- What not to do?
- Special tool
- A bit of chemistry
- What is in the closet?
- If the spot is fresh
- Old spot
- For leather shoes of any color
- Why do I need to get rid of the smell?
- Useful tips for cat lovers:
Cats are creatures wayward. They basically perfectly remember where their cat's toilet is, but they do not always consider it their duty to observe the rules of conduct adopted in the house. Have you left unattended a kitten who is not always still in the apartment? Late come back and did not have time to talk with the cat? Be prepared for the fact that the puddle will be in the most unexpected place - on the couch, on the carpet, and even in your favorite sneakers. It is easy to wash the stains, but how to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes?- We will now talk about this.
to the contents ↑What not to do?
Faced with the problem of how to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes, consider a few points. You definitely do not need:
- bleach;
- detergents with chlorine;
- deodorants;
- colognes;
- air fresheners.
That is, you can use deodorant and freshener, but not immediately, and when the smell of cat urine itself disappears and you want to just give your favorite shoes a pleasant scent. But the fresheners themselves do not remove fumes, they mask it for a while. In this case, the application of odors can cause the opposite effect - the stink of the shoe becomes completely unbearable.
As for chlorine and chlorine-containing detergents, they not only do not remove the smell of urine, but even have the property of enhancing it.
to the table of contents ↑Special tool for
It is very useful for cat owners to have a special preparation on the farm - liquidator of the smell of cat urine. Buy it sometimes you can at a pet store. It is easy to use - usually a spray, and the instruction is printed on the package.
The whole trouble is that such drugs are not in every store or veterinary, and they are usually quite expensive. So, most often we have to deal with the consequences of cat intemperance with home remedies.
to the contents ↑A bit of chemistry
Before selecting a suitable remedy, it is necessary to understand what cat's urine consists of. This will help to avoid mistakes. So, there are three main components to which you will have to work:
- urea;
- tutorial;
- uric acid.
Which of their properties make it difficult to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes?- Clarify information:
- Urea is a sticky substance. It is not difficult to get rid of it, good in water it splendidly dissolves.
- Somewhat worse is the case with urochron - it gives the cat's( and any other) urine a color, form its bile pigments.
- Finally, uric acid - crystals that do not have a color. They are poorly soluble in water and alcohol, but superbly - in alkalis, acids and even in glycerin.
Important! The most harmful part is uric acid. It is she who "answers" for the smell. Moreover, if you just try to wash and dry your shoes, the smell of cat urine seems to disappear. However, if you get into such boots under the rain - they will again begin to smell like a cat's toilet. The same trouble will happen if the feet just sweat.
to the contents ↑What is in the closet?
You probably have the means to help you figure out how to remove the smell of cat urine from shoes. In extreme cases, you can buy something for a penny at the nearest pharmacy.
You need one of the following:
- potassium permanganate;
- food vinegar;
- lemon;
- hydrogen peroxide;
- iodine.
In doing so, it is necessary to consider what your footwear is made of and what color it is - some substances can be used only for black or brown shoes.
to the contents ↑If the spot is fresh
The easiest way to wash your shoes off cat's urine is when the stain is fresh and the shoes are leather and dark.
Option 1:
- Remove the puddle( for example, a napkin).
- Make a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
- Wipe with a potassium permanganate stain.
- Put the shoes dry on the balcony for about a day.
Option 2:
- As in the first case, wipe the puddle.
- Lubricate the stain with alcoholic iodine solution.
- Ventilate your shoes outdoors.
Important! These two remedies leave dark traces, so you can only treat black or brown shoes from the outside. Inside, you can also process light shoes, unless, of course, you are not very worried about the dark spots on the insole.
to Contents ↑Old Spot
A stale spot can deliver much more trouble. However, there are no desperate situations. A universal remedy - household soap, it is suitable for the skin, and for leatherette, and for the fabric.
Option 1
If the cat has spoiled your slippers or rags, soap the stain with a laundry soap and rinse with plenty of water. Then put the shoes to dry in the open air.
Option 2
This method is also suitable for shoes made of fabric. Instead of household soap, take any detergent, just make sure that it contains glycerin. Then proceed as in the first case:
- Wash your shoes.
- Dry it in the open air.
Important! Means containing glycerin are not always suitable for a washing machine.
Option 3
Shoes made of leather and some types of imitation leather can not be washed. In this case, you should do so.
- Make a concentrated soap solution.
- Dampen sponge in soapy solution.
- How to wipe the stain( it may be necessary to do this several times).
Important! You can clean shoes with cream only after it is thoroughly ventilated.
to the contents ↑For leather shoes of any color
If the cat has stained white or colored shoes, you will benefit from colorless means:
- hydrogen peroxide;
- salt;
- lemon juice;
- food vinegar.
Option 1
Wipe the place where the cat's urine hit, peroxide of hydrogen. It perfectly removes the smell, and the advantage of this method is that it is equally effective for both external and internal surfaces.
Important! Peroxide is not always possible to clean the patent leather shoes - first try to moisten a small place and make sure that peroxide does not damage the skin.
Option 2
For this method, take food vinegar( not an essence) and dilute with water.
Important! If the stain is relatively fresh, dilute the vinegar and water in a ratio of 1: 3.For an old stain, it is better to make a more concentrated solution - for example, 1: 1.
To remove the smell of cat urine from shoes with this remedy:
- Moisten the stain solution.
- Top with a large salt.
- Clean the stain with a soft cloth.
- Allow the shoe to dry.
- Wipe off any salt residue with a dry cloth.
Important! Vinegar does not always have a positive effect on the skin. If the stain is from the outside, first try the solution on a low-visibility spot.
Option 3
Lemon juice also has an excellent deodorizing effect, and the natural acid in its composition can neutralize some of the components of urine of your pet:
- Squeeze a little lemon juice.
- Dampen the sponge and wipe the stain.
- Ventilate your shoes outdoors.
Why do I need to get rid of the smell?
Of course, if the stain is fresh and smells strongly, such a question usually does not arise. However, if a cat has been messed up for a long time, a person can smell and not feel. But the cat itself feels great, the sense of smell is much better developed than that of the owners. Therefore, it is possible that she will continue to do her business in your shoes, deciding that if you let her do it, then it should be so.
In addition, the smell of cat urine will inevitably attract the attention of other cats and cats, so after a while you will already decide how to get rid of a specific cat's smell all over the entrance.
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices for cat lovers:
- The most important thing is to immediately eliminate traces of feline arbitrariness, regardless of where these footprints appeared. Carpet and sofa can be treated in the same way as shoes - well, unless there is always an opportunity to dry them in the open air.
- From the very first day in the house, accustom the kitten to the tray. There are many ways for this. Sometimes cats do not use the toilet because they do not like the filler. Try to pick up one that will appeal to your pet. Do not forget to change the filler in time and wash the tray.
- If the cat has nevertheless done its business not where it should be - do not scold her and all the more so do not beat her. Firstly, it is absolutely useless - the memory in cats is short. And secondly, your aggressive actions can cause a backlash, and the cat will begin to mess it up already to spite you. But for the use of the kitten's tray it is necessary to praise and caress.
- Do not leave your pets unattended. Cats are created for caress and communication. And often enough damaged by cat's urine shoes indicate that the cat has become bored by the owner and she lacks attention.
Now you can not only remove the smell of cat urine from shoes, but also make sure that you do not have a similar problem. To do this, you just need to adhere to the tips that are set out in this article.