In today's most popular suburbs or suburban home gardens of small size - just four to seven acres. They are easy to care for, there is enough space for recreation on weekends or in the summer after work. But properly zoned landscape design 5 acres is sometimes difficult - this area is not so great to scoop full pool, break a large garden and at the same time leave room to sunbathe, broil kebabs, plant onions, potatoes, flowers.
- What to consider when planning the site
- Functional recreation area
- The ergonomic layout of outbuildings
- Selection of trees for the garden, their location on the site
- Compact garden, flower beds
- Style solutions for small site
- Track, fence, lawn
- conclusion
What to consider when planning the site
In the beginning, should draw up a plan to develop a detailed project on their own or with the help of specialists. The bottom line is that a small portion of the area should be used to the maximum. Plot of land is divided into space for work and relaxation areas. Initially planned major construction - the house, garage, sauna. Thereafter, the space under the selected vegetable gardens, flower extending therebetween track.

When planning consider portion form:
- rectangular - the most comfortable, house, recreation area is located in the bottom of the garden, in the far corner raspolozhenyhozpostoyki near the garden;
- ovate-oblong - zoning is more clear, use decorative "hedges" for him, you can use zoning color when planted along the short sides yarkotsvetuschie plants warm color, about the long - small, with flowers cold caramel;
- D-shaped - in the extended "branch" of the house, a seating area, outbuildings will be placed in the far corner of the plot, garden - close to home.

Basic principles of planning:
- house - better positioning on the opposite side with respect to the entrance to the site, then all will fit the most beautiful;
- the main route - from the gate to the door of the house, it is the very first;
- trees - from overly large should be abandoned, various coniferous trees, apple trees and others give a lot of shade, taking up useful space;
- large construction - should plan their bare minimum, if a gazebo, the corner if the barn, in the form of an extension to the house;
- lighting - light up all important facilities: garden furniture, entrance to the house, the main track, a decorative fountain or pond;
- vegetable beds - are placed on the perimeter cottages or all in one place, without disturbing the appearance;
- scenery - small figures of gnomes, forest dwellers, the heroes of fairy tales adorn the space.
See also:boxwood

House put possible to the highest point of the area to spring water was not flooded. It is desirable that the kitchen window, bedroom, children are facing south.
The first thing you should do cottagers - draw a diagram of available land. The district landscape is divided into five areas:
- recreation;
- garden;
- Ogorodnaya;
- Floor;
- shopping.
Depending on what you plan to mainly be engaged in the country - gardening, horticulture or just relax, for each zone is allocated a certain area. Garden & Horticulture usually allocate 55-75% of the area for recreation space - 15-20%, a house with outbuildings take up to 10% of the area.

Full information on the site - the foundation of a successful zoning. If you are planning the construction of artesian wells, swimming pool, well, critical groundwater level, the degree of slope.

Functional recreation area
When the private area intended primarily for recreation, this place is settling with the maximum comfort for holidaymakers. Here is the room with a small artificial pond, rock garden with a gazebo, a terrace with barbecue. All the elements are arranged next to or in the territory of three different places, interspersed by lush flower beds, alpine slides.
Homemade decorations from scrap materials will provide an opportunity to be creative, decorating the space. Swans of old tires, plastic bottles of palm, carved, "grandfathers wooden" give the cottage a unique, unique flavor, good will by any means.

The ergonomic layout of outbuildings
Combining made as inconspicuous as possible, preferably in the most remote corners of the garden. They are decorated with "creeping" plants, disposing so that the structure did not shade the beds, did not close the yard. They are also used as a protection against cold winds, so it is advisable to place them on the north or north-west side.

distance rates from various objects to neighboring buildings, their sampling, a variety of regulated norms, rules that should be followed in order to avoid fines, forced demolition.

Selection of trees for the garden, their location on the site
The trees are selected not too big, not a spreading, otherwise they will be very obscure section. They are grouped in the center or at the perimeter. With trees functional zones separated, combined with bushes. Plodovyhvybirayutsya of undersized apples, cherries, pears, from the bushes - currants, gooseberries. Decorative arborvitae, dwarf fir, juniper, small Christmas trees, relevant about benches, arbors in a recreation area.
See also:Landscaping stones 50 photo usage examples

When planting trees should be considered:
- what they need soil;
- climatic growing conditions are important for the ripening of fruits;
- watering regime, groundwater depth;
- average lifetime;
- minimum supply area;
- other care.

Taking into account individual characteristics of different species: cherry, poplar able to destroy its roots foundation of the house, baths, gazebo, planting willow in the garden just considered a bad omen.
Compact garden, flower beds
Vegetable garden is located in the sunny, sheltered location - so abundant harvest will turn out. Too extensive garden should not do it - there will be no space for recreation. The beds should not be flooded during heavy rains, the weather is dry they need watering, so closely located water source. Perfectly acceptable existence of a greenhouse, preferably made of glass or plastic, as the film will have to be updated every year, especially if it is often a strong wind in the region.

any design solutions suitable for the decoration of flower beds. Light-loving plants should be planted in the sun and shade-tolerant - anywhere, including on vertical structures for farm buildings. Hanging pots or pots with flowers are fixed on the fence, along a specially adapted home.
Vertical ridges for strawberries, some herbs, salads and are an excellent solution in a small area.

Style solutions for small site
Making chosen such that it was a pleasure to watch. Today's popular styles are:
- east - the most functional, fully utilized virtually every centimeter square. The distinguishing features are low trees, including plum, cherry, spring turning to "cherry blossoms." Rock garden with a "toy" pagoda, fountain, waterfall and it will be very handy. holiday house itself is also sometimes stylized under the Chinese;
- Palace - a more expensive, luxury, pompous, with an abundance of decoration. House made out the columns, benches made of stone and dark wood with wrought-iron legs, stone vases with flowers growing in them, figuratively trimmed rows of bushes repeat the form of benches. Reservoirs are made of stone bridges or imitation thereof;
- natural - beds of wild flowers, sandy paths, low shrubs. There may be a few forest trees, which are given a decorative form, simple wooden benches, carved gazebo. The pond is decorated with floating plants, through a trickle spreads light bridge.
See also:Decorative fences 75 photo examples and ideas

Track, fence, lawn
Sunbathing on the lawn well in the summer, picnics. If there are children's play area is located there - swings, ladders, slides, inflatable pool. Fence height is chosen such that not too shaded cottage, neighboring areas. He is made of stone, wood, metal sheets, mesh-netting. In the latter case, decorating a fence creepers particularly important that the site is not visible.

The main track is about one meter wide, and the rest is a little. It is important to choose the right material for them to not perestilat annually. Suit large tiles, asphalt, concrete. Pebbles, sand, gravel will have to periodically pour. A small slope at the edges of the tracks do not give water to accumulate on them in the rain.

Cultivation of a good, dense lawn will take several years, because is easier to use the purchased, roll. He is expensive, but it looks good, excellent "hold" on any slope.

Landscaping gardening area, country cottages can be made with your own hands, with a relatively small budget costs by placing everything you need - a house, a bathhouse, a chicken coop or rabbitry, kitchen garden in a few beds, a greenhouse, a place for recreation. If finances allow, and independent zoning does not succeed, you can turn to professional landscape designers, who portray the future landscaped area in 3D, taking into account all the wishes of customer.