Often repairs in the hallway is a lot of questions and disputes. It would seem that this is not the kitchen, where everything is subordinated to the needs of a demanding mistress, and living room, which is expected comfort for guests and hosts. But the hallway makes the first impression of your home, so of finishing work in the room and we'll talk.

To home always pleased its original form, it is necessary to pay great attention to the design of the hall.
Decorative rock
Decorative rock
- gypsum
- On the basis of cement
- Stone agglomerate
- The color, size, texture
- Use decorative stone: that take into account the
- VIDEO: Decorating hallway with decorative stone.
- 50 photos hallway design with decorative stone and Wallpapers:
Making an entrance hall with decorative stone and wallpaper is becoming more popular. First of all, because it is practical, and besides, decorative stone often looks better than the natural corridor and gets creative appearance.

Stone will help to recreate the atmosphere of a medieval castle, the hall will make your one of a kind.
Another plus - it's light weight. Compared with natural materials decorative stone is very light and, thanks in part to this, easy to install. Do not require further strengthen the walls, decorative stone firmly fastened with a special adhesive.

Today, most designers recommend to execute the hallways in an unusual way, by covering the walls with wallpaper and decorative stone
Long service life - another bonus to fans of decorative stone. With proper operation of such a finish is 15 years old. Finally, he feels quite comfortable in different areas of interior design, perfectly combined with the wallpaper and wood, creating unique variations.

This method of decoration can be used not only in the hall, but also in the lobby of the corridor, as looks nice and fits into any style.
For finishing works are subject to different kinds of artificial stone:
- gypsum;

It has a low cost, which plays an important role in the choice of material finishes.
- based on cement;

This material has excellent performance, fire resistance and low cost.
- of the agglomerate.

the manufacture of artificial stone technology is constantly improving, and from a distance the difference between it and the natural stone is almost not visible.
Each has its advantages and disadvantages.
The most budget option for lovers of decorative stone. But, as often happens, the price matches the quality. Gypsum - the material is sufficiently brittle and under external influences will crack easily. But with proper combination of wallpaper and decorative stone it is quite right to exist in your hallway. Main place it there, where there is less likelihood of mechanical damage.

It is very light, the production of colored pigments are added that allows you to copy a natural stone appearance or select a completely unexpected color.
Another drawback of gypsum - the ability to absorb moisture and break down because of this. The solution is to pre inflicting on special finish wall that protects the walls of stone and moisture.
On the basis of cement
This is a more expensive option, guaranteeing long life and excellent external characteristics. But he is much heavier than the previous one, and therefore, in order to make the quality of work in the hall need to hire professional artists who will conduct finishing work at a high level.

An artificial stone which is cast in the molds (typically a mixture of cement, fillers and iron oxides) can be much easier to natural.
Another detail: cement requires time in order to provide the desired strength. On average, this period is about a month. All this time the products are kept in stock, which requires additional costs.
Stone agglomerate
Relatively new finishing material is a mixture of marble, granite and quartzite. For imparting a stone desired shape in the "stone chips" added resin or cement. This decorative material is made of different colors, as in its composition are added coloring agents.

He does not weigh down the wall, and it is easier to install yourself.
The color, size, texture
Choosing the color and size of artificial stone for the hall, it is necessary to consider the presence (or absence) of natural lighting, room size and operating features.
Varieties of stone:
- Crushed. Externally similar to boulders or pebbles.

This decorative stone has a stylish and beautiful.
- Crushed stone. It gives the impression of raw rock.

That he received the expressiveness and unusual contours, when you make a design it is important to give the material the small touches.
- Sawn. It has clear geometric shapes and rough surface.

Masonry becomes the bulk, if not to provide a contrast circuit and spotlights help to effectively emphasize the lining.
- Mosaic. It consists of stones of various sizes and shapes, forming a complete picture or ornament.

To the hall composition completed, however, it is necessary to decorate a variety of accessories, mirrors and plants.
- Brick. The most common version, reminiscent in appearance brickwork.

Laying to be performed with sutures or close, and the grout is on the main tone contrasting color trim.
- Tiled. Masonry with polished surface.

Hallway - it's premises, which should look especially so for it is necessary to select the original style.
- Fantasy. Variations on the theme of non-existent in nature stones.

Decorative stone veneers are designed for interior walls and fireplaces.
Choosing a stone finish for the hall, it is necessary to pay attention to the location of fixtures. Classic chandelier on the ceiling not the best option, but the lights on the wall will make the room impressive and comfortable.

In the remote areas can use partial finishing option, such as a wall or corners.
If you allow the size of the hall, on the floor, place a large green plants. This addition will strengthen the impression of unusual decoration.

For classic style a great option would be laying the stone, not only on the walls but also on the floor or column.
Use decorative stone: that take into account the
First of all, it is important to remember that if the stone (whether decorative or natural) will be finished with walls from top to bottom, there will always feeling basement.

It is important to determine in advance how you will "adopt" the stone fragments into the interior.
Very common variant of the space near the door trim. Also, under a rock, you can issue the part of the wall as a decorative element. In this case, it would be nice to place on the shelves of the wall, or select the "stone fragment" with a picture or applications, emphasizing the uniqueness of interior solutions.

Decorative stone is available in different variants: in the form of individual stones or entire blocks, not be difficult to perform the finish in any volume.
When choosing wallpaper for decoration "in duet" with stone, follow a simple rule: the color of the wallpaper or repeats the color of the stone, or sharp contrast with it. Wallpaper material selected solely based on your preferences. The most budget option, it is not the most rugged - paper wallpaper.
For more showy appearance and long life give preference flizelinovoj or fiberglass. Due to the porous structure, non-woven wallpaper perfectly conceal irregularities and errors on the surface of the walls, which significantly facilitates the work. In addition, non-woven wallpapers are highly durable and easily stained. So if you want, you can easily change the colors in the hall and update, so boring interior.

Natural stone is massive, it will replace the decorative material, wallpaper or tiles with an imitation.
Finally, with a stone finish combines good wallpapers, especially if the plot is correctly selected. Such a "symbiosis" allows you to create the unique beauty of the interiors.

Mural recreate any image. With their help, you can emphasize the theme of the hall room.
Tree - this is another material to which supportive stone. Is a community - a real unity of opposites: on the one hand, the cold stone, and on the other - a warm, almost a living tree.

The atmosphere in these hallways surprisingly harmonious.
It is obvious that due to the variety of finishing materials to create a unique beauty and comfort of the interiors. And even if you've never used anything like that risk! Believe me, the decorative stone make the hall special.

From the hallway starts house, interior decoration stone will be a stylish and unusual decision.