Assembling the closet with his hands: the steps and tools you need

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Each apartment must be a multifunctional piece of furniture like a wardrobe. He will save space in your home and organize space. Not everyone can afford to buy it due to various circumstances. This is not a reason to abandon such thing. Handyman, will not be difficult to manufacture and assemble yourself.

Of course, it requires some knowledge. There is nothing complicated as it seems at first glance. Besides the joy and pride you will experience the work done. After all, collectors of furniture take a relatively high fee, and you can do it on their own.

Apparatus wardrobe

Once carried out the decision to buy a wardrobe, it becomes necessary to properly assemble.


  • 1 General rules of furniture assembly
  • 2 How to work with chipboard - a popular material of furniture
  • 3 What tools are needed
  • 4 Preparation before assembling
  • 5 The main assembly steps
  • 6 VIDEO: Wardrobe with their hands. How to assemble a sliding wardrobe?
  • 7 50 photo ideas how to build a wardrobe with his hands

General rules of furniture assembly

To collect the purchased furniture, you need to stick to the cabinet assembly instructions supplied by the manufacturer. There are certain rules. By following them, you collect any thing quality, and in a short time.

  • It is not necessary to remove all of the packages at once, the more confused the details from different packs. Take turns.
  • Carefully read the instructions, so that later there was no overlap and do not have to redo all over again.
  • Make sure that accessories and components in place. Otherwise not be able to fully assemble furniture. Handles should be suitable in color. It is necessary that the guides for drawers had a mild stroke.
  • Collect the order of one section. You should start from the bottom, gradually moving to the sidewalls.
  • Open the package lay out the details, prepare the tools.
  • Mirrors and windows installed in the final stage. So you can avoid injury.
cabinet compartment with their hands calculation

To assemble you need a screwdriver, screwdriver, hex wrench, tape measure.

If you are engaged in manufacturing, it is going to be much easier.

step by step instructions how to assemble sliding wardrobe

It is very important to follow the assembly sequence, otherwise you'll have to disassemble and reassemble the cabinet in the desired sequence.

How to work with chipboard - a popular material of furniture

Currently, the production of furniture is mainly used chipboard. It is a fundamental principle. It represents woodchips large dispersion. By hot pressing it is shaped into a sheet. When manufacturing boards using formaldehyde resins, they are optional components. The difference from the simple chipboard in a coating film is made of paper and melamine resin. On environmental indicators better use of class E1 materials. Slabs of chipboard have a good seal, so that furniture made of them, strong and has a long service life.

Kreplenie rel's

Fastening the rail on the cabinet door

If you think that this material has the same composition, you are mistaken. To cover their share in veneered, laminated and rough. In composition, the quality can be divided into three classes: the first - using first-class chips (usually a tree of the same breed). Surface perfect, no cleavage. Decorate the plate, laminated film or veneer. Class II - it is already possible to see small imperfections. Veneering as can be, and is not present. Third - there are already noticeable defects. These boards are not covered by anything.

Calculation of doors on cabinets coupe with their hands

While the cabinet is not fully assembled, make sure that the details are not attached to bent as attachment can be broken out.

Moreover, moisture-proof and fire-resistant chipboard (withstand high temperatures). Basically one enclosure furniture manufactured, but also used in the manufacture of partitions or used as interior trim. It is worth mentioning that due to its composition of chipboard great hold nails and screws.

sliding wardrobe with his hands drawings

In order to stiffen the closet, it is necessary to fix the rear wall.

Wardrobe with his hands

Basic "steps" collection "compartment" type cabinets with their hands as instructed.

Furniture of these plates has many advantages compared to other materials.

  • Acceptable price levels.
  • The lack of complexity in manufacturing.
  • Q-factor.
  • A considerable period of use.
  • A variety of colors and decoration. This will help to choose the perfect furniture in the living room, kitchen or in the nursery.
  • It harmonizes perfectly with other materials.

Such furniture looks great in any interior.

Another important feature of chipboard - these plates have heat and sound insulation. Therefore, they can sheathe the walls of the room.


Make sure the holes for fastening the shelf and rod for hangers comply with holes opposite the rack.

Furniture the hands

Also, if you started redevelopment of apartment / house, knowing how to build a wardrobe alone will help you to quickly and easily solve the problem of the movement of furniture.

What tools are needed

A significant investment in the acquisition of the tool is not required. To assemble the kitchen, closet, or hallway, you need to have a common set of tools: a screwdriver, hex wrench under the SCREW, a screwdriver, a variety of drills, the bat under the SCREW, awl, pencil, tape measure, square, fine sandpaper, an electric drill, a knife stationery, iron, knife-jamb, a rubber mallet, to lock details.

On the built-in cabinets

A distance between opposite corners must be equal.

Installation Instructions wardrobe

Collect wardrobe with his hands and is easy enough to do it and everyone can, just follow the instructions.

Suggest what tool is needed for the assembly of furniture, it is unrealistic. Watching that for the project - difficult or not.

Assembling the cabinet door coupe with their hands

Now you need to install the cabinet door coupe.

Accessories for wardrobes

To open the closet, you do not need to clean the chairs or push other furniture.

Preparation before assembling

First, you need to prepare the room. On this depends the final outcome of the case, how much time you spend on a job. An important point - that nothing prevented. Make sure that all the materials and tools you need at your fingertips.

Driving compartment cabinets assemble yourself

As the depth stop can be used a plastic plug 6 or 8 mounted on the drill bit.

The mechanism of sliding sashes

With the cabinet-coupe you visually divide the different zones in the room, for example, working on the recreation area.

Assembling of furniture at first glance seems simple. Many mistakes, resulting in defects appear: doors and shutters little abut at uncovering the door may creak, due to different holes occurs skewed parts, unreliable furniture He is standing on the floor. To avoid this, you must adhere to certain rules and regulations.

assembly Shema - the closet coupe body

Very popular in the interior design are built-in wardrobes of different models made of natural and artificial materials.

Sliding wardrobe in the hall

Some wardrobe models can transform a particular room: the presence of the corridor, the recesses in the wall, where you can place the cabinet.

The main assembly steps

The assembly closet performed strictly according to the scheme, vertically or horizontally. The second option is better, so it is possible to prevent warping of the parts. If the ceiling height does not allow to raise the finished cabinet, the work is best done in a vertical position.

wardrobe assembly

Collect cabinet "coupe" type you may well be able to own, if you follow the steps below.

Features built-in wardrobe assembly

In this cabinet you put in twice as much clothing is not due to the enormity of the furniture.

The first thing you need to attach to the bottom of the base and adjustable feet. They are necessary if the floor is uneven. Then proceed to the assembly of the housing. Sidewall connected to the base. To design was strong, attach intermediate rack and a shelf. It is necessary that the sidewall does not heel. After fasten the remaining parts, attach the lid. The back wall is desirable not nailed and screwed on the screws. At this stage the cupboard put in its place. Install guide for drawers, holders, shelves, bar for hangers. Check boxes should be put forward smoothly.

polochok installation in cabinet-coupe

You need to become familiar with all the details of the product (so do not be confused during assembly and I had to start all over again), to prepare the tools and the place where the assembly will be held, and installation.

Step by step assembly instructions

This work takes you a long time.

The next step is the installation of doors. First, fasten the rails, then we fix the rail on the screws. Insert the door, check that they are opened and closed softly. If necessary, correct them. The last pasted sealing brush. On holes SCREW attach a stub.

wardrobe in semi-assembled form

As a rule, closets, as well as all the furniture, going to the closet in the supine position.

Sliding wardrobe door installation

Do not skew the details of the cabinet, keep straight angles.

Summarizing, we can say that the assembly wardrobe - not such a difficult job. Your desire, skill and ability will make it easy.

installation of roller door

After everything is done, be sure to check out how to operate the door (if not creak, move freely, etc.) as firmly fixed shelves and other items.

setting lower rollers

Be careful as the cabinet body is not assembled and installed the rear wall, all fasteners can easily break down.

VIDEO: Wardrobe with their hands. How to assemble a sliding wardrobe?

50 photo ideas how to build a wardrobe with his hands

Wardrobe with his hands
Components for assembly wardrobes
assembly wardrobe with his hands
Glue brush-pile
Installation and adjustment of cabinet compartment door
to make sliding wardrobe
mounted lower roller
Sliding doors for wardrobes
Corner sliding wardrobe with his hands drawings
Aligning the doors in the closet coupe
Assembling of furniture with his hands
a built-in sliding wardrobe with his hands
wardrobe doors with their hands
wardrobe in the hallway with his hands
Tools for assembling furniture
all the necessary tools
details of the cabinet
The sequence of closet with his hands assembly
cabinet compartment assembly with his own hands
Tools for assembling cabinet compartment
body assembly
Doors for wardrobe with his hands
Assembly itself is simple
Furniture assembly
Furniture the hands cabinet
Assembling the housing compartment cupboard
The upper guide
Variety of doors sliding wardrobe
the right to assemble sliding wardrobe
Shelves in the case of a compartment with his own hands
tools for assembly wardrobe
installation steps
fitting the closet
Assembly instructions wardrobe with photos