What if the toilet is clogged and the water does not run out at home?

  • Sludge clogging options:
  • Causes of "jam" in the sewer:
  • What should I do if the toilet is clogged at home? Effective methods of cleaning
  • Popular methods of cleaning the clog
  • Special tools for removing the clogging
  • Mechanical methods for cleaning the toilet
  • Calling plumbing
  • Preventing the appearance of clog in the pipes

Clogging the toilet is like a nightmare. The appearance of this unwanted incident is absolutely sudden, and the solution of this problem is urgent. Panicking, most of us begin to look in the notebook for the phones of the plumbers with the hope that they will come running, as in the cartoon "Chip and Dale", and in a few minutes will fix the situation. But, alas, the cherished master can wait an hour or two, or even a few days, which will turn the life of your family into a real nightmare. Therefore, it is necessary to know what to do if the toilet is clogged and water does not run out at home. You will find information about this in this article.

Important! The first thing that needs to be done is to establish the cause of the cork in the toilet, and only then make a decision about how to remove it.

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Sludge clogging options:

  • The most common form of clogging is when the biological waste of human life does not flow into the sewage pipe when water flushes, but, on the contrary, pours out. Hence - only your toilet was clogged.
  • A more difficult situation is when the water does not go into the pipe, but pours through the drain holes into the bath or sink. This suggests that, most likely, there is no fault of yours, just neighbors from the upper floors scored a common riser.

Important! To solve such a problem, it is necessary to find out whether the neighbors living above your bathroom have not hammered. Only the master plumber who has the permission to service such networks can clean the obstruction in a common sewer pipe.

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Causes of "jam" in the sewer:

  • The first and most common cause of the "flood" due to the failure of the bathroom can be the use of a large amount of toilet paper, the disposal of toilet sanitary females, foreign objects, for example, children's toys, a rag and the like.
  • Wrong installation of the toilet. When replacing plumbing, it is necessary to observe the correct angle of inclination to the riser, and also the distance from the riser to it.
  • No background pipe or special valves that equalize the water supply pressure in the pipe when draining.
  • Non-standard toilet bowl shape or non-certified sanitary ware manufacture. The fineness of the work may not be observed.

Important! Buying plumbing, choose products of the famous brand with a certificate of quality.

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What should I do if the toilet is clogged at home? Effective methods of cleaning

There are several ways to eliminate this kind of troubles that have overtaken you:

  • Folk - removal of a clog with improvised means.
  • Chemical - while using special household chemicals, represented by a sufficient assortment on the shelves of stores.
  • Mechanical - with the help of special plumbing tools.
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Popular methods of cleaning the clog

Sometimes, with minor problems, the simplest tools that every hostess has at hand can help.

Hot water

Do you have a littered toilet? What to do at home? Quick and effective removal of a weak clog can be done with the help of hot water.


  1. Bring about a bucket of water to the boil on the stove.
  2. At right angles, with a quick movement, pour the contents right into the drain.

Important! When working with hot water, observe the safety measures: wear protective gloves, remove animals and foreign objects.

  1. If the water is gradually leaving, repeat the process again.

Baking soda

There was a blockage in the toilet. What to do at home to get rid of this problem? Baking soda is an indispensable product in the kitchen for any housewife. With its help, you can easily get rid of greasy marks on clothing, clean the burnt pan, wipe off various surfaces from soiling and so on. Use soda can be and with a malfunction of the sewer.


  1. Take a pack of baking soda and pour it inside the toilet bowl.

Important! Sometimes half of the package is enough.

  1. Wait for a while and try to drain the water. Under the influence of alkali, the blockage will gradually dissolve.
  2. If the toilet has not been cleaned once, repeat the procedure again.

Important! For a better effect, you can also add a glass of vinegar. Reacting with soda, vinegar will lead to a quick and high-quality result.

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Special tools for removal of clogs

Does the water in the toilet go? What to do? With the advent of special means for cleaning and cleaning, more people prefer them than using folk methods. Household chemical departments, as well as specialized stores, offer a wide range of goods for sewage cleaning.

Important! The products are produced in the form of powders, gels and granules, designed for one application or several.

The following brands have the largest customer demand:

  • Mole;
  • Domestos;
  • Mr. Muscle;
  • Tiret;
  • .

Having these substances at home, you can not only easily get rid of the problem with clogged sewerage, but also carry out a number of additional activities:

  • Sanitary equipment disinfection;
  • Getting rid of the odor of old pipes;
  • Preventive procedures aimed at preventing clogging inside the pipes.

Important! Before using the product, read the instructions. Strictly adhere to the proportions of the substance indicated on the package. Observe safety techniques - some liquids have a pungent smell and can leave a chemical burn.

If the water in the toilet goes badly, what the experienced housewives know about what to do in the apartment for the normal work of the toilet. Some acids can be used, for example, formic, hydrochloric or acetic.

Important! Use acids with extreme caution, since they can damage the toilet bowl material, as well as old pipes.

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Mechanical ways to clean the toilet

In the case when water does not go off in the toilet, what to do in a private house? For this, mechanical cleaning options are perfect, of course, if you have special tools for such work.


This device is simply necessary to have in the home. It consists of a plastic or wooden handle, at the end of which there is a rubberized hemisphere. With its help, the sewage system is cleaned of shallow, uncomplicated blockages.


  1. Install the air vent on the toilet outlet.
  2. Pour a small amount of water into the toilet bowl to cover the rubber base of the plunger.
  3. With a sharp movement, squeeze it inside the drain hole, then return to its original position.
  4. Continue these steps until the pipes are completely cleaned of the plug.

Cleaning the corrugation

If the installation of the toilet bowl to the sewer was done through the corrugation, it is possible that the blockage is located in it. To clean it, you need to do the following.

Cleaning sequence:

  1. Unfasten the corrugation from the toilet, carefully inspect.
  2. If the plug is in it, wear protective gloves and remove any blockage.
  3. Set the corrugation to its original position, drain the water several times.

Important! For prevention, you can pour inside a special cleaner for cleaning the sewer.

Hot water supply via rubber hose

Is the water in the toilet standing? What should I do to break the cork? The following method, which we will propose to you, can be considered not only mechanical. Due to the supply of water under pressure, it should be listed in the category of hydrodynamic.


  1. Connect one end of the hose to a faucet with hot water.

Important! In the case where the bathroom is separate, the length of the hose should be sufficient to reach the toilet.

  1. Put the loose end into the drain hole as far as possible.
  2. Unscrew the tap with hot water to create a strong head.

Important! To achieve the best effect in the drain hole, pour a special mixture to clean the blockages.

Plastic bottle

If the toilet is clogged, what should I do? Sometimes a simple plastic bottle can help. Clogging is a problem that can appear quite suddenly, and if you do not have the right tool at your fingertips, it is unlikely to get rid of it. There is an alternative method, invented by folk craftsmen.

Cleaning method:

  1. Take an empty plastic bottle for 1.5-2 liters.
  2. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut off the figure bottom.
  3. Tighten the neck of the bottle with a lid.
  4. Insert the bottle into the hole in the toilet bowl.
  5. Movement as with the use of a plunger, clean the drain from clogging.

Sanitary rope

Special cable for cleaning pipes is not found in every household. It is considered a professional tool that uses plumbing. But still, if such an instrument is present, put a special nozzle on the tip - it can be in the form of a spiral, antennae from a wire, or be of a peak shape.

Cleaning method:

  1. Prepare the prepared cable into the toilet drainage hole until it stops.
  2. Use the special handle on the other end to twist the cable clockwise.

Important! Such a cable can clear the deepest plugs in the sewer, since it has a sufficient length.

  1. Pour a special tool into the toilet bowl and drain the water several times.
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Calling plumbing

When trying to cope with the problem on its own, did not one of the suggested variants give any result? We recommend urgently to call a specialist, until the situation becomes absolutely critical.

If the water does not stop arriving, despite attempts to clean the pipes, the conclusion is only one: the riser is hammered below your floor. In this case, the neighbors from above, draining the water, will lead to the fact that all waste will pour over the edges of the toilet bowl and get to your apartment. Eliminate such a blockage can only qualified specialists who serve the sewerage system.

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Prevention of clogging in pipes

Having enough information about what to do, if the toilet does not run out of water, you can remove the cork in the pipes yourself. But in order that such situations do not arise at all, you need to know some rules:

  • You should never throw objects into the toilet, and if they get caught immediately get it.
  • Do not throw the rest of the food in the toilet, even the liquid consistency. Fat when hit on pipes in cold water firmly settles on them, each time making a passage all already and already.
  • If you are repairing a bathroom, drain a hole, as well as a toilet bowl, cover with a piece of cloth so that construction garbage and other materials do not get into it.
  • For prophylaxis, periodically fill in liquid special mixtures - they will keep the pipes clean.
  • As a rule, old rusted pipes are more susceptible to the formation of plugs and blockages, if possible replace them with new polymer ones.

Owners of apartments and private houses, who have already encountered the problem of the litter of the toilet, are more attentive to the rules of operation of this plumbing. Recommendations from this article will help you eliminate the trouble associated with the bathroom, and observing the precautionary measures, you will not come across it in the future.