Carpenter's level - a tool that detects an incline. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

- How do
- Types and functions of the building levels
- Benefits
- Problems
- How to choose a builder's level
- Which is better
- How to use the building level
- Guarantee
- Faults and repairs
- manufacturers
How do
The algorithm of work of any of them is to choose the point of installation and the level of measurement locations. The remaining options depend on the particular type of instrument and may be combined.
Building level helps:
- Define a predetermined vertical or horizontal surface - to establish further work front and its necessity.
- Find out in which direction the slope occurred in some models available, and its exact size.
- Ask a distinct landmarks when marking surfaces - prior to installation of carcases or furniture.
- Calculate the amount of material - used for this purpose arithmetic mean levels of different points of one surface.
- Define a uniform level in different areas - are often required when constructing ceilings or windows.
When the low-rise construction or repair of apartments often used hand tools variation. This device without complicated electronics, requiring no special skills. Professionals use several types simultaneously.

Types and functions of the building levels
Operation of this type of instrument is based on the law of physics of communicating vessels. Structurally gidrourovnya - two flasks connected by a transparent tube.
- This is the exact kind of levels, but it is important to monitor the lack of kinks the hose and have a good vision.
- Suitable for testing deviations simultaneously in different rooms.
- Usually require steam operation.
To bring the device into operation is enough to fill it with water so that an upper meniscus of the liquid reached mid both flasks and the tube had no air bubbles.
Bubble building level
Regardless of the size and structural features of the device principle is one. The level integrated body at least two flasks where fluid "float" small air bubbles. Focusing on them, check whether there is a slope planes.
- The liquid in most cases would be the isopropyl alcohol. It allows you to perform measurements with an accuracy of 1 mm / m - an industry standard.
- "Air" bubbles from solid acrylic assume greater accuracy. Deviation of 0.5 mm / m.
Part of the bubble level models equipped with bulbs on a rotating basis. It allows you to work with ramps. Profile forms are in the form of boxing, trapeze and one measuring plane alloy Shark (Shark). Part of a tool equipped with end elements to prevent breakage when dropped.

Laser spirit level
The convenience of this equipment is to use a non-contact and big cover plane layout.
- Pendulum device is leveled after unlocking. Ground Plane desirable to expose horizontally.
- Manufacturers offer additional mounting tripod, but its size is not enough to mark the occasion. In this case, a rod which is fixed between the floor and the other horizontal surface. On it moves a platform on which is mounted tool.
- In bright light the laser beam is not visible to the naked eye. To solve the problem using glasses with glass in red color range.
Part of laser levels produces static vertical and horizontal lines in a limited sector. An alternative version with a running circle point allows you to mark up simultaneously from all sides.
Magnetic construction levels
Magnetic levels visually indistinguishable from the bubble. The difference is only noticeable at the bottom. This embodiment is equipped with magnets for convenience of working with metal surfaces.
- Bar magnets are more commonly used in polymer levels, combined with a V-shaped groove for ease of operation on pipes.
- Ceramic magnets or ferrites have been the industry standard in levels up to the last few years.
- Rare earth - most aluminum models now comes bundled with this kind of magnets. They are up to 10 times stronger than ceramic.
This type of level is more often used for work related to the installation of carcases under the drywall as conveniently mounted on the ceiling and rack profiles for hands-free.

Optical construction levels
Optical layer or level used in industrial facilities or the construction of houses. The kit includes a special tripod, without which the use of non-productive tool. Installation is reduced to mounting, focusing and centering.
- Centering the need for measurement from point to point. Performed by a plummet to be attached to the bottom of the arm.
- Focusing - telescope is induced on the rail, with the adjusted sharpness adjusting screw. Diopter ring defines a reticle.
After setting up the recording at elevation. Recorded data are summarized, evaluated their average. It will mark the base of the horizon instrument.
Each type has its own set of advantages:
- gidrourovnya. Supports measurements in different rooms when the initial level of hidden partitions or heavy structures. This functionality in other models is not provided.
- bubble. Easy to install and use, small size and weight. Ability to use to measure the level and simultaneously test the plane of the wall or floor.
- magnetic. It does not require additional fixing when working with metal. Possess a full set of advantages bubble models.
- laser. It supports both vertical and horizontal measurements. covering a range higher than that of any of the hand-held models. Automation of routine processes.
- optical. The applicability of the open spaces, the construction of roads and large objects. Functionality, saving time and labor. When measuring the distance accuracy is not reduced.

Shortcomings and disadvantages are also dependent on the type of instrument:
- Hydro. Maloponyaten and complicated to operate. Routine filling processes, plum, unwinding and pasture bubbles are time-consuming. Not suitable for vertical surfaces.
- bubble. strays often adjust more frequently available. Not suitable for use over long distances and areas. In adjacent rooms the correct level can not determine.
- Magnetic. The same disadvantages as that of the bubble. Magnets are often protrude from the rib of the plane - when measurements can damage the fresh paint or putty. Some models are less stable than the bubble. Frequent breakdown of magnets also refers to deficiencies.
- laser. It requires a flat surface. Pendulum transportation often fails. From a distance the beam diameter increases, which affects the accuracy. Measurements of planes can only be done with the use of additional accessories.
- Optic. Adjusting the time-consuming and requires skill. For domestic use functional redundancy - are not met any time expenses or costs.
How to choose a builder's level
For most types of levels defining indicator is accuracy, an important test of its correctness.
Bubble and magnetic
Same design implies uniform methods for evaluating the correctness of indications.
To check the horizontal flask, you must:
- Install the tool on a flat surface.
- Make two marks: at the end of the level and along - about the horizontal vial.
- Remember the position of the air bubble.
- Turn level at 180 ° and mounted on the same place in accordance with previous marks.
- Check the position of the air bubble. Any differences in his position to the level of the coup and after evidence of tool inaccuracies.
- Repeat the test, even if the evidence matched.
To check the vertical bulb set at the level of the door frame or a flat wall, further action - by analogy with the horizontal measurements.

In this type of instrumentation no structural parts are responsible for the accuracy of the measurements, but there are nuances that should be taken into account when choosing:
- Hose length - you should not choose it in reserve, because pasture air bubbles and tubes are capable of straightening this advantage turn into a problem.
- Pay attention to the tightness of protective caps. Water should not pour out - it will interfere with the operation.
- It is worth checking the integrity of the pipe and connections with flasks.
Additional parameter - the flexibility of the hose, but it is difficult to assess, having no experience of working with this kind of level.
The choice of laser level includes a reconciliation of a number of indicators:
- Deviation of measurements - should not exceed 3 mm to 10 meters.
- Self-leveling - test several models. Preferred option, the pendulum is aligned more quickly than in prior art.
- Range - marked as the radius or diameter. To not work out errors, specify what type of distance is indicated. During the same parameter is responsible and laser. green beam of 532 nm is suitable for most measurements.
Additionally, the tool is checked integrity and absence of mechanical defects.

Choose the level needed in view of the tasks and features of future use. They are divided into three classes: high-precision, basic and technical.
- For street conditions suitable air damper, and the work in the vibration mode requires the use of a magnetic version.
- To perform the tasks in a confined space defining parameter should be the shortest distance sight. For larger objects preferable pattern with a maximum range of magnification of the telescope.
- Leveling of class I or II on construction sites is usually not required, but it is necessary to take into account that it can perform only high-precision instruments.
- Tool compensator easier to prepare for the work at the expense of self-installation of the line of sight.
Which is better
Answers to these questions will help you choose the best type of tool for current tasks.

What basic functions should perform level?
- The functionality of the bubble will cover all consumer issues tile, but it is impossible to correctly measure the level of ceilings in different areas.
- Laser - saves hours of work on the layout of the walls for the frames and wallpaper, but not necessary, to determine the correct level of the planes.
- Optical - support accurate calculations for laying tracks, leveling surfaces, but to hang a shelf inside a kitchen cupboard with it will not work.
- Hydro - will perform a uniform ceiling layout, but for the installation of wall skeletons, it is useless.
Where it will be used? Indoors, outdoors, or both?
- Most of the electronic models are not designed for use outdoors or in harsh environments (rain, snow).
- Please note that in addition to the laser level will require a detector for outdoor use, as the rays are invisible in daylight.
What is the necessary accuracy of measurements?
Industrial lasers and leveling instruments have mechanical or digital counters found support angle recording in steps of 0.01%. For less accurate measurements of selected basic hand tool model.
Are additional features needed?
professional-level tool necessary for comfortable work accessories. But the functionality of domestic and industrial models may not have a significant difference.

How to use the building level
Features of use depends on the type of instrument. Uniform methods of operation does not exist.
How to use gidrouroven
- Carefully expand the tube and fill the tool with clean running water through one of the flask, holding the second above. Try to pour non-stop, so as not to add extra air gaps.
- Check the correctness of filling - tube should be equally prominent. Residues light clicking of air bubbles were rounded to the flasks to full output. If done correctly, the risks will rise, measured at the same height. This can be checked by putting the bulb next to each other.
- Secure the lid.
- Next expected to work together. One person holds the flask, and the second is with the hose in place or premises, the level of which must be compared with the current.
- When both are on the ground, the lid removed from the flasks. It is important to perform all at the same time about the same height - or will overflow.
- One person holds flask to make a mark in front of advance, making sure that it corresponds to the center of the meniscus of water.
- Partner gently raises or lowers the flask, thereby regulating the fullness level of water.
- When everything is aligned, the second party is the benchmark.
Precautions: Avoid bending or mechanical damage to the hose.

How to use a bubble level and a magnetic
- Set the tool on the surface of the object that you want to check levelness.
- If an air bubble would be the right of the line, the object is tilted down to the left.
- If the bubble is to the left of the line, the object is tilted down to the right.
Vertical level is similar.
Service and maintenance are as timely cleaning the instrument, especially when measurements on surfaces free of wet plaster.
Precautions are reduced to protect the device from bumps and drops.

How to use a laser level
- Set up the instrument on a tripod or flat surface.
- If the model with manual adjustment, be sure to indicate the level of bubbles. Otherwise, find the side screws and adjust them to the required accuracy. Self-leveling - after installation to allow the instrument to self-level time, usually 30 seconds.
- Turn on the device. Apparatus release beam reflected on surfaces. Depending on the type of laser level, it may be a point, a line or several intersections horizontally or vertically.
If the device is not used for a long time or has been dropped, it requires calibration. Installation rail or rack used with the clamp or clamps of the kit.
Precautionary measures:
- do not look at the beam itself is not directed to children or animals;
- do not use the tool in the rain;
- not bear with unlocked pendulum - many models warn about the beep or blinking laser.

How to use the optical layer
Before using the tripod stability check. Tighten with the tool. Make sure the leveling screws are not too adjacent to the support site.
- Tighten adjusting screw between the thumb and forefinger and turn them simultaneously in opposite directions. Observe thus for movement in a graduated flask.
- Air bubble must be centered properly on the window with a circular level.
- Centering on a point runs plumb, mounted on a tripod screw. Then level shifted on the head.
- Centering is completed when the plummet is located above a predetermined point.
- Bring the telescope on a sheet of paper or other bright object.
- Tighten the eyepiece until the desired field - sight must be clear.
- Directing the tube on the rail from the kit to adjust the focus knob.
- When properly configured, the scale leveling rod and the crosshair reticle does not move one after the other.
- After focusing, hold down the level of a particular purpose.
Use the focus knob to add sharpness.
Precautions similar to those given for laser models, but will also need careful handling of the lens.

Standard warranty excludes cases of mechanical damage.
Bubble, magnetic and hydro - refer to hand tools. They are rarely over 12 months warranty. Most manufacturers do not specify the detailed conditions for these types of tools.
laser - depending on the manufacturer and instrument categories (home or professional) provides warranty from 1 to 3 years.
optical - the standard warranty period of one year. But the narrowness of the niche is forcing manufacturers to go for tricks. Some offer a guarantee on the instrument up to 25 years.
Count warranty period can be from the date of purchase or delivery. In the second case it is appropriate to specify how many times the tool held in the warehouse.
Faults and repairs
Weak links are the different parts - their kit depends on the type of instrument.
Bubble and magnetic
The main problem associated with loss of measurement accuracy.
- Hit by a flask with a bubble - indications are no longer accurate, the error can be up to several cm per meter. In the low-end models of the flask adjustment is not provided - the tool is not suitable for use with this fault. In other cases, a twisting screw fixation fasteners or clips will return correct level reading. During setup, calibration is performed by analogy to actions for selecting a tool.
- bent profile - it happens in collisions, and falls. The tool can not be repaired, accurate readings he had not betray.
- The crack in the protective glass bulb - in models of collapsible type detail changed to analog. Solid cast levels can not be repaired in this case.
Small problem: kink protective pads and pens, magnets falling corrected by replacing obsolete parts with new one.
gidrourovnya faults are reduced to three types:
- Burst or cracked hose. It occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the tool frost filled with water. As an interim measure can seal lacquer for nail and wrap the tape. Complete renovation and replacement of the hose often unprofitable - the costs are comparable with the purchase of a new gidrourovnya.
- Cracks in flasks - provisional measures similar to those presented in the previous paragraph, but instead of tape should be a transparent material to see Rizki. The replacement may not be required in mild cases. In serious - change necessarily, because the defect will affect the accuracy of the instrument.
- Scrapping or loss of protective caps - the most simple case. They can be replaced with plastic caps from soda.

Correction usually can not perform independently due to spetsinstrument needs.
- The shift of the pendulum - an instrument is not functioning properly, with deviations in the horizontal and vertical measurements. This occurs after the unit falls or its transfer from the unlocked pendulum. To restore the required offset correction. The warranty for such damage is not covered.
- It does not light beam - failure was caused by a broken wire or incorrect operation of the battery. In the first case you need to remove the device cover and replace the flexible wiring extending to the pendulum. In the latter case often enough unclamp and stripping contacts or battery change. Both versions are amenable to self-repair.
- instability of readings - as a rule, you need to change the bearing suspension. Rare case, but it guarantees the absence of mechanical damage.
- Buttons do not work - there are several options of breakage, of which lends itself to self-repair only clogging contacts. The keyboard may not work as a result of frequent use in dusty environments. Clogged contacts need to clean mechanically. The procedure is feasible in a domestic environment.
In complex cases need to replace the keyboard. When the coating membrane, to repair the device will not work without special skills.
Optical level problems are solved systemically or by replacing parts. Repair toolbox increasingly inapplicable.
- sticking compensator - to solve the problem is carried out several times a standard calibration procedure. In the case of gross errors will require servicing of the instrument.
- Cracked lens or mirror. You must purchase a similar piece. The optical lens can be replaced independently.
- broke adjustment - need to align the device. Weakened by a screw fastening, with a grid plate is leveled. For this purpose a thread is placed in a horizontal perpendicular axis of the instrument, and the vertical plumb exposed.
Problems in the electronics work, serious mechanical damage, the repair site or hauling torsion will require the intervention of specialists.

Manufacturers represented in different price categories. The correlation of price and quality most insignificant.
ADA - a manufacturer of diagnostic and measuring equipment. Multinational company. Digital and shock-type levels, professional tool. The warranty does not specified. Website:
Bosch - German producer of engineering. Rotary, linear and point laser levels, digital levels. The tool is presented in a professional (blue) and domestic format (green). standard warranty. Valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. Advanced - held a long-term action, which recognizes warranty cases with evidence of mechanical tools. Website:
FIT - budgetary manufacturer of power tools. Torpedo and laser levels available in the minimum configuration. Instrument is certified, a service center network. Warranty terms and conditions to be announced. Website:
Kapro - an international manufacturer of Israel specializes in instrumentation. Digital, magnetic, aluminum levels with the ergonomic design, according to Russian standards, certified. The warranty period is 12 months. Website:
KRAFTOOL - manufacturer of professional hand tools. Models are available with a magnet, digital, deck and box. Warranty and certification to be announced. Website:
Stabila - the manufacturer from Germany. The company specializes in the measuring instrument. The range includes 120 construction, including telescopic and special models. Warranty provided. Website:
Stanley - manual and power tools, including measurement. Average price category. Certification is provided. Available plain and magnetic models. Warranty is not specified. Website:
Zubr - budget producers of household and professional tools, but the gauges are presented in the mid-market. Model base and reinforced type. Warranty is not stated. Website: