To date, the majority of kitchens in standard apartments can not do without having to install a gas boiler. But this essential and functional instrument often gives the owners a lot of trouble. This is due to the fact that it must be the best possible fit harmoniously into the interior. Especially because this installation requires certain rules, as this technique requires keeping to strict standards of operation and safety.

Placing a gas boiler in the kitchen requires certain rules and regulations
Design features a kitchen with a boiler, photo examples
- Design features a kitchen with a boiler, photo examples
Placement of the gas column
- Open
- Closed
- Hiding gas boiler in kitchen set
Making individual heating boiler in different styles
- Classic
- Provence
- Country
- Loft
- High tech
- Video on how to hide the gas column in the kitchen
- Photo: Kitchen with gas boiler on the wall
The specificity of the boiler is that its appearance can hardly be called aesthetic. Therefore, it requires a certain harping and design.

The decision on the design of the design must be taken before the installation of the boiler
When the design of the kitchen is planned with a gas boiler, the following aspects should be considered:
- The opportunity to spend some money on the purchase of selected brands of the boiler. How expensive is this technique, it is more compact in its dimensions and has a more attractive appearance.
- Installation in a particular zone shall comply with all the rules, which requires gas service, and ease of use of apartment residents.
- Do not neglect that stylistic room that will be implemented. Depend on ways to design the boiler or water heater.

Gas boiler can emphasize the stylistic direction of the kitchen interior

The interior of the kitchen wall-mounted boiler serves as an accent
Placement of the gas column
It is important to consider the following rules that must be unconditionally fulfill:
- gas column is attached only to the wall - on the floor to place it can not be;
- positioning the appliance close to hanging lockers and can not be - it is necessary to provide space for ventilation;
- kitchen cabinets and the outer coating, and coating the walls should have the properties of high antigoryuchie;
- Three main unit in the kitchen - stove, a gas heater or boiler, the refrigerator should be set at a certain distance from each other (it is usually not less than 30 cm);
Installation diagram gas column in the kitchen
- also to the electrical outlet and the gas meter distance should be at least 100 cm;
- if the wall is made of wood, then under a gas column must hang a sheet metal.
In all other cases, there are the following types of processing of gas columns.
One option, which is the most simple and less time consuming, and costly financial - is an open method of placing the device on the wall in the kitchen. In this case, the design of the kitchen with a gas boiler on the wall and pipes looks something like this as shown in the photo. It is immediately clear that the main disadvantage of this placement is small aesthetics. Not only is the setting to look slimmer box, so also all the lines of communication remain outside. Which also adds a sense of the chaos of the room.

The successful combination of white boiler with wood trim Furniture

The modern model of a gas boiler in the style of kitchen units
In order to somehow beat the metal casing products, use the following techniques of decoration:
- decoupage - in this case, the pattern must match the selected style cuisine;
- fit various wrapping films for this;
Today's manufacturers offer models of gas equipment with beautiful stickers on the front panel
- Paint respective paints for metal - it may be as monochromatic staining embodiment, and various coating patterns;
- painting - using airbrush techniques, acrylic paint, using brushes or cans with sprays can get a unique designer item instead of the usual gas-fired boiler.
EXAMPLE stylish decorating their hands wall gas heater
All four described ways to suggest that the gas boiler will not be hidden, but rather will be an emphasis in the interior, which will be quite unique and attract attention to himself. But in this case it is important to bear in mind that the technique should be the highest quality, not to get a makeshift thing.

The boiler will not be very evident if it merges with the color of the walls

Another solution - placing the equipment in a corner of the kitchen for hanging lockers
Under option placement of the gas equipment in kitchens, where it is necessary to close, you should use the following options:
- masking the front and side surfaces of the gas column using plasterboard sheets that are formed into a certain structure;
- Use furniture fronts, which cover gas boiler of the front surface and the side walls lie inside the locker.
Both methods hide that presented above allow maximum mask and shield gas boiler of the total of the surrounding space. Thus, it remains hidden from the eyes without breaking a single kitchen design. But in this case, as in the case of a public offering, it is important to choose only materials that have low flammability index. Also, when closing the gas fired boiler inside the kitchen cabinets is important to keep ventilation.

For ventilation, you can use a locker with a lattice door
In order for air access has been provided, the lower and upper cabinet desirable maximum cut - so the air will freely circulate around the device.

For embedded placement of the gas boiler is better to use an overhead locker without the upper and lower panels
Considering all of the above reasons, the rules of safety and exploitation, each for himself must decide how to hide the gas column in the kitchen, the idea of a photo and description of the possible options to choose from are presented below.

Option masking gas equipment inside a home-made corner cabinet

Place for a gas column in the finished kitchen headset
To do this, select the cabinet production mechanism for masking. This can be done on request and can be done at home with their own hands.
Hiding gas boiler in kitchen set
Many in the design of the kitchen facilities do not know whether it is possible to hide the gas column in the kitchen cupboard, and how to perform it.

Homemade box for Wall boiler from painted chipboard
If you decide to self-disguise gas boiler, it is necessary to adhere to the following plan of action that will help you understand how to hide the boiler in the kitchen all the necessary requirements.
- Remove assembly and with dimensions to draw a preliminary sketch of the design of furniture that will be performed later.
- In order to perform high-quality attractive facade, have to go to a furniture company - order better product which has paneled braid on the front panel, so will provide an additional air flow.
- After the gas equipment is fully installed and all communications are stretched, it is imperative on the wall in pencil draw a box profile. That is how it will be possible to calculate precisely how it will look executable locker and how it will fit into the surrounding area and the interior.
- In order to perform the frame require special sheets that form the product profile. You will also need a screwdriver and screws.
- And to sketching need to collect an external box. Top be provided under an outlet pipe that is installed in the air duct.
- Lower gas coming from the boiler pipes can be hidden in a special box, if necessary.
- Once assembled the box and it cut all the necessary technology holes, it is necessary to hang on the wall so that it is completely put an entire structure of the gas boiler.
- At the final stage of the facade door mounted and installed all the necessary handles, hooks and additional elements.
- Another interesting option is the boiler linings its angular location - in this case it is possible to hide and sometimes part of the communication.
Thus, the gas column in the cupboard in the kitchen will be the most invisible and hidden from prying eyes, and will not bother their owners unsightly appearance.
Making individual heating boiler in different styles
If you hide the boiler is not included in the plans of the owners premises, it can be decorated to give it a designer look. In this case, it is important on gas equipment to withstand tighter style of that and throughout the kitchen area. Only in this way will create a harmonious uniform interior that will claim to be the designer and stylish.

Visually hidden pot in the kitchen of modern style
Classic style involves the use of natural colors as possible. For example, such as:
- lactic;
- beige;
- Ivory;
- light gray;
- brown;
- chocolate;
- coffee;
- straw;
- neutral yellow.
If we talk about the invoice, it is mainly natural materials - wood, ceramic or glass. It is important to consider in the design and choice of ways to decorate equipment that serves gas. Still need to correctly match the color and texture of the decor of the gas column and the facade of the headset. They must be in harmony with each other.

Open the boiler in the classic kitchen with facades ivory
Therefore, for a classical interior, you can paste over the gas column in the tone of the film and with the same texture that the facades of cabinets in the kitchen. Most often, it is an imitation of wood. But the selection of the material, which will be pasting, it is necessary to consider whether or not to use it on the gas column can be. So the interior will remain as homogeneous as possible, and will comply with all the rules of operation of equipment.
For registration of the gas equipment in the style of Provence often use the technique of decoupage. To do this, choose the appropriate image in style - they are usually made in the creamy pastel colors are represented in the form of flowers, mills or grassland with lavender or other herbs. When decorating you must adhere to the technology, which is recommended for decoupage. And also worth considering that the pasted image you must then cover a layer of lacquer.

Open the location of the gas boiler in the kitchen rustic style
Country style is simple and unassuming in appearance. Enough to paint the column in a neutral color, blending in with the rest of the surrounding space. And in order to machinery does not look too boring, you can use decorative painting. Of course, figures motives must fully comply with rustic style in harmony with kitchen unit - it is better to choose the images of animals, wild and garden flowers, unpretentious ornaments.

White always goes well with shades of natural wood
This method is perhaps one of the least expensive, but its implementation is necessary to prepare pre technique to paint:
- to remove the fat layer and possible dirt layer with special solutions;
- use a primer on the metal, which is necessary to process all the surfaces that will be painted in the future;
- only use thermostable enamel on the front and side panels;
- apply the corresponding pattern as needed.

boiler Design example for the kitchen in country style
This style is most popular in recent years. His urbanistichnost, functionality, unusual appearance and usability earned him some fame and success. Gas boiler is easy enough to write in the style of a loft. You can use the translated labels with the corresponding image. For example, a steaming cup of coffee and inscription will create not only a stylish look, but also a cozy atmosphere.

The very style of loft means exhibiting, and communications to show, so here it is appropriate to open placement of the boiler

If desired, the wall-mounted boiler, you can simply cover up the decorative panel in style headset
It is also possible to use special metal housings in the form of cylinders or square metal sections, in order to clean the pipe and the heating water supplying them plastic communication. In this case, the metal shells can be made of white, black or non-ferrous metal - in all cases, they look quite impressive.
High tech
In the style of hi-tech paint enough gas equipment with a special ink in a specific color. For example, it may be a bright color that is in harmony with the facades of cabinets.

The successful combination of the white panels of the boiler with glossy facades kitchen in high-tech style

Red food with high-tech gas column inside pendant locker
Well, if on top of this paint is covered with several layers of varnish to give additional gloss, which is very important for the high-tech style.
Using the above tips provided, you can easily transform this unsightly element of the interior, as a gas boiler, in a rather stylish and individual accessory in the kitchen.