🌡 How to collect the mercury quickly and without harm to health

How to collect mercury in the home and in general, why is it so important? Many of us still use traditional mercury thermometer. It must be admitted that they are very accurate and do not lie because of the shrunken batteries, such as e. But the glass bulb with a dangerous metal inside - a fragile thing. These thermometers are often struggling, and it is fraught with serious consequences for the health of the household. How to assemble the material properly and disinfect the house - in this review HouseChief edition.

PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com Mercury - a toxic substance, hazardous to health. Treat him to be very careful.
PHOTO: static.tildacdn.com
Mercury - a toxic substance, hazardous to health. Treat him to be very careful.

Read article

  • 1 Why is mercury dangerous
  • 2 Signs of acute and chronic mercury poisoning
  • 3 Complicated situation with the spill of mercury in the room
  • 4 rules of safe behavior: how to collect mercury
  • 5 How to collect toxic metal
  • 6 Chemical Decontamination facilities
  • 7 Kits for disposal of household mercury pollution
  • 8 security measures for the removal of mercury
  • 9 How to dispose of mercury
  • 10 7 "no" in the collection of mercury

Why is mercury dangerous

Mercury - is metal, the danger of which is designated 1 class. This material was stored in liquid form at a temperature of up to + -39ºS 357ºS. The temperature range allows the mercury is not easy to freeze in the human habitation, but also actively evaporate, poisoning the surrounding atmosphere.

About 2 grams of a substance contained in a conventional thermometer, on evaporation increase the level of allowable content of mercury in a room in the 300 times!

PHOTO: womans-life.net to reduce the risk concentration at mercury spill, it is necessary to take urgent measures. But even careful to follow the recommendations will reduce the amount of vapor just before the fifty times mark.
PHOTO: womans-life.net
To reduce the risk concentration at mercury spill, it is necessary to take urgent measures. But even careful to follow the recommendations will reduce the amount of vapor just before the fifty times mark.

Signs of acute and chronic mercury poisoning

In acute poisoning with vapors of liquid metal a person feels a strong nausea, he begins vomiting, severe headache, sharp pain in the abdomen. Diarrhea can begin, even with blood. Poison feels a metallic taste in the mouth, it is increased salivation.

PHOTO: st03.kakprosto.ru In some cases, the body temperature can rise to 40 ° C.
PHOTO: st03.kakprosto.ru
In some cases, the body temperature can rise to 40 ° C.

All of the above symptoms develop within a few hours. It is important to provide timely medical care and disinfect the premises. When a delay in assistance sufferer can receive irreversible damage to the brain and internal organs, able to finish fatal. But if you have it a little bit calm, similar disastrous consequences are possible only in case of poisoning in industrial production. From a broken thermometer is unlikely to occur.

But here's the chronic poisoning in a domestic environment - the situation is quite probable.

PHOTO: media.canal3.md If spilled mercury "hide" in your home, it can a long time to evaporate, slowly poisoning the body.
PHOTO: media.canal3.md
If the spilled mercury is "hidden" in your home, it can a long time to evaporate, slowly poisoning the body.

The poison accumulates in the tissues, and this leads to serious health consequences. Symptoms of chronic poisoning are blurred: the person feels drowsiness, constant fatigue and weakness, it suffers from headaches. Chronic poisoning poisonous metal vapors can provoke the development of hypertension, atherosclerosis, heart and lung diseases.

PHOTO: informator.news It is because chronic poisoning is so difficult to recognize, it is important in case of damage of mercury-containing devices carefully collect all the material without leaving a single gram.
PHOTO: informator.news
It is because chronic poisoning is so difficult to recognize, it is important in case of damage of mercury-containing devices carefully collect all the material without leaving a single gram.

Complicated situation with the spill of mercury in the room

The main thing - do not panic. This is a basic rule for all critical situations. Not worth breaking a thermometer, immediately call the MOE. With such a small accident it is quite possible to cope on their own. If you are not confident in their abilities - call the emergency services, there is, at least, you will advise.

Collecting mercury - not a difficult task, but if the substance has appeared on some of the "difficult" surfaces - there will be plenty of trouble. Most unpleasant options that can happen:

  • liquid metal hit on a soft and fuzzy surface: furniture, rugs, cloth toys and clothing. Alas, will have to part with these items. And do not feel sorry about it: health is more important;
  • material comes into the heated floor - in this case, the evaporation will be much faster;
  • balls of mercury put in the gap parquet or plank floor. How would you not want to, but the coating will have to withdraw because certain part of the substance is "hidden" in the crevices.
PHOTO: nsknews.info difficult to consider the situation if the mercury was in a locked room for a long time. She had plenty of time to saturate the atmosphere of toxic fumes.
PHOTO: nsknews.info
Complex is the situation if the mercury was in a locked room for a long time. She had plenty of time to saturate the atmosphere of toxic fumes.

Note! Besides mercury thermometers may be located in other appliances. Almost every house it can be found in fluorescent lamps. In these lighting devices of this metal is extremely small, and may be at risk while only few damaged such lamps.

rules of safe behavior: how to collect mercury

Your actions mercury spill should begin with the immediate evacuation of the premises of the child and pets.

PHOTO: postroika.biz Open windows for ventilation, it will reduce the dangerous concentration of toxic vapors. But do not forget to close the door to the room to the poison did not penetrate into other rooms.
PHOTO: postroika.biz
Open windows for ventilation, it will reduce the dangerous concentration of toxic vapors. But do not forget to close the door to the room to the poison did not penetrate into other rooms.

Moving around the room, be careful not to step on the metal balls, otherwise you will spread it on their shoes all over the house. Try to limit metal spill place any obstacle.

Use protective equipment before starting the collection of materials: you will need a respirator and rubber or latex gloves.

PHOTO: kalin.cap.ru Prepare a jar with water - in it you will collect the metal.
PHOTO: kalin.cap.ru
Prepare a jar with water - in it you will collect the metal.

How to collect toxic metal

Mercury droplets are collected using a syringe or a brush, sweeping them in a bag paper. It adheres well to metal scotch, Wet paper or medical patch.

As an option - the use of conventional rubber syringe, but it will not be easy, because the balls strive to slip off the nose.

Tiny drops of mercury collected good wet filter or crumpled newsprint.

All the collected material was placed in a jar of water.

PHOTO: i.ytimg.com You can add the water a little manganese.
PHOTO: i.ytimg.com
You can add the water a little manganese.

Chemical Decontamination facilities

Even after a thorough cleaning mercury balls, you can not be sure that you are fully removed all toxic metal. Meanwhile, the microscopic particles will continue zlonapravlennoe effects on your body.

PHOTO: assets.oxu.az to eliminate hazards need chemical treatment, which neutralizes the negative impact.
PHOTO: assets.oxu.az to eliminate hazards need chemical treatment, which neutralizes the negative impact.

For the chemical treatment is used:

  • 0.2% potassium permanganate solution, adding 5 ml of hydrochloric acid per liter of liquid;
  • 0.2% potassium permanganate solution, adding 100 ml of vinegar;
  • 5% chloramine solution in water;
  • 20% aqueous solution of ferric chloride;
  • 5% soda solution with the addition of liquid soap.

Any of these compounds need to drench the surface on which the mercury fell, and leave for a few hours. Residues occur oxidation agent can then clean up this place with soap and water.

Important! After demercurisation should be thoroughly ventilate the room, leaving the windows open for several hours.

Kits for disposal of household mercury pollution

On sale you can find kits for the collection and disposal of mercury. These kits come in laboratory, industrial and domestic.

Household kits are designed to work with minor mercury spills, such as a thermometer or a broken bulb.

PHOTO: docservis.ru One kit allows for disinfection of the room up to 30 m².
PHOTO: docservis.ru
One kit allows for disinfection of the room up to 30 m².

The set consists of rubber gloves, respirator for respiratory protection, for metal collection syringe, brass brushes, and the sealed container. For demercurisation Comes with the chemical composition of the HD-1B and nitric acid.

For each set of enclosed detailed instructions on proper use. The cost - 500 rubles.

security measures for the removal of mercury

If you did not have a respirator at home, use a cotton-gauze bandage, pre-moistened with an aqueous solution of soda.

PHOTO: bujinfo.am Besides gloves and masks, put on shoe covers the feet, or at least conventional polyethylene bags.
PHOTO: bujinfo.am
In addition to gloves and masks, put on shoe covers the feet, or at least conventional polyethylene bags.

After closure disinfection need to rinse the mouth slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, to clean teeth and drink several tablets of activated carbon or other absorbent.

PHOTO: andreabeaman.com desirable to force yourself to drink more fluids.
PHOTO: andreabeaman.com
It is advisable to bring myself to drink more fluids.

How to dispose of mercury

So you have on the bank's hand with collected mercury. In no case do not dispose of it, and do not pour! Call the emergency services and tell them that you have on hand collected mercury. Your address during the day will leave a specialist and will take the substance. All this is completely free.

In anticipation of the arrival of rescuers, seal the jar and set it on the balcony or in another cool place, but not in fridge!

PHOTO: sovet.help If you have any doubts about whether you still managed to collect, contact your local sanitary and epidemiological station to conduct measurements.
PHOTO: sovet.help
If you have any doubts about whether you still managed to collect, contact your local sanitary and epidemiological station to conduct measurements.

Be prepared for the fact that your requests and communications may be "got rid". And the rescue service without enthusiasm leaves on these challenges, and in the sanitary and epidemiological station norovit will refer you to a specialist company that provides paid services. Be persistent and patient, it affects your health and your loved ones.

7 "no" in the collection of mercury

There are common mistakes made that can lead to very unfortunate consequences:

  • you can not collect the toxic metal vacuum cleaner, It will spray a pair of air, and after itself a vacuum cleaner should be thrown out;
  • can not sweep broom substance, it splashed molten metal in all directions;
  • mercury can not wipe cloth, it will smear on the metal surface;
  • Do not dispose thermometers and bulb in trash or garbage disposal;
  • it is impossible to wash off the mercury beads in the sewers, they gain a foothold in tubesAnd remove them would be virtually impossible;
  • can not be left to wear soiled clothes or wash it with other things. Just throw it, and even better - first tear, so that no one has coveted it;
  • you can not just throw away remedies after the mercury collection. Place them in a tight package, carefully tie and hand in the MOE, together with a jar of mercury collected.

For more information about errors in the collection of mercury in this video:

Take care of yourself and your loved ones! No protective measures in dealing with toxic substances can not be excessive. Do not trust children to mercury thermometers, and even better - to stock up on batteries and buy good electronic thermometer. In Europe, long since banned the use of potentially dangerous devices in the home.

I have to ask for help in collecting the mercury in some service? Share your experiences in the comments!