Blackened silver chain

  • What are the reasons for black body jewelry made of silver?
  • How can I clean jewelry at home?
  • Popular means for cleaning silver

Representatives of modern society mostly prefer silver jewelry. Looks jewelry and interior items, daily use of this metal is quite noble, they are fashionable and durable. And most importantly, they are much cheaper than their counterparts in gold. Unfortunately, it often happens that the silver chain has turned black, it can happen with all the owners of such jewelry. But we need to understand why this is happening and what to do in such a situation. According to experts, this chemical reaction has not yet been avoided, because it is a natural process that occurs with silver.

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Why are black jewelry made of silver black?

First you need to understand why this happens to choose the most effective way to clean the product. The main reason for darkening of silver is discussed below:

  • Poor air and water with sulfur content
  • Worsening of the health of the owner of the chain
  • Influence of third-party factors

And now more about each of them.

Low-quality air and water with sulfur content

In fact, they can change their color even if they lie in the casket and do not contact either the outside world or the person. If the chain is stored in a very damp room, then it will definitely darken, because in such conditions the concentration of hydrogen sulphide increases strongly - it negatively affects this metal.

Another option for answering the question is why the silver chain has blackened - living in industrial cities. Various industrial enterprises emit sulfur into the atmosphere and its derivatives, so, in fact, for such areas, this phenomenon is quite understandable. With

Important! Contains sulfur and water, so it's better not to swim in silver jewelry on the sea. What can I say, even if the water that flows from the tap is dangerous for such products.

Deterioration of the health of the owner of the chain

In addition to silver, such decorations also contain copper, which also stains them in a dark color during oxidation. The main cause of oxidation is considered by experts to be sweat, because it contains quite dangerous compounds of aggressive influence.

Sulfur compounds are to blame for the fact that the silver products darken, as they form a kind of film that covers all the decorations. Some people notice that they have a silver chain and a bracelet, rings and earrings with it. And all this is also associated with increased sweating due to increased body temperature, physical activity and temperature changes in the air.

Important! If you have darkened all the jewelry at once, it is better to visit the endocrinologist, because this is a clear sign of hormonal disorders.

Influence of third-party factors

Not only problems in the human body can affect the darkening of this metal. Stress and strong emotional experiences also affect excessive sweating. Humidity of air is of great importance, and even the composition of water that a person drinks can adversely affect the color of jewelry.

Lotions and creams used for face and body care, medicines and cosmetics also affect the appearance of silver.

Important! Ornaments made from the silver of the highest sample darken much less often than articles made with copper, because they are not susceptible to oxidation. So do not skimp on such purchases - give preference to quality products.

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How can I clean jewelry at home?

What should I do if the silver chain turns black? The main thing is not to panic, because you can fix this problem even at home. Just follow certain rules to avoid spoiling the decorations, namely:

  • Products with pearls, corals and amber can not be cleaned at home, because they can easily be damaged by chemical solutions, alkalis and acids;
  • Jewelry with semiprecious and precious stones is also better to take to the workshop, because they are very moody, and you can damage the crystals.

The most popular ways of cleaning silver:

  • Special solutions that are sold in stores. But before using them, make sure that they are really meant for cleaning silver. And they are easy to clean - you just need to moisten the rag in the finished solution, wipe the products, and then rinse them in the water.
  • The most effective way - a solution of powder or toothpaste, ammonia and soda. Prepare it is simple, you just have to mix all the ingredients and apply the finished mixture to the products.
  • The most popular method is the use of dissolved in water chips of laundry soap and a few drops of ammonia. Mix the ingredients you need to bring to a boil, but in no case do not boil and then process the jewelry.
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Popular tools for cleaning silver

If you have a black silver chain that has not been decorated with precious stones and pearls, you can solve the problem yourself with the help of improvised tools available in any home.

So, the most effective and simple methods of cleaning silver:

  1. The most correct and old method of cleaning the darkened silverware is ammonia, which is easy to buy at any pharmacy. The only drawback to this method is a very corrosive and pungent odor. Therefore, during the procedure you need to create a draft. To prepare the solution, you need water with alcohol - mix them in a proportion of ten to one, fill the product, and then just wipe it with a cotton pad.
  2. A simpler and faster method of purifying silver is lemon juice or acid. It is necessary to put a chain, rings, earrings or a bracelet in faience ware, pour completely with lemon juice or citric acid. In fifteen minutes they will shine like new ones.
  3. Food soda is ideal for cleaning crosses, rings, rings with a perfectly flat surface. It is necessary to dilute the saucer with water in the saucer, then the resulting solution to clean the ornaments.

To avoid resorting to such methods of cleaning your jewelry often, just wear them correctly:

  • Be sure to remove before going to bed, during physical activities in the gym, during illness.
  • Before cosmetic procedures, it is also better to remove silver.
  • It is advisable to wipe your chain every day with a damp cloth or rinse under warm water with soap.

Now you know all the reasons why the silver chain has turned black, and also ways, means, how to eliminate such a phenomenon. Try to follow the recommendations described in this article, and you will find that the care of silver is very simple.