List of the best films with Jennifer Aniston

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American actress Jennifer Joanna Aniston gained universal recognition after the release of the series "Friends", for her role in which she was awarded such prestigious film awards as "Golden Globe" and "Emmy."To date, the filmography of the movie star includes about 50 art paintings.

The rating includes best movies with Jennifer Aniston , the list of which is located below.


More than a friend 2010 year

The tenth line was taken by the comedy " More than a friend "( 2010) with Jennifer Aniston in the title role. Wally and Cassie are best friends. Cassie wants her own child and decides on artificial insemination. As a donor, she chooses a local, rich, handsome man. To celebrate the event, Cassie comes to her friend Wally. They're having a party where Wally is very drunk. Cassie leaves the next day from New York. She returns home after seven years with a six-year-old son. The child of the heroine has a lot of similar external features with Wally. And only now in the memory of the friend there are all the details of the night when he and Cassie made a party.


American Divorce 2006

The ninth place in the list of the best films with Jennifer Aniston in the title role is the comedy " American Divorce "( 2006).Brooke and Gary met and fell in love. They get married, they get a joint apartment. But soon on domestic soil from the love of heroes there is no trace. The only sure way that they see is divorce and the sale of an apartment. Only now the ex-wife's departure is delayed. The couple thinks about giving themselves a second chance to be together.


Portrait of perfection 1997 year

The melodrama " Portrait of Excellence "( 1997) with Jennifer Aniston in the title role is ranked in eighth place. Kate is an employee of an advertising agency and just a dazzling girl. She dreams of making a good career and moving up the career ladder. But her windiness prevents her from doing it. To convince her boss of stability and seriousness, she gets to know the wedding operator Nick, who should play the role of a prestigious clipmaker.


The object of my admiration 1998 year

The seventh position is the comedy " The object of my admiration "( 1998) with Jennifer Aniston. Nina and George are friends. They get on well and find a common language among themselves in everything. Nina has a boyfriend from whom she is pregnant. George also has a passion. .. in the face of a young man. But soon the main characters part with their half. Since George now has nowhere to live, he moves to his girlfriend. The guy does not have his children, but he would very much like to have them. Nina realizes that her friend would become a wonderful father for a future baby. But then another friend of George Paul appears on the horizon. ..


Love happens 2009 year

The melodrama " Love happens "( 2009) takes the sixth place in the ranking of the best films with Jennifer Aniston. In the life of Burke Rain happens a tragedy: his wife dies. But the death of a loved one did not force him to drop his hands, but, on the contrary, became the impetus for further development. The main character writes a book to help those who lost their loved ones. The work written is gaining universal popularity. Now he travels the country, meets his readers, speaks on television. The soul wound is prolonged with time, but the feeling of loneliness does not leave the hero. Meeting with a beautiful and independent girl Eloise completely deprives Burke of peace.


Promise - does not mean getting married 2008 year

The fifth place in the list of the best films with Jennifer Aniston is the comedy " Promise - does not mean marrying "( 2008).The action takes place in Baltimore, where several young people are in the spotlight. Ji-ji gets to know a guy named Connor, who she really liked. But the next day he does not hurry to call her back. The young man, interested in GG, does not understand why she does not get in touch. Against the backdrop of this story, another develops. A friend of Connor Neil has been meeting his passion for a long time, which he loves, but is in no hurry to tie the relationship in marriage. Heroes throughout the film are in search of their true happiness, which, as it turns out, is next to them.


We are Millers 2013

The fourth line is the comedy " We are Millers "( 2013) with Jennifer Aniston in the title role. A small drug dealer named David Burke receives a task from the boss: to transfer a large batch of marijuana from another country. In order not to cause special suspicion on the part of the police, it is necessary for the hero to acquire a family for a while. He finds a suitable candidate for his wife among strippers, and two teenagers who have repeatedly come to the police. A newly-bred family goes on a long journey to make a deal while playing the image of a happy, happy family.


Pretend my wife 2011

Opens the top three of the most successful art films with Jennifer Aniston comedy " Pretend my wife "( 2011).The young man Danny meets the dazzling Palmer, whom he really wants to impress. Only he does it in a rather eccentric way. The hero comes up with a story about his non-existent and life-threatening marriage. But instead of showing sympathy for Danny's "hard" fate, the girl asks to introduce her to his wife. The hero will have to show maximum wit to get out of the delicate situation. But remembering that his work colleague and friend Katherine is divorced and has two spinogryzes, asks to play the role of his wife.


Price treason 2005 year

The second line in the list of films with Jennifer Aniston takes thriller " Price of treason "( 2005).The advertising agent, Charles Shain, sits day by day on the same train to go to work. His life is like a routine. He is married and has a sick daughter. Once lingering at home, he is late for his train and sits down at the next arriving. Charles discovers that he does not have enough money to travel, and then he comes to the rescue of a girl who pays a ticket. The man is charmed by a beautiful young lady named Lucinda. But the hero does not know yet what unfortunate consequences this random acquaintance will entail.


Marley and I 2008

Tops the top ten movies with Jennifer Aniston comedy " Marley and I "( 2008).Young couple Jenny and John Grogan are moving to a new place to build a career. Both are professionally newspaper reporters, and successfully get a job. Spouses are thinking about having a baby. But since children are a big responsibility, for the beginning the heroes decide to buy a dog. In this way, young people decide to check whether they are ready to become parents. Their pet is a dog named Marley. A new member of the family becomes a real test for the newlyweds.