Designers often suggest new ideas, guided by fashion trends, especially the room preferences of tenants. kitchen design without upper cabinets is becoming extremely popular. The desire to throw off the template design, fresh for the need to relieve the interior?
- Why choose a single-tiered kitchen
- Pros and cons of the refusal of the upper cabinets
- space organization
- wall design
- lighting Features
- Style cuisine without wall cabinets
Why choose a single-tiered kitchen
Often guided by personal preference, get rid of the stereotype of the classical model, create personalized, unique space. The interior is designed to be a reflection of the inner world of its owner. The originality of the kitchen model without upper cupboards high. Radically different design, different from the usual, brings lightness and openness.
Single storey kitchen that allows you to fit a sufficient number of necessary things, avoiding the mess of the party is quite acceptable. This diversity becomes a fresh decision.
Indeed, why burden the working area of excess furniture. The main thing is to meet the functional needs of the kitchen is quite spacious, ergonomic. Absence of superfluous objects near the working surface is a great indicator.

Some facial features dishes such organizational model is a must. It will smooth loading and create a feeling of spaciousness small room. It is important to achieve the desired effect, creating more clutter absolutely contraindicated. Elongated kitchen due to the lack of upper kitchen cabinets will visually shorter. When natural light is small, the refusal of the wall cabinets, combined with the finish of the walls in light colors and give light, hide the gloom. Some interior styles against unnecessary details, so no set upper modules perfectly suitable.

Pros and cons of the refusal of the upper cabinets
The decision to execute the interior of the kitchen without upper cabinets, like any other fundamental choice has its positive, negative moments.
- Improved room lighting. It turns out the real entry of more light, transforming the visual picture. Due to the normalization of lighting the cooking process, the total being in the kitchen becomes more comfortable.
- One gets the additional volume of the room. The absence of a bulky design allows expansion to produce the impression of space: the walls seemed to get a little higher, wider. There is a feeling of spaciousness.
- Improving hygienic conditions. Placed on top of the cabinets is more difficult to keep clean. There are dusty, the fat deposits. Cleaning chemicals can impair the appearance of the furniture. The top position of the cabinets are also less available to maintain order. When above are only more accessible surface, the process is considerably simplified.
- Substantial savings. When mounted design is functionally involved weakly why buy them. It is much easier to give up the extra modules, facades, inserts, accessories that take a lot of money.
- Improved security. Wall cabinets, filled with heavy objects may fall. The upper section is problematic to use with a small increase. Auxiliary use improvised means: stool, ladder are more dangerous. Banal to stand on tiptoes, pulled up bring a lot of inconvenience.
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- Limitation of the storage system. The kitchen usually has a different feature of the lack of storage space. Upper cabinets really practical. Especially noticeable in small kitchens. Due to the limited length, width, height incredibly easy to use. When this problem is urgent, and to solve it in a different way is not possible, it is better to abandon the idea, rather than face limited functionality, comfort.
- The openness of the space. For everyone to see out the tiniest flaws finishes cleaning. The kitchen will have to keep perfectly clean, otherwise stains, fingerprints remain visible. The upper modules can hide, obscure imperfections.
- Excessive clutter. usually installed shelves instead of wall cabinets. They visually somewhat easier, relieve the load space. Content shelves incredibly quickly covered with dust. When the time is also possible overload of open shelves unnecessary things.

space organization
The absence of upper cabinets can significantly reduce the functionality of kitchen space if clumsily approach to its organization.
The kitchen is small, that's a big family then there are the main difficulties. The solution - a detailed compilation of kitchen design, manufacture of furniture to order, the transfer of the storage system. Space planning should take into account every possible area. Kitchen set is required to contain a variety of tools that facilitate the storage, use utensils. This is difficult to achieve when buying a ready-made furniture. Rarely used items (large dishes, appliances) it is desirable to place elsewhere (pantry, balcony).

When a kitchen large enough, then things are much easier. The perfect solution - install a separate cupboard cabinets, pencil cases. Kitchen equipped island bar initially has additional shelves, drawers. Embodiments headset is desirable to select the angle, U-shaped.

In the kitchen of any size it is possible to use different methods to optimize the working area. Reylingovye all sorts of design will provide an additional place small items: dishes, household chemicals, spices. Thus efficiency is achieved ergonomics.
It is worth remembering that the rails are pertinent not in every style.
Another option - use of shelves. On the shelves, it is desirable to place something aesthetic: the dishes and accessories. The main thing to know the measure, excessive overload of the space an extremely negative impact.
See also:What better to do the ceiling in the kitchen

wall design
Freeing up space on the upper deck furniture, keep in mind, the focus will attract a wall. Therefore, the ideal state is only allowed: smooth, splinter-free, damage, always have a fresh, well-groomed appearance.

The main part, drawing attention included in the kitchen - a segment of the wall above the work surface, often called the apron. This element is designed to carry an aesthetic pleasure, a practical task - to protect the wall from various contaminants. That is why it is necessary to carry out the appropriate finishing materials.

Production of protective work area screen is best carried out:
- Ceramic tiles;
- Tempered glass;
- Polished metal elements;
- Artificial stone;
- Plastic.

The most affordable way to become a mosaic, decorative brickwork. Thus in addition to the necessary practical problem solved the problem of optimization of the visual picture of the working area. The decorative effect is further achieved by edging, backlit photo printing. Advantageously usual lift apron zone somewhat higher.

Freed from bulky cabinets and walls need to be issued in accordance with the overall style. It is advisable to use:
- Artistic painting;
- Photos;
- Modular pictures;
- murals;
- Basket plant.
Either option gives the opportunity to express creativity, imagination. Wall design pleasure, the result will bring many years of joy.
lighting Features
Although light in single-tier kitchen originally more desirable to consider this question in more detail. The best option for solving the issue of light becomes large window minimally darkened textiles. But this is not always enough. The long, narrow kitchen always suffers a catastrophic lack of light.

Lack upper cabinets entails automatic rejection of the built-in light. Local coverage areas provide the necessary equipment on a flexible drive, bracket, light panels, portable design. The light may be partially bright.

It should take into account the possibility of manifestation reflectance neighboring glossy surfaces to prevent eyestrain.
Desirable to illuminate the dining area separately. It is also acceptable to settle for general lighting lamps, ceiling light point. The absence of upper cabinets makes it possible to select a chandelier on your own. It is perfect larger model, hanging elements. Here are making adjustments exclusively stylistic limitations.
See also:White kitchen interior - ideas and implementation in the photo
Style cuisine without wall cabinets
The best option design of kitchen space without upper cabinets is any style that supports the minimalist trend: minimalism, hi-tech, modern, eco, modern, Japanese. Also, focusing on the area of the room, you can choose: Provence, eclectic, chalets, country.

Minimalism best appeals to single-tier model. Strictly observing the bright monochrome color scheme get fresh, incredibly light cuisine. It is imperative to limit the location of objects on the working surface. Superb fit linear, island embodiment.
Hi-Tech also unrivaled leader of such a model. Built-in appliances, storage systems designed, gloss, metallic brilliance, restrained colors, the lack of spare parts - the perfect solution.

Eco style is a good option. Natural performance materials, eye pleasing color scheme, plenty of light, natural plants give the room more air, lightness.

Erase stereotypes, to abandon the upper cabinets, carrying a kitchen design is not fundamentally new solution. Many people, trying to give freshness, lightness, trying to throw off the heaviness of the interior to do so.