You arrange the room to help fabric ceilings. They may have a different configuration, texture and coloring. The choice will depend on the purpose of the room and stylistic room. Please find the most popular designs, as well as the order of the installation work.
Fabric system can be a real decoration of the room
Read article
1 Variety of canvas fabric ceiling type
1.1 Texture and satin ceilings
1.2 suede
2 performance specifications
3 Advantages and disadvantages
4 color solutions
5 Fabric ceilings in the interior: the photo interesting solutions
5.1 Single-level and duplex
5.2 multilevel
6 Leading manufacturers of fabric ceilings and consumer reviews
7 How to choose a fabric ceiling - the recommendations of our editorial
8 Comparison of tissue and PVC stretch ceilings
9 Instructions for installation of the ceiling fabric
9.1 Preparatory work
9.2 Installing baguette or profile
9.3 Stretching and strengthening webs
10 Rules of operation and maintenance of the fabric tension ceilings
Variety of canvas fabric ceiling type
For the manufacture of tissue stretch ceiling, use a cloth impregnated with a special compound. The composition and texture of the material may differ significantly. On this depends the appearance of the mounted structure. We offer to meet with the existing species and their characteristics.
Texture matter may differ materially
Texture and satin ceilings
Textured fabric has a characteristic stamping. This effect is achieved due to the superposition of two layers. One mesh, acts as a base. The second has a characteristic stamping.
Textured fabrics are characteristic stamping
Satin ceilings are made of a material with fine cells having a characteristic pearlescence. Due to the peculiarities of fabric ceiling structure seems higher. Addition light elements It allows you to add a special surface of mystery and splendor.
Satin ceiling is relevant to any room
For the manufacture of the stretch ceiling in this case a fabric texture which is similar to natural suede. The material allows you to dim the lights a little and distribute evenly throughout the room. As a result, the interior is expensive, noble and elegant enough.
In suede stretch ceiling texture similar to natural suede
performance specifications
The main performance characteristics of tissue stretch ceiling should include:
possibility of operating in a wide temperature range of from 400 to 800 cold heat;
high strength, greater than 15 - 20 times the strength characteristics suspended ceilings PVC film;
good sound insulation characteristics;
fire resistance.
Operation is possible in a wide temperature range
Advantages and disadvantages
The choice in favor of tissue stretch ceiling is due to their:
high strength characteristics, due to the structure of the material. Due to resistance to external impact blade is not cracked and holds its shape well;
breathability. Unlike PVC film the material is breathable, that can prevent occurrence of so-called greenhouse effect;
fire resistance. Complex multi-stage processing makes the canvas non-flammable even under the influence of open fire;
hardiness. The material retains its properties even at 400 frost, which makes possible its use in finishing not heated premises;
the possibility of staining using acrylic paints. You can not just change the color, form a pattern or draw a picture. Number repaintings may reach 5 times;
service long term. If done correctly, the installation and compliance with the rules of operation, suspended ceiling able to last several decades;
mounting possibility of tissue cloth with his hands;
environmental friendliness. For making webs uses natural or synthetic fibers, is not capable of giving adverse effect on human health. They are suitable for registration of children RoomsIn which there are people with allergies.
On the canvas fabric stretched canvas you can draw a characteristic patternMounting tension fabric web can be carried out in the nursery
Among the few drawbacks is worth noting:
limited color palette material that can deliver some inconveniences;
tightness. Suspended ceiling made of cloth good water tight, and therefore will not be able to protect the apartment in case of a flood;
absorption of tissue stretch ceiling strong odors, making it impossible to mounting the kitchen and other rooms filled with different flavors;
low antistatic effect, due to which in the tensioned web a good dust accumulates;
inability to use to create complex designs due to poor tensile material, as well as long-haul ceiling. Manufacturers offer a material with a maximum width of 5 m, and therefore, if necessary, a larger mounting structure, the formation of a highly visible seam inevitable.
Staining best left to professionals
color solutions
Proposed fabric manufacturers are presented in a limited range of colors. If among the options presented is not appropriate - the material can be painted in a different color than you should definitely take advantage of, if necessary.
Among the paintings are ready, you can select:
White, presented in a variety of shades and variations. The selection can be made between the warm and cold color;
beige or yellow, if you plan to issue the kitchen, dining room or bathroom;
black. Such a suspended ceiling will look beautiful in the hall or living large.
Colors may differ materially
Opt for pastel shades should be done in the event that the room bright walls and bright objects are present interior. Dark suspended ceiling or in a bright color for the relevant rooms in which it is the main element.
The ceiling in the desired color will allow the correct accents
Fabric ceilings in the interior: the photo interesting solutions
The design of the ceiling systems can be different. If you are looking for a suitable option for your home, we recommend you familiarize yourself with the photo already mounted tissue stretch ceiling. Perhaps among them you will find an idea for a future incarnation.
Ready designs can be used as ideas
Single-level and duplex
One-tier system has a relatively simple design concept. If desired, it can be installed by hand.
duplex structure See the original and beautiful. Often made of material of different colors.
Multi-level ceilings with fabric cloth - the most difficult option. It has a unique design and stylish appearance.
Leading manufacturers of fabric ceilings and consumer reviews
Fabric paintings offer a limited number of manufacturers. When choosing a suitable material should pay attention to the production:
Clipso. Swiss manufacturer of the first to propose the tissue web. Its production is still one of the most popular on the market, as the company's catalog contains a large enough range;
Feedback on stretch ceilings Clipso:
More on Irecommend:
Descor. The German company offers a sufficiently strong fabric treated with an anti-static composition;
Review of the tension fabric roof DESCOR (Germany):
More on Otzovik:
The Italian company directory you can find a suitable option for childcare or medical institution.
Review of the Italian stretch ceilings Cerutti:
More on Otzovik:
How to choose a fabric ceiling - the recommendations of our editorial
To mount design looks nice and lasts long enough, it is necessary to give preference to quality materials. When buying, be sure to make sure that the seller is offering an original and not a cheap fake. The first will be on the edge suffered a trademark of the manufacturer.
Attention! If the marking is not - give up the purchase. Low-quality counterfeit will last long and may have a negative effect on the body.
It should determine the appearance of the web and its dimensions. These characteristics will depend solely on the place of work and design features of the system.
The color, size and texture are selected taking into account the developed project
Comparison of tissue and PVC stretch ceilings
It can be difficult to decide which is best suspended ceiling: fabric or membrane. Each option has its advantages and disadvantages, which you should definitely compare.
the cloth
PVC film
Color palette
Big choice.
Matt, satin, textured fabric.
Gloss, matte, satin, textured fabric.
High. Only in high-quality film.
Very low.
water vapor permeability
Very low.
Average. Under the influence of sharp objects torn canvas.
heat resistance
Low. The material may oplavitsya by heat emitted lights.
cost of
In 2 - 3 times more.
Instructions for installation of the ceiling fabric
Installation of suspended tissue fabric you can do with your hands. To do this, you must purchase a sufficient number of paintings, as well as prepare the necessary tools. We offer more closely acquainted with the order of execution of works.
Mounting tension fabric cloth can be made with your own hands
Preparatory work
At the initial stage it is necessary to decide on the design of the stretched canvas, and color scheme. Guided developed scheme should calculate the required amount of material, fixture and profile.
To work as required screwdriver and rounded spatula. With the help of the latest fabric will be refueled at designated profile.
Installing baguette or profile
Work is carried out in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Having defined the level at which the fabric will be located hinged ceiling, a hole is drilled for mounting a baguette, and insert them in the plastic anchors. The openings should be located at a distance of 100 - 150 mm from each other.
Cut into the size of the elements of the future profile. Is applied to the wall to make sure they comply with the specified parameters. Act should be with extreme caution so as not to damage the profile. The edges of the elements we clean for better connections.
Fasten the profile to the wall, providing a snug fit of all items.
Stretching and strengthening webs
Tensioning and fixing webs is performed in the following sequence:
Description of the action
Using rounded spatula, we start painting under the profile. Work starting from the middle of one of the parties. Then fasten the central portion of the web on the opposite side.
After fixing of the central parts, fasten the fabric at the corners. When installing about 20 - 30 cm are not to be tucked.
Has cut the excess material, leaving about 1 cm.
Refill the remainder of the tissue web tension additionally providing a desired level of tension.
More detailed information on the installation procedure fabric suspended ceilings can be found in the following video:
Rules of operation and maintenance of the fabric tension ceilings
Dry stretch ceilings is the best way to dry cleaning. It should carry out with the help of special vacuum cleaner. If there is none, it is possible to use conventional, opting for a soft nozzle with a long nap. Cleaning should be carried out at minimum power.
Attention! During cleaning do not touch the tissue web.
From wet cleaning should be abandoned. After the water in the stretch ceiling surfaces can remain divorces, get rid of which will be exclusively by staining. If on the canvas appeared difficult spots have yet to resort to wet cleaning. For this:
making a mild soap solution;
We check on a small portion (preferably a piece of fabric) reacting matter;
plot the soap solution to stain flick;
wipe the treated area dry lint-free cloth.
Share in the comments what your fabric ceilings, as you mount them, and how to care for them.