the most suitable for you, so you do not have to resort to aggressive chemicals to fight the problem.
Method 1
In the event that the smell of vinegar is present in the room, it can be eliminated by the simplest way - to weather. Since the essence has the property of escaping, this process does not require special actions from you. Just open all the windows and doors and leave them open until the smell disappears.
Method 2
If it so happens that you spilled the vinegar essence on your clothes and now it does not smell very nice, remove the unpleasant odor from it in this way:
- Take the basin.
- Fill it with a warm ode.
- Dissolve a small amount of detergent in it.
- Place contaminated clothing into the pelvis with the solution.
- Wash the product well, then rinse thoroughly under a cold running ode.
- Press and hang out to dry outdoors.
Method 3
If vinegar spills onto your shoes, eliminate this odor as follows:
- Take ammonia.
- Moisten the medium with a cotton pad.
- Wipe them where the shoes are stained.
- Rinse with clean water.
- Set the products to dry in the open air.
Method 4
It happens that vinegar permeates dishes and this fragrance does not disappear when washing it with a detergent. In order to get rid of the smell of vinegar in this situation, do the following:
- Fill the container with hot water.
- Add a large amount of salt to it.
- Stir thoroughly.
- Put contaminated dishes in the solution and leave it there for a while.
- Remove and wash kitchen utensils in the usual way.
Method 5
Do not know how to remove the smell of vinegar if you spilled it on the carpet? Do the following sequence of actions and there will be no trace left of it.
- Take a powder for woolen or synthetic fabrics and ammonia.
- Dissolve these components in 8-10 liters of pure water in a ratio of 1 tbsp.l alcohol and 2 tbsp.l of powder.
- Stir the solution thoroughly.
- Dampen with a cloth.
- Squeeze it well and wipe the dirty areas on the carpet.
- Soak the treated area with a clean, dry sponge or rag.
Important! While doing these actions, carefully make sure that the base of the carpet is not impregnated with the prepared mortar.
Method 6
Many people know that vinegar is used to treat refrigerators, as it kills bacteria and eliminates unpleasant odors in it. But what if after its application, the smell does not escape from the refrigerator. Get rid of the smell of vinegar in this case can be as follows:
- Take a saucer.
- Fill it with baking soda.
- Put a saucer with soda on the shelf of the refrigerator.
- Leave it overnight, then remove. From the smell there will be no trace.
Useful advices:
It happens that the smell of vinegar comes from the body of a person and to determine the cause of this phenomenon you need to undergo a medical examination. This may indicate serious health problems, and in particular:
- Hormonal changes occur in the body.
- Lack of vitamins, often groups B and D.
- Mastopathy is an inflammation of the breast.
- Lung disease, tuberculosis.
- Symptoms of poisoning.
- Increased secretion of gastric acid, which in turn leads to gastritis.
- Development of diabetes mellitus.
- Psychoemotional disorder - if you feel near to yourself a smell, but no one else can smell it.
We hope that our article has been useful to you and now you know how to get rid of the smell of vinegar without making great efforts.